When was the last time you truly felt like we had a chance to win a Super Bowl


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Mine was in 06 because it was the last time we had a HC who could lead a team. That team was no where near perfect but if not for a fluke play we probably get to the SB. Now we have had some good runs since but under Garrett I never felt like he could coach anywhere on par with other coaches and sadly I feel the same way with MM.
I think we got a real chance this year except for Jerry. He can ruin a good thing in a heartbeat.


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No Cowboys QB has ever won a playoff game when the opponent scored 30 or more. Dallas has lost every time.

It didn't matter if it was Romo or Dak when Rodgers was joyriding down the field against the defense all day.

With a Bum leg in one game..it was disgusting to watch......


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2007... 13-3, #1 seed, bye in the first week of the playoffs.
2016... same deal
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Mine was in 06 because it was the last time we had a HC who could lead a team. That team was no where near perfect but if not for a fluke play we probably get to the SB. Now we have had some good runs since but under Garrett I never felt like he could coach anywhere on par with other coaches and sadly I feel the same way with MM.

I'll be honest, in 2006 I didn't think we had any chance of even reaching the SB. That's why the Romo fumble didn't bother me too much. Dallas just wasn't that good. Even if he doesn't fumble I firmly believe Dallas still loses that game.

I thought we were going to the SB in 2007. I had little confidence we could beat the Patriots. In 2014 and 2016 I thought we were legit contenders. Anything less than at least a championship appearance would be a big disappointment.


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1996. I thought we had a chance when we killed the Vikes in the Wildcard game. 2007, until we struggled with the Commanders and Lions and lost to the Eagles.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Mine was in 06 because it was the last time we had a HC who could lead a team. That team was no where near perfect but if not for a fluke play we probably get to the SB. Now we have had some good runs since but under Garrett I never felt like he could coach anywhere on par with other coaches and sadly I feel the same way with MM.
Prescot rookie season


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
2014 and 2016.

2014 because of that offensive line, Murray breaking the single season Cowboys rushing record, and Romo just seemed to be in a zone that year.

2016 just seemed special. Everything we did was just working. It was like we couldn't do anything wrong. The O-line was still good, Zeke was 2014 Murray all over again but better overall, and Dak wasn't trying to do too much, but when we needed him to make a play he usually did. Everyone knew their roles and played them to perfect.

Aaron Rodgers though.... Ughh… Keep the bad man away, please.
That’s what Byron Jones said.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Lemme see if I might recall when that was . . . h-m-m, if my memory was that good, life would be a helluva lot easier than it is now!! :omg:

I do faintly recall times when I knew we were going to win and it was just a matter of time before it happened. Those were the days, alright.

Between Jerry's tendency to overspend and son Stephen's inclination to not spend at all, things really remained a muddled up mess, huh?
I always said Sherry doesn’t mind spending the money. In my opinion he just doesn’t know who to spend it on


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Right now. It all depends on injuries and how well the defense can improve. If the team can stay healthy and the defense jells then they can certainly compete for a Super Bowl.
I think special-teams is actually more important than the defects. Based on where we have our starting drives. In a slide around 20 yard line


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan

Yeah, because QB lost that game to the Packers (300 yards, 3 TDs, 31 points). It couldn't have been the defense that gave up 4 TD drives of 75 yards or longer, then couldn't hold GB for 30 seconds to force OT. Nah, had to be that rookie QB.
People don’t like the fax. And the fact is exactly the way you put it. If only Byron Jones gotten a little deeper


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The year after Parcells quit if he coached the team...Jerry pushed him out the door and we ended up with a good team and not a very good head coach. If Parcells was the coach...I think we have another SB. I maintain we will never win with Jerry...he's incompetent at being GM. Who do you think has had more fun in the last 20 years...Kraft or Jones... I think Kraft and if that doesn't motivate the Jones then I think the only way we win an SB is if there is a 100 billion dollar prize attached. Money is not everything, the Jones have enough money...Kraft knows this and he chooses to be a winner...


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It’s not a given win the NFCCG had we beat the Giants. For sure we would’ve been smoked by the Patriots. The Cowboys just didn’t have a defense on par with the Giants in the playoffs.

Crayton has been vilified for that play, and rightfully so, as well as for the next to last play. But Dallas lost that game because NY brought extra pressure and Dallas and Romo never made them pay.
Crayons worse play was when he stopped his route to the corner of the end zone at the end of the game. Woulda been a game winning TD


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2007 - We had a good defense and a rolling offense. Romo was balling, had a good connection with TO, Witten was in his prime, and we had a good defense anchored with DeMarcus Ware. My buddy worked for Coors distrubtion at the time and gave me this huge Coors Light Cowboys schedule poster. Each week I had a gold marker and I would write a W next to each matchup as the season progressed. I wrote a lot of Ws that season, and with each one I wrote down, my hype grew. I felt like we had a chance. Stoopid Mexico trip.

2009 - Again, I felt like we had a good defense and offense combo. We were rolling along pretty good that season. Playoffs came and we rolled the Eagles. Team looked like it was having fun out there and I didn't think old man Favre was going to be an issue for us in the next round. Yup, about that......

2014 - Things just seemed to be clicking. Our run game was dominating. Romo was playing incredible ball. We seemed to be getting some monkeys off our back beating teams we otherwise have struggled with (i.e. beating Seattle in Seattle). The defense, while not dominating or great, seemed to just be doing enough to keep us in games. We got another playoff win against a good Lions team. Things seemed great......until.......Rodgers.

Honorable Mention:

2016 - While I don't want to say I felt super great about a rookie taking us to the Super Bowl, one has to admit it was an intriguing year. We had some very impressive wins, some fantastic looking rookies, and we were rolling along through the season looking pretty stout. Making the playoffs with a first round bye was a plus, and, we can't possibly have another let down game against Rodgers.........right..........RIGHT? Wrong. :(

I was a little wary of the 2014 team after Chip Kelly and Mark Sanchez absolutely murdered you guys in Jerry World late when the division was still on the line. Playoff teams usually have 1-2 clunkers, but a SB team should have been able to compete a bit more than that.

Now that wasn’t indicative of how you lost in the playoffs, but we couldn’t have done that to the 2007 team. Of your 22 starters that year, 12 made the pro bowl (along with the kicker). You were stacked on both sides. Romo could have a bad game and you would roll good teams anyway. I am still shocked at how mediocre you guys were against the giants after scoring a combined 76 points against them in your 2 regular season wins. You scored one field goal the entire second half… just crazy


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Two times when Garrett was the HC where they had a legitimate shot. But honestly, with Garrett as the HC, it was very predictable that on the highest stage against the top competition and top coaching he would eventually make a big mistake or get out coached. Which is EXACTLY what happened both times.
Exactly why I chose parcells team


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Crayons worse play was when he stopped his route to the corner of the end zone at the end of the game. Woulda been a game winning TD
Yep. I can’t for the life of me figure why he did that. That play was on my end of the stadium right in front of me and I thought it was a TD all the way. The only conceivable explanation is he heard what he thought was a whistle and thought the play was over.


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2014 we had a chance and blew it (thank you garrett)......2016, if we had Romo start the last few weeks, I would have felt more confident, when we rolled with Dak, I didn't think we could. no rookie can go through the playoff gauntlet. there is a reason no rookie has ever made it to the superbowl as a starter. I thought 2007 we could have a chance too, but ran into the Giants buzz saw as did others in the playoffs.


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2014 was our best chance since the triplets IMO. And if not for a RB fumble, and a catch/no catch, we likely would have gone to the SB. 2016 would have been another year but when they named Prescott the starter, that dashed any realistic hope for me. Nothing against Prescott, he was playing great but no rookie had ever done it before and I just think he would be the one to break that trend.