What TV show would you like revived?

Agreed. I'd like to see a spinoff of Hurley & Ben's time running the island.

Yep, that would be pretty damn cool. Or even a prequel kind of summer mini-series showing some of the Egyptian stuff. There are a ton of possibilities and there are already rumors of it possibly happening according to Carlton Cuse. Just please no reboot.
A lot of shows would take away from what made them great if they were revived. I loved Chapelle show and some of the others on this list, but I really question if they could tap into what made them special in the first place. So, the only two I could think of that still have a story to tell would be Firefly and Jericho. The movie they made of from Firefly was bloody brilliant and I cannot believe they did not take it any further.
A lot of shows would take away from what made them great if they were revived. I loved Chapelle show and some of the others on this list, but I really question if they could tap into what made them special in the first place. So, the only two I could think of that still have a story to tell would be Firefly and Jericho. The movie they made of from Firefly was bloody brilliant and I cannot believe they did not take it any further.

I know Joss Whedon and the cast of Firefly has always expressed a desire to get back together. I would love to see Joss talk FOX into doing a reprise, kinda like what they are doing with "24". A one season, 10-12 episode run... that would be shiny!
Rules of Engagement which would be easy since it just got cancelled last year.
Journey Man.
Had some good potential, good cast, and died due to the writers strike.
DEFINITELY Deadwood... HBO screwed us on that one...

Also add Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23... quirky, funny humor...

I never caught it live. Just watched it all on Netflix. I think it's just harder for female lead comedies to succeed. And since it was a quirky comedy, that just made things even tougher.

Enjoyed the show, though.
Chuck - I realize it was getting stale, but why not see what our favorite "Buy More" employee is up to these days.

Dexter - the finale didn't do it for me.
Funny thing about MASH is that the series lasted longer than the Korean Conflict...
I've had to correct many in my generation (late gen x/early millenials) who falsley assume it involved the era of the Vietnam War:confused: The Korean "conflict" and the Vietnam War really weren't stressed in public education and still aren't for various reasons;).

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