I was yelling at my tv to go for the first down right after second down. Doesn’t matter what we were yelling.
And there were many more important plays than that, even if you ignore the drop by brown (which if you had to choose one play, was the most crucial one). This play was WAY down the list.
Either way, sometimes the right decision doesn’t work. But that’s not how you judge them. Was it the right call at the time? 100% no doubt in my mind. Anyone saying otherwise doesn’t understand or is only judging the result.
ok, obviously you like to take chances and that is fine, but considering how both teams were playing at that point - you do what you have to to win and with 1:13 to play and you choice is going for a pass or forcing them to use their last timeout and leaving them only 1:13 to go all the way no stopping clock, then obvious play is to run and forcing them to do just that.
now a more tempered pass would of been ok, but only make the pass if it is a sure thing, otherwise you run it yourself keeping the clock running. Not really a monday morning thing, it was a on the spot thing that I see way too many times with this team. You have a qb, who like Romo in first half of his career, who is inconsistent as he is, you cant afford to get cute. Now this is not a knock on Dak. I do not partake in the whole division thing that has overtaken this board at times, but I do believe I am realistic in my evaluations of him though. He can be great at times, but he can just be just blah and we have seen that. Will he get us to a superbowl and win it all, probably not but him with a more team effort as well as coaching, then yeah. He has the talent to do it.
For me personally, if we would of run it, we would have won. Jacksonville, even in second half, has shown nothing enough to get down the field with no TOs, so lucky for them they had one. It was a judgement call, and I guess I shouldn't have expected them to make any different one so it is what it is. One of the reasons why I gave up hanging my hat up on every season/every game. Nowadays, they win or lose, doesn't stress me out like it use to. Just need to remember that more when they play these games they should win I guess.