Just throwing out stats all the time without looking behind it is meaningless. So, Im guessing Jason Witten is garbage since he doesnt score TDs as often? TDs are subjective to so many things for a receiver that's why if you look at the top 10 year to year it looks different.
As I stated before because CJ is such a weapon in the redzone a majority of teams sell out on him that is how dangerous he is viewed and the Lions were one of the leaders in redzone rushing TDs. A large chunk of those came when a team would apply an extra man on CJ. That wont show up in CJ's individual statistics, but he had a direct correlation to TDs. CJ opens things up for the other receivers as well. I already brought up his getting tackled at the one yard line deal numerous times, but the TD amount isnt as important to me as much as the impact into leading the offense to TDs.
Perspective is needed when you are comparing the first three years, CJ has played half his career with a combination of Drew Stanton/Orlovsky/Kitna/Culpepper/Shaun Hill and during those years he was still productive. Think about that for a second, he is the definition of QB proof...