What TV show would you like revived?

I'm guessing she would, but sadly I haven't watched Whedon's Buffy. It's on my list of things to watch though since I'm pretty sure I saw it on Netflix.
To this day, I still consider B:TVS as the best show which the old WB Network ever aired. I think the show was the main reason why the WB was able to fold and then re-emerge as a part of old UPN Network (which later folded itself).

Any Firefly fan who has never seen B:TVS should get kick out of knowing Nathan Fillon plays a villain in the show. Of course, he doesn't make his appearance until the seventh and final season. :)
To this day, I still consider B:TVS as the best show which the old WB Network ever aired. I think the show was the main reason why the WB was able to fold and then re-emerge as a part of old UPN Network (which later folded itself).

Any Firefly fan who has never seen B:TVS should get kick out of knowing Nathan Fillon plays a villain in the show. Of course, he doesn't make his appearance until the seventh and final season. :)

Can't really see Fillion as a villain so that'll be fun, ha. Closest I've seen is his character on Dr. Horrible's sing along blog... once again with Whedon.
To this day, I still consider B:TVS as the best show which the old WB Network ever aired. I think the show was the main reason why the WB was able to fold and then re-emerge as a part of old UPN Network (which later folded itself).

Any Firefly fan who has never seen B:TVS should get kick out of knowing Nathan Fillon plays a villain in the show. Of course, he doesn't make his appearance until the seventh and final season. :)
Another Whedon show I'd want back is Dollhouse, the last few episodes were really good.

Terra Nova

I had forgot about Terra Nova, it had some slow spots but it deserved more of a chance than they gave it
I'm guessing she would, but sadly I haven't watched Whedon's Buffy. It's on my list of things to watch though since I'm pretty sure I saw it on Netflix.

About four years into the Buffy original run, I had never seen a show. Was bored one day flipping through channels and landed on an episode of Buffy. I was simply blown away by it, especially the writing / dialog. I immediately started catching up on all the seasons :)
"In Living Color" with original Wayans cast and Carey
"Seinfeld" Even 9 seasons wasn't enough for me:D
"Delocated" Relatively unknown show with great dark comedy
"Martin" 5 seasons of comedy gold before he went corny/primetime.
"Thundercats" Don't know if I would still like it as an adult but would be cool for mere nostalgia, etc.
"In Living Color" with original Wayans cast and Carey
"Seinfeld" Even 9 seasons wasn't enough for me:D
"Delocated" Relatively unknown show with great dark comedy
"Martin" 5 seasons of comedy gold before he went corny/primetime.
"Thundercats" Don't know if I would still like it as an adult but would be cool for mere nostalgia, etc.
Did you ever see the remake of Thundercats from three or four years ago on Cartoon Network? They got a season in before being cancelled. The episodes were very well drawn, but the writing was basically preteen and teenager stuff.
I'm glad you reminded me of The Event. A whole PLANET pops into Earth orbit. So what does NBC do? Can the show. That still pisses me off.

Yeah. Left it hanging on.... "They'rrrrrrrrrre heeeeeeeeeerrrrre"

Presidents wife? Human or alien? Lol
Did you ever see the remake of Thundercats from three or four years ago on Cartoon Network? They got a season in before being cancelled. The episodes were very well drawn, but the writing was basically preteen and teenager stuff.
No I didn't, thanks dude. Will youtube it when have some down time just to check it out. Thanks
I thought Firefly was terrible and i love sci-fi shows.

Never understood the love that show gets.

I'll have to re-watch it and see.
I thought Firefly was terrible and i love sci-fi shows.

Never understood the love that show gets.

I'll have to re-watch it and see.

I liked it but, had a really hard time getting into it at first. That first episode was just... looked extremely low budget.

I think people who like it just get more attached to the crew. The storyline itself isn't particularly outstanding, IMO, but it's essentially just a space western and the lawless nature and scope of the show could have taken it in a lot of entertaining directions.
Breaking Bad is the only one real recent that I hated to see end but there isn't anything they could do now unless they wanted to reboot the entire show with the way it ended. So that's a no deal really.

House was always a favorite of mine so I wouldn't mind it being back but they'd have to get back to putting out a far higher quality show. The last couple of seasons just seemed really...bleh.

Now in the future I'd add Sons of Anarchy to this list as #1 because I know this fall is the final season for SOA. That's my favorite show so it's going to suck when it's over. I've got a feeling it's going to wind up ending in a way though that you couldn't ever bring it back either without a total reboot, much like with Breaking Bad.

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