What's it like to be a Cowboys fan now compared to before?

Now it is rooting for laundry, not the players.
Yeah no doubt. Its amazing the popularity of the league in spite of what I perceive of as a watered down product due several reasons. In no particular order: salary cap, generally poor QB and OL play, and defense being legislated out of the game.
Being a cowboys fan in the early to mid90s feels about the same as being a current patriots fan. We are expected to beat everyone we played, and beat them badly.

It was glorious.
This. However I'm much more skeptical about the organization as a whole. We are making better decisions as of late however all their credibility which was lost the day Jimmy walked off to Miami, is still not there (yet). Someday I hope to have that (credibility) restored.
Losing is part of being a fan as much as winning. Sometimes I hate being a DC fan because I think it used to take years off my life. There's something about this team with the star on their helmets when they line up on the ball that is just so damn exciting.
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Fan since '71, 70's-mid90's golden era. The last two decades, see playoff record. I'm past ready for another golden era before I kick the bucket. I truly believe we are on the cusp now. That said, I imagine my fanaticism for the Cowboys will always remain as it always was no matter what.
Go Cowboys!!!
My favorite era is the 70's Roger, White, Doomsday Landry etc. but really enjoy the 90's too.
I hope these Cowboys can bring us back to glory days. Will McClay and the front office giving him liberty, gives me hope again. I really hope in the time of cowboyszone and new media gizmos we can return to prominence. I'm getting and old want to exsperince it again. Too bad Romo not here, but love Dak and hope he's the one.
Being a fan since the early 70s the biggest difference today is information. Back then it was watch the game on Sunday or Monday night, get mad or happy and that was it until next weekend. Now a days, it's Cowboys info 24/7 365. There is never a lull in the action.
The last 20 years was a tough grind for any Cowboys fan, especially this one, folks!

Now, at long last, I'm finally starting to believe it might've been worth waiting for. :)
Being a fan since the early 70s the biggest difference today is information. Back then it was watch the game on Sunday or Monday night, get mad or happy and that was it until next weekend. Now a days, it's Cowboys info 24/7 365. There is never a lull in the action.
We had to catch Howard Cosell on Monday night football halftime highlights
Just for a fix,,, and the sports section weekly n.f.l. standings were read/ reread and studied until you finally just cut it out and thumb tacked it to your bedroom wall ,,, that 6' 5" Calvin Hill?,, wish I still had his rookie bubble gum card I scored that one time. I can still remember the smell of unwrapping those gems/ grab- bags
My favorite part of being a Cowboy fan, just like I did with my dad my son and daughter watch the games with me every Sunday wearing their jerseys. There is nothing better than that. Very proud Pop. My boy is 12 and my girl is 9. Sunday is my favorite day of the week.
I was born and raised in NYC. I have seen many many many games at the Meadowlands over the years, but I went to Dallas once to see them play. It was the late 90's I think a year or two after their last SB win. It was a Monday game against the Giants. The day before we took a tour of the stadium and It took all I had to keep a grown man from shedding a tear ha. All the memories of watching all those Cowboys teams in the 70's and early 80's with my Dad. It was a great great experience. I miss Texas stadium. I know we needed a new stadium but this new building as amazing as it has no character. No history. Of course the average true blood fan gets price out just like in all new buildings these days. That's a shame but it's reality. I looked into to taking my family. My boy wants to go so bad but the tickets to take your family is insane. I will take him next year. I promised my son I would. Im lookong forward to it but it's a small fortune. Lol
It is much harder for me to embrace individual players that much any more because the game has changed so much.

Now it is rooting for laundry, not the players. That is why I struggle with individuals who view it otherwise.

It just seems that the football heroes of today could not come close to previous generations.

Most franchises might have two or three iconic players in a generation unless there is a concerted effort to keep them around.

Otherwise, you are simply watching the names on the back of the jerseys change. That alone is funny because I can say with real certainty, there is even more access to the personality of the players now than ever before.

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