What's the one thing that sets you off? Your #1 pet peeve

18 wheelers that get in the passing lane going ten MPH under the speed limit but 1/10th of a MPH faster than 6 other semis he wants to pass...20 miles later you can finally get by him.
There is a law in the Dallas area thay trucks are supposed to stay out of the passing lane. Most of them appear to ignore it.
There is a law in the Dallas area thay trucks are supposed to stay out of the passing lane. Most of them appear to ignore it.

I live in Missouri and drive I44 everyday. The number of big rigs on that interstate is unbelievable and they drive like they own the road. There is a saying in the Navy regarding ships and right of way: "the law of gross tonnage always prevails". I guess that applies to 18 wheelers, too.:)
Why did you go off and mention road emergencies? :)

In my opinion, people have gotten really callous about yielding the road for emergency vehicles. Almost two years ago, I tried driving my brother, who experiences seizures, to the hospital. I had my headlights on and flashers going. The trip was about 20 miles. No one... and I do mean no one... yielded the right-of-way. I drove on the shoulder, whipped back-and-forth between lanes. Heck, a car or two even slowed down in front of me when there wasn't a vehicle in front of them. I never cursed so much in my life that day. I do not know why it surprised me. I have seen drivers stay in the road in front of ambulances with their lights on. I hope it's just a generational thing and not something permanent.
I get out of the lane that the emergency vehicle is in but once I'm in the other lane I don't see the point of stopping which many people do.
Does it really matter whether a driver comprehends they are creating a hazard? Every person who receives a driver's license does so with some instruction concerning the rules and laws of driving. There's no driver's ed out there teaching teenagers, who are trying to get their learner's permit, to drive like they are in a bumper car rink. The rules say the left lane is for passing. The highway signs say the left lane is for passing. What? Some drivers suddenly develop selective amnesia and selective vision? Nope, people know exactly what they are doing.
I don't know if adults that move here from another country go to drivesr ed, but they seem to be the top offenders.

I rarely ever see a passing lane sign around here anymore. They used to have them on the smaller state highways, but on the big highways I don't see them.
I live in Missouri and drive I44 everyday. The number of big rigs on that interstate is unbelievable and they drive like they own the road. There is a saying in the Navy regarding ships and right of way: "the law of gross tonnage always prevails". I guess that applies to 18 wheelers, too.:)
I drive a big 4dr, 4wd diesel and you would be surprised how many people pull out in front of me in their tiny little cars. If I hit them they're done but they don't seem to have any concept that they could be in danger.

I don't take chances with the big rigs because I know I would lose that battle.
When a lane is ending and people fly past everyone else to jump over at the last minute, causing everyone who actually moved when they were supposed to to have to slow down or stop. I take a long way to work every morning just to avoid this. It would still be faster if I went the other way, but my blood pressure gets too high.

Football: 3rd down pass plays short/well short of the 1st down marker. Also that it seems like our secondary are never in position to make plays on the ball, but I'm willing to put some/most of that blame on the defensive line.
When a lane is ending and people fly past everyone else to jump over at the last minute, causing everyone who actually moved when they were supposed to to have to slow down or stop. I take a long way to work every morning just to avoid this. It would still be faster if I went the other way, but my blood pressure gets too high.

Football: 3rd down pass plays short/well short of the 1st down marker. Also that it seems like our secondary are never in position to make plays on the ball, but I'm willing to put some/most of that blame on the defensive line.

When you're in rush hour traffic and you make a lane change, only to have the guy behind you come charging up on your rear bumper and flashing his lights, like your simple lane change somehow personally offended him. Dude, I need to get over so I can make a left-hand turn, the streets are packed, why would you get offended that I simply switched lanes when the opportunity presented itself? On that note, I've never been so bullied, by men and women alike, on the road as I have after I bought my Mini Cooper. People look at it and think it can be pushed around. Say no to bullying. Mini Coopers have feelings too, you know.
Most of us have followed professional football for while now. So, there is a large body of work to pick from.

What's the one thing that sets you off?.

Example; Lets take driving for example. I'm not perfect and neither is anyone else. We are human and make mistakes. I'm older so, i forgive for the most part...except for one.

You just can't pass me and then make me slow down suddenly so you can turn off...(that's the worst for me)

So, in our sport...if you cover it all from start to finish....what is your..."you just can't?"

1. You just can't.....call PI a spot foul any longer. it gives teams new life. that's mine.

On a football related note, not useing rollouts or screen plays against the Deadskins this year and almost getting our QB killed !!!
Even shorter routes would have been nice ...:facepalm:
The fact that a cowboys hater can pick the cowboys to win, but then say "they will choke"
Getting a drivers license is way too easy. They should make it a really difficult test to keep idiots off the road.

For sure! Half the drivers on the road would be gone if they had to pass an actual test on driving. Just because a person can steer and push on the gas doesnt mean they can drive, but they can get a license.
I would take that over what the Cowboys were doing against Philly. Third and three and all of the routes are 10 yards or longer.

I know announcers like to go on and on about a receiver catching a ball short of the 3rd down marker, but having a short route or more than one with multiple receiver sets give the QB an option instead of just throwing it away or taking a sack if the longer routes are covered or if the pass rush doesn't allow time for the longer routes. There is always a possibility that the receiver gains yards after the catch but a sack has zero chance of YAC.

I get what you're saying, but it seemed to be a staple in Chan Gailey's offense. At some point you need to do something different.

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