What's it like to be a Cowboys fan now compared to before?

Not necessarily. Times have changed.

But for me at least, it was just a lot easier to care about the team when the players stayed on your team for 8, 10, 12 years and all stayed together for the most part. It was like they were part of your family in a sense. It was easier to feel like you had a tangible stake in their successes and failures.
It is much harder for me to embrace individual players that much any more because the game has changed so much.

Now it is rooting for laundry, not the players. That is why I struggle with individuals who view it otherwise.

It just seems that the football heroes of today could not come close to previous generations.

Most franchises might have two or three iconic players in a generation unless there is a concerted effort to keep them around.

Otherwise, you are simply watching the names on the back of the jerseys change. That alone is funny because I can say with real certainty, there is even more access to the personality of the players now than ever before.
You know nothing about me, my life, or what I've been through.

Your first post in this thread.

I've grown to hate Cowboys fans as much as other fanbases. The ones who say we're going to win the Super Bowl every year, and the ones who say, "we have 5 rings" to other fanbases. It's cringeworthy. When I was a kid, everyone talked **** because we were winning. Now everyone talks **** because the fans are embarrassing..... And Jerry.[\Quote]

My comment to you is you seem to despise fans. Now what about your post did I get wrong?

Who you are and what you've been through has nothing to do with your first post, or me making a comment on it. You hate Cowboy fans.

My comment that you may not be doing it right was a small joke. My bad. But hating fans of the team you root for....Wow!
how has your cowboy fandom changed over the years
It's been a roller coaster full of ups and downs and twists. I think we are finally on the smooth track to the top.

It feels damn good and exciting. After so many 8-8 seasons and getting my hopes up every off-season, it's good to finally know we are building something special.

I became a fan of the Cowboys in 1996 because that was the only team I knew at that age. I can't explain to you how bad I'm ready to win the Super Bowl. This sounds crazy, but I know what Cubs fans were going through.
how has your cowboy fandom changed over the years

Im 44 years old. My dad is a huge Cowboy fan. In fact my whole family is. I live in NY so its never easy dealing with Giant fans. I live and die with this team. When they lose it ruins my day and parts of my week because I cant watch any sports shows or read the paper to be reminded of it. Obviously as you get older and grow up real life becomes a priority, but ill always bleed for this team. The post Jimmy years ( 2 decades ) have been tough real tough. Finally the organization has woken up and we are heading in the right direction.
I was thinking about this a bit more.

One constant is Thanksgiving and the Cowboys.....
Fan since 1970, been through 2 dynasty's. This i s the longest drought I've had as a fan without reaching even an NFC championship game much less Super Bowl. Losses don't hurt as much as they use to, but that seems to be changing with the new regime. I am hopeful that the younger fans, who never got to see the great years, get a chance with this group to experience the elation as a fan of winning it all, and how difficult it is to get and stay there. It makes you appreciate the Staubach's and Aikman's even more.
What's changed the most is not attending games anymore. I gave up season tickets after 4 decades with the new stadium . You lose some of the intensity of Game Day but my enthusiasm had been slipping anyway since the late 90's with how our franchise had been operated.

Jerrys ways have taken quite a bit of air out of it for me as well. These last couple decades remind me of why I lost enthusiasm for my Alma Mater for about 30 years with their futility and lack of emphasis on doing everything within their power to field a winning program.

I have regained some hope with Garrett but still concerned the weight of Jerry is still too much to overcome.

And that might be the biggest difference . I just don't expect us to reach the pinnacle of the NFL any longer. Not on the field . We're #1 in revenue but our popularity is of no interest to me without the success on the field which used to go hand in hand.

But I'm a Diehard regardless . Haven't missed a game in 54 years. I'm just not as emotionally attached. My wife even unbelievably has to nudge me at times to keep me from dozing off during some games.

I've attended 3 games in the new stadium . The first 2 were awful as opposing fans have taken over but the Lion playoff game 2 years ago was a reminder of years past with the intensity and energy which comes in attending big games which is what I miss the most.
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Been diehard all my life win or lose. Right now, I am as optimistic as I have ever been going into this season.
I'm more calm now after a loss. My now exwife would root for the Cowboys to win so she could have a good week, and she didn't even like football.

I used to be mad the whole week when we lost, while I'm still passionate, it doesn't effect me like that anymore. Heck we had been losing for so long for a while there that you would almost get used to it.
I've grown to hate Cowboys fans as much as other fanbases. The ones who say we're going to win the Super Bowl every year, and the ones who say, "we have 5 rings" to other fanbases. It's cringeworthy. When I was a kid, everyone talked **** because we were winning. Now everyone talks **** because the fans are embarrassing..... And Jerry.
So true. Those five rings are ancient relics. It's karma though. Every time a fan throws those five rings in others' faces, Jerry threw "How you like them three Super Bowls" back in ours.

Ugh, felt sick typing it.
They thought they were bandwagon fans back in the day.

They still think we're bandwagon fans.

Truthfully you can't blame people. Cowboys probably have one of the biggest fake fans out there. But hey keep it coming, I'll take those nationally televised games.

Maybe fake is harsh.. just fans that don't watch the games or know anything current..but They'll wear a hat and jersey and talk smack. :)
Your first post in this thread.
I don't care what my first post is... You think you know me based on the stuff I post on a message board? GTF.O with that ****. Utilize the IGNORE function if what I post bothers you so much.
I've grown to hate Cowboys fans as much as other fanbases. The ones who say we're going to win the Super Bowl every year, and the ones who say, "we have 5 rings" to other fanbases. It's cringeworthy. When I was a kid, everyone talked **** because we were winning. Now everyone talks **** because the fans are embarrassing..... And Jerry.
Don't sweat it most hate your whiney ***, too.
Don't sweat it most hate your whiney ***, too.
Wow. The Butthurt is real with this one. Why did you take that so personally? It's just the Internet, buddy, and I promise message boards aren't that serious. Casmith07 basically said the same thing, so make sure you also tell him how badly your feelings got hurt.

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