What will it take for Jerry to make changes?


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The only event that will cause somewhat of a change in the Jerry world FO is death. Sorry but, that is the only eventuality that might make a difference.


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Say we go winless for several games and the offense looks terrible. How many losses before Garrett takes over play calling ? Will Linehan get fired ? What will Jerry do ? What would you do ? Personally, Ill be disappointed if Garrett doesn't take over play-calling if we loose this week. What kind of record would it take for Garrett to loose his job ?

Where is this "Garrett play calling" nonsense coming from? The guy was already stripped of his play calling because he was terrible at it. This is old old news.

Why would ANYONE want Garrett calling plays again? Are you mad or did you just forget how bad he was at it?


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If you mean Garrett, it will likely take at least a Wade Phillips-like 1-7 start or a Cleveland Browns-ish 2-14 (or worse) finish — with no reasonable excuses that Jerry can use to rationalize keeping JG.

Until that happens, Jerry will continue to find excuses, or convenient scapegoats (paging Scott Linehan), in order to keep Garrett in place as head puppet.


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Say we go winless for several games and the offense looks terrible. How many losses before Garrett takes over play calling ? Will Linehan get fired ? What will Jerry do ? What would you do ? Personally, Ill be disappointed if Garrett doesn't take over play-calling if we loose this week. What kind of record would it take for Garrett to loose his job ?
If you’re referring to Jerry changing his ways there’s only one way. And that’s a serious threat to the revenue. A half empty stadium would defintely get his attention.

Now if you’re referring to making a change in coaching then a total collapse like we had with Wade 1-7 or a consistent losing product with Campos 3 consecutive 5-11 seasons.

And without the threat of losing revenue he’s only going to bring in another puppet. Basically were totally at Jerry’s mercy unless we’re willing to force the issue threatening the revenue.

Until then we’re indirectly providing him a seal of approval with our continued financial support. #1 in Revenue is sending Jerry a message we love the job he’s doing.


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Say we go winless for several games and the offense looks terrible. How many losses before Garrett takes over play calling ? Will Linehan get fired ? What will Jerry do ? What would you do ? Personally, Ill be disappointed if Garrett doesn't take over play-calling if we loose this week. What kind of record would it take for Garrett to loose his job ?

I think tomorrow will tell the tale. A loss and someone is headed to the unemployment office.


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Like any company his only obligation is to his shareholders. If they're happy, he's happy.

...and they're thrilled.

Money coming from angry customers spends the same as money from happy ones.


1st Round Pick
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How many losses before Garrett takes over play calling ?
Garrett already play called, they took it from him because he was terrible. Infinite losses.

Will Linehan get fired ?
Maybe, if the offense plays terrible ... maybe next year, at the end of next season.

What will Jerry do ?
Find an excuse to keep Garrett.

What would you do ?
Feel helpless.

What kind of record would it take for Garrett to loose his job ?
0-16, If we're lucky he gets fired then.

I think changes are on the horizon if the Cowboys don’t play better football.

The local ratings took a dip and the boo birds will fly at games.


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How many losses before Garrett takes over play calling ?
Garrett already play called, they took it from him because he was terrible. Infinite losses.

Will Linehan get fired ?
Maybe, if the offense plays terrible ... maybe next year, at the end of next season.

What will Jerry do ?
Find an excuse to keep Garrett.

What would you do ?
Feel helpless.

What kind of record would it take for Garrett to loose his job ?
0-16, If we're lucky he gets fired then.

Very nicely done, here are my tweaks:

How many losses before Garrett takes over play calling ? the only thing that Garrett is worse at than HC is OC; no, he gets no shot...been there, done nothing
Will Linehan get fired ? For the love of God, he should be gone already; if I am calling plays ahead of the offense from my chair, imagine what someone with a football background can do? LAMEhan MUST GO DOWN, AND HE MUST GO DOWN HARD
What would you do ? watch the team while they are on defense - that has some oomph to it - I can't NOT watch Dallas, been doing that since 1972, ain't gonna stop now
What kind of record would it take for Garrett to loose his job ? what record should it take? already there - 8 years of nothing...what would it take this year? 0-6 in the division and 7-9 or worse....what will likely happen? nothing, ginger clap will be here next year

The only thing I could see making a difference is if season-ticket sales, or advertising sales dropped significantly....but, from what a lot of people in here tell me, the packed stadium is half-filled each home game with fans of the other team - season ticket holders sell their tickets - there is no home-field advantage for this team any more...Jones cares about money and getting his mug out there - he cares very little for winning


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Until he feels it in his bank account he won’t care. And the problem is he makes so much $ outside the team at this point he is likely to never feel it


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0 and 7

If we lose tomorrow I want to lose as many games as possible. The only way we could ever get better is to burn this all down and start over. Keep Zeke, everyone else is expendable.


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Lol yea. It’s the stadiums fault. Anything but Dak
The question was what would it take for Jones to make changes. We got Parcells because he needed local support for a new stadium which meant that he couldn't have a puppet coach.

He was even caught saying as such on tape. That's what I was eluding to. I've been vocally critical of Dak FYI...


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Missing the play-offs 3 out of the last 4 seasons should be the end of the main coaching staff before the end of the season.


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I'd love to see Mike White or Cooper Rush out there. Maybe we would stop blaming the players when they look the exact same.


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What will it take for Jerry to make changes?
In order of what Jerry cares about:
1. He starts losing money.
2. He gets in trouble for something and is in danger of having to sell the team.
3. The team quits on Garrett in a public way as in 2010 with Coach Cupcake.

I really believe the only way we see real change in this organization is if there is a player revolt, and that would have to come from the more talented & respected players on the team.
Jerry's not likely to be losing money any time soon and I think he would buckle to the czar commish in a big way to avoid having to sell the team.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Jerry already made a change. Stephen controls this team. Stephen probably fires Garret and hires a no name cheap coach who will go 5-11 aka the return of Campo years.