When will JJ get his fill?


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One of the most frustrating parts of being a Cowboys fan the last decade plus, is watching our favorite team get owned in the playoffs by teams not more talented, but certainly teams that are better coached.

We saw signs this year of Jerry’s frustration watching Garrett’s overly cautious coaching style. Like in the Houston game. Or the first skins game. Garrett is a “manage by caution” type of coach instead of a leader who takes risks to win.

When will Jerry realize that his HC is a cautious manager not a bold leader? When will JJ realize a leopard can’t change its spots? Garrett isn’t going to suddenly morph into Sean McVey or Sean Payton. There comes a time when you realize he is who he is.

We have nearly a decade of watching how Garrett manages a team. It’s a process and a process that ends with a divisional round loss, and that’s just when we actually make the playoffs. How much more evidence is needed?

Will it take a quarter century without even making a conference championship before Jerry says “I’m tired of this”? How much playoff failure is enough? What’s the magic breaking point? Or is Jerry just satisfied with a Forbes trophy every year as long as fans show up and buy jerseys?


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One of the most frustrating parts of being a Cowboys fan the last decade plus, is watching our favorite team get owned in the playoffs by teams not more talented, but certainly teams that are better coached.

We saw signs this year of Jerry’s frustration watching Garrett’s overly cautious coaching style. Like in the Houston game. Or the first skins game. Garrett is a “manage by caution” type of coach instead of a leader who takes risks to win.

When will Jerry realize that his HC is a cautious manager not a bold leader? When will JJ realize a leopard can’t change its spots? Garrett isn’t going to suddenly morph into Sean McVey or Sean Payton. There comes a time when you realize he is who he is.

We have nearly a decade of watching how Garrett manages a team. It’s a process and a process that ends with a divisional round loss, and that’s just when we actually make the playoffs. How much more evidence is needed?

Will it take a quarter century without even making a conference championship before Jerry says “I’m tired of this”? How much playoff failure is enough? What’s the magic breaking point? Or is Jerry just satisfied with a Forbes trophy every year as long as fans show up and buy jerseys?

He’s satisfied with the money it’s about about as obvious it can get. Throw in a couple super stars and some drama and he’s happy as can be. Don’t let the crypt keepers ummm Uhh certainly wanna win act fool you.


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One of the most frustrating parts of being a Cowboys fan the last decade plus, is watching our favorite team get owned in the playoffs by teams not more talented, but certainly teams that are better coached.

We saw signs this year of Jerry’s frustration watching Garrett’s overly cautious coaching style. Like in the Houston game. Or the first skins game. Garrett is a “manage by caution” type of coach instead of a leader who takes risks to win.

When will Jerry realize that his HC is a cautious manager not a bold leader? When will JJ realize a leopard can’t change its spots? Garrett isn’t going to suddenly morph into Sean McVey or Sean Payton. There comes a time when you realize he is who he is.

We have nearly a decade of watching how Garrett manages a team. It’s a process and a process that ends with a divisional round loss, and that’s just when we actually make the playoffs. How much more evidence is needed?

Will it take a quarter century without even making a conference championship before Jerry says “I’m tired of this”? How much playoff failure is enough? What’s the magic breaking point? Or is Jerry just satisfied with a Forbes trophy every year as long as fans show up and buy jerseys?

The same question can be asked of the fans. Why would you expect Jerry to change his "spots"? He is what he is.


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He’s satisfied with the money it’s about about as obvious it can get. Throw in a couple super stars and some drama and he’s happy as can be. Don’t let the crypt keepers ummm Uhh certainly wanna win act fool you.
You are right unfortunately.


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When players like Cooper refuse to negotiate an extension at any price because they don't want to waste their career playing for Garrett.


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One of the most frustrating parts of being a Cowboys fan the last decade plus, is watching our favorite team get owned in the playoffs by teams not more talented, but certainly teams that are better coached.

We saw signs this year of Jerry’s frustration watching Garrett’s overly cautious coaching style. Like in the Houston game. Or the first skins game. Garrett is a “manage by caution” type of coach instead of a leader who takes risks to win.

When will Jerry realize that his HC is a cautious manager not a bold leader? When will JJ realize a leopard can’t change its spots? Garrett isn’t going to suddenly morph into Sean McVey or Sean Payton. There comes a time when you realize he is who he is.

We have nearly a decade of watching how Garrett manages a team. It’s a process and a process that ends with a divisional round loss, and that’s just when we actually make the playoffs. How much more evidence is needed?

Will it take a quarter century without even making a conference championship before Jerry says “I’m tired of this”? How much playoff failure is enough? What’s the magic breaking point? Or is Jerry just satisfied with a Forbes trophy every year as long as fans show up and buy jerseys?

When people stop believing he wants to win first!


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To quote Vince McMahon during Attitude era WWF, Garrett "doesn't have the grapefruits" to succeed in this league. His coaching style and his 'message' come across as very vanilla and even phony at times. Did anyone watch McVay on the sidelines when they trounced us a few weeks ago? He was watching intently, focusing on his game plan, and pacing the sidelines. JG was grinning ear to ear as the clock struck 0:00 and clapped his way into the locker room for yet another early playoff exit. Like you said, Garrett is who he is.

I think Jerry is as dissatisfied with these results year after year as we are. But - based on a few of his cryptic comments that he's made since the season ended, I think he is weighing his options more so than he had done previously.

Time will tell.


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One of the most frustrating parts of being a Cowboys fan the last decade plus, is watching our favorite team get owned in the playoffs by teams not more talented, but certainly teams that are better coached.

We saw signs this year of Jerry’s frustration watching Garrett’s overly cautious coaching style. Like in the Houston game. Or the first skins game. Garrett is a “manage by caution” type of coach instead of a leader who takes risks to win.

When will Jerry realize that his HC is a cautious manager not a bold leader? When will JJ realize a leopard can’t change its spots? Garrett isn’t going to suddenly morph into Sean McVey or Sean Payton. There comes a time when you realize he is who he is.

We have nearly a decade of watching how Garrett manages a team. It’s a process and a process that ends with a divisional round loss, and that’s just when we actually make the playoffs. How much more evidence is needed?

Will it take a quarter century without even making a conference championship before Jerry says “I’m tired of this”? How much playoff failure is enough? What’s the magic breaking point? Or is Jerry just satisfied with a Forbes trophy every year as long as fans show up and buy jerseys?
When will Jerry realise that Garrett or any other HC need a proper GM?
Once(if ever) that happens we might see real progress.


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Only when Jerry finally realizes that swapping-out position coaches and the occasional coordinator isn’t enough. Of course, he might consider looking at the GM a little more critically.

My take: Moore gets named OC, principally to call plays while acclimating himself to major control of the offense and then, if we haven’t reached the SB in a few seasons, KM will likely succeed Garrett as HC. JG will then be given a yet-unnamed FO job.

Jason Garrett will never be fired as long as Jerry Jones draws breath.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Only when Jerry finally realizes that swapping-out position coaches and the occasional coordinator isn’t enough. Of course, he might consider looking at the GM a little more critically.

My take: Moore gets named OC, principally to call plays while acclimating himself to major control of the offense and then, if we haven’t reached the SB in a few seasons, KM will likely succeed Garrett as HC. JG will then be given a yet-unnamed FO job.

Jason Garrett will never be fired as long as Jerry Jones draws breath.
Sadly I think you're right. There will be more excuses next year why the team falls short.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Only when Jerry finally realizes that swapping-out position coaches and the occasional coordinator isn’t enough. Of course, he might consider looking at the GM a little more critically.

My take: Moore gets named OC, principally to call plays while acclimating himself to major control of the offense and then, if we haven’t reached the SB in a few seasons, KM will likely succeed Garrett as HC. JG will then be given a yet-unnamed FO job.

Jason Garrett will never be fired as long as Jerry Jones draws breath.
I’m trying to remember the last time a second year NFL Coach was handed an OC position.


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The only way Garrett gets fired is if he coaches in his underwear and completely embarrassing us


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He’s satisfied with the money it’s about about as obvious it can get. Throw in a couple super stars and some drama and he’s happy as can be. Don’t let the crypt keepers ummm Uhh certainly wanna win act fool you.

I agree with this. For Jerry it is about the money and having his family run a business together. Winning football is secondary. A strong head football coach will bring too many opinions to the table. Jerry likes his group think. This will never change as long as he is alive.


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One of the most frustrating parts of being a Cowboys fan the last decade plus, is watching our favorite team get owned in the playoffs by teams not more talented, but certainly teams that are better coached.

We saw signs this year of Jerry’s frustration watching Garrett’s overly cautious coaching style. Like in the Houston game. Or the first skins game. Garrett is a “manage by caution” type of coach instead of a leader who takes risks to win.

When will Jerry realize that his HC is a cautious manager not a bold leader? When will JJ realize a leopard can’t change its spots? Garrett isn’t going to suddenly morph into Sean McVey or Sean Payton. There comes a time when you realize he is who he is.

We have nearly a decade of watching how Garrett manages a team. It’s a process and a process that ends with a divisional round loss, and that’s just when we actually make the playoffs. How much more evidence is needed?

Will it take a quarter century without even making a conference championship before Jerry says “I’m tired of this”? How much playoff failure is enough? What’s the magic breaking point? Or is Jerry just satisfied with a Forbes trophy every year as long as fans show up and buy jerseys?

Well Bob, so far, any talks of extending the clapping game manager have subsided....we at least have THAT much hope he goes on to manage say a taco bell, or a popeyes chicken.


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Fill of what? The spotlight? Money? Attention? Or most of all, comfort? He likes the set up just the way it is and has his HC knowing exactly what his job is. Did you see how quickly Garrett crawfished out of that Linehan statement on the radio interview?

Life is good, why would he get his fill of anything? If he removes Garrett, first he's admitting failure to train a HC and if he brings in a "name", runs the risk of admitting he couldn't do it, had to have help.

You can bet he gets exactly what he needs at every owners' meeting with the #1 revenue and valued team in the league. That's how he keeps score.


Well-Known Member
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One of the most frustrating parts of being a Cowboys fan the last decade plus, is watching our favorite team get owned in the playoffs by teams not more talented, but certainly teams that are better coached.

We saw signs this year of Jerry’s frustration watching Garrett’s overly cautious coaching style. Like in the Houston game. Or the first skins game. Garrett is a “manage by caution” type of coach instead of a leader who takes risks to win.

When will Jerry realize that his HC is a cautious manager not a bold leader? When will JJ realize a leopard can’t change its spots? Garrett isn’t going to suddenly morph into Sean McVey or Sean Payton. There comes a time when you realize he is who he is.

We have nearly a decade of watching how Garrett manages a team. It’s a process and a process that ends with a divisional round loss, and that’s just when we actually make the playoffs. How much more evidence is needed?

Will it take a quarter century without even making a conference championship before Jerry says “I’m tired of this”? How much playoff failure is enough? What’s the magic breaking point? Or is Jerry just satisfied with a Forbes trophy every year as long as fans show up and buy jerseys?

Jerry feels he never got the credit he deserved for winning 3 Super Bowls. He is on a mission to prove he can win a Super Bowl without the aid of Jimmy Johnson. Even when he won it in '96 with Switzer, people still said it was because Jimmy Johnson's draft picks were still on the team from the Walker trade, which Jimmy orchestrated.

Jerry invested in his coach and now he wants nothing more in the world than to win the Super Bowl with him. That being said, he's not going to go down in flames with Garrett at the helm. He can be stubborn, but I think Jerry listens to the fans when the grumbles outweigh the cheers. Missing playoffs or under-performing early in them next season could very well be Garrett's last game for the Cowboys.