What Would Make You Stop Cheering For The Cowboys?

Im from DFW and I root for DFW teams, so if someone was ever dumb enough to move the team out of DFW then I probably couldnt keep rooting, at least not be a diehard anyway......MAYBE if all they did was move to Austin or San Antonio and rebranded the "Texas Cowboys" or some silly stuff like that......but as has been discussed on here before, never gonna happen......
If they changed names or moved or both. Yep that would be the only time I’d stop cheering for them.
I've been a fan since I was 5 and am 51 now so it's hard to imagine anything causing me to actually stop cheering for my Cowboys. That being said, the way Jerruh and company have run this team since Jimmy left has actually made me want to jump on other teams bandwagons at times but I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it, It just doesn't feel right. It stinks because I am much less optomistic about this team than others I see on this forum,and to those I say I appreciate your enthusiasm but don't be too discouraged when Jerruh and company let you down.
If we were to hire any of the following as HC:
  • Jeff Fisher
  • Lane Kiffin
  • Josh McDaniels
  • Jim Schwartz
  • Anyone else from the Belichick tree
  • Anyone else from the Fisher tree
Only way I stop rooting for the Cowboys, is if they stop being the Cowboys (name change) or move out of Texas. I've suffered this long, why would I stop now?
If they moved.

I’m a local fan . I follow and root on the local teams.

If the Dallas Texans ( our city 1st champion)hadn’t moved to Kansas City I’d have another team to root for.
The outcomes becoming more and more scripted. When I was in 6th and 7th grade I was obsessed with wrestling but as you get older you realize that there is no way it is real.
Well thanks, thanks a hell of a lot. What's next? No Santa?
Right off hand nothing. Been a Cowboys fan for 50 years and I guess you could say that “I’m all in with the Cowboys”!
Relocation ( Hypothetical), Employ murderers? Intentionally tank? Browns type run?

I ask because well....it's May 31st and there's not much to discuss lol.
If there is something it would have to surprise me because I cant think of what would. Well except for moving and changing their nickname. I wonder how many Houston Oiler fans root for the Tennesse Titans

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