When will JJ get his fill?


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JG not signed to a multi-year deal speeks volumes to me .

I still think he can get an extension, soon. Probably after the superbowl is when we hear of it and hiring Moore as the OC.

Didn't Jerry make that comment about Garrett having more than 5 HC offers if he left here, post Rams loss?

Jason 82 Witten

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He’s satisfied with the money it’s about about as obvious it can get. Throw in a couple super stars and some drama and he’s happy as can be. Don’t let the crypt keepers ummm Uhh certainly wanna win act fool you.
He’s still making money, his team gets media coverage no matter how good or bad they are, he stays in the spotlight, what else matters? Any owner with a high profile team like the Cowboys that has only 3-4 playoff wins since 1996 obviously doesn’t really care
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Honestly I'm not sure but I think how he handles a team that's not that far off in the near future will be telling... I am hoping he has already reached that point where enough is enough. That means taking a look at everyone, including himself.


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I still think he can get an extension, soon. Probably after the superbowl is when we hear of it and hiring Moore as the OC.

Didn't Jerry make that comment about Garrett having more than 5 HC offers if he left here, post Rams loss?
Jerry says a lot of things brother...lol.


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Jerry says a lot of things brother...lol.

I know, but I feel like he was being serious then. And then the comments about "what would you do in my shoes" regarding the extension. Add in that Garrett and his family have sort of been with the Jones's for a long time...

Hope I'm wrong, but just have a hunch he'll double down and keep Garrett without seeing how 19 goes.


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anyone else find it very ironic these fans that claim Jerry wont change , hes horrible and doesnt care about winning an donly money and thats why Garett is still coach also say we have every bit the talent as the other elite teams in the league?

so someone other then Jerry has assembled enough talent to get us to SB but the Coach is on Jerry? you are saying these other people who were allowed to build a relevant competitive team that can win divisions and a playoff game 2of the first 3 years with new Team, essentially nearly 75%of Romo led teams are gone, we are 3rd youngest team in the league and have bounced back pretty quick.. those same voices those OTHER people dont have big enough Voice to change the coach but can Get rid of Ware, Romo, Dez, and didnt try hard to keep witten?

you are telling me that the entire organization from top to bottom wants Grett goe except Jerry and hes getting his way, he listening on all other fronts except this one.. he only cares about money but somehow does at least enough to win games but stops at winning it all because hes just too stubborn to realize that if he changes Garett it that its an Automatic Superbowl win or two , nobody has told him this? have they Guaranteed things get better with garett gone , yet he simply wont listen?

Or does he believe there no guarantee that a change gets them those 2 extra games he needs so hes hesitant because the other side of it is they could get worse before it gets better..

He has to get credit for putting out a solid team and he knows enough to take advice from his people to get this done , so im sure conversations about coaching changes come from the same people and im sure they will make that change when they are comfortable that its the right time..

I get it we are done with Garett, almost all of us and most of us want new OC as well but somehow will not be happy with simply Scott gone if they cant control whos hired..

I get it now no one will ever be happy..


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Fill of what? The spotlight? Money? Attention? Or most of all, comfort? He likes the set up just the way it is and has his HC knowing exactly what his job is. Did you see how quickly Garrett crawfished out of that Linehan statement on the radio interview?

Life is good, why would he get his fill of anything? If he removes Garrett, first he's admitting failure to train a HC and if he brings in a "name", runs the risk of admitting he couldn't do it, had to have help.

You can bet he gets exactly what he needs at every owners' meeting with the #1 revenue and valued team in the league. That's how he keeps score.
Spot on Coach . Fans just don't understand what having that much money and power do to some people . Garrett makes Jerry comfortable and dose just enough not to totally embarrass us .

Jerry knows he can buy the best coach and fire them every year if he wants but its no fun . Jerry wants to have Garrett win because he found and stuck with him . People with Jerrys kind of money don't like to be wrong . Its a pill he just will not swallow . We will live and die with Garrett not because Jerry cant make a change because with his kind of money he dose not have to do anything he dose not want to do .

Its Garrett or Bust realized it long ago and adjusted my expectations . Lucky for me I was fortunate enough to see the best of Cowboy football in the 70s not this fake scripted shadow of itself product we are forced to stomach now . Not really sure it matters who is coaching anymore after watching the NFC and AFC championship games . If its not your year to get in it aint gonna happen no matter who is coaching .


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One of the most frustrating parts of being a Cowboys fan the last decade plus, is watching our favorite team get owned in the playoffs by teams not more talented, but certainly teams that are better coached.

We saw signs this year of Jerry’s frustration watching Garrett’s overly cautious coaching style. Like in the Houston game. Or the first skins game. Garrett is a “manage by caution” type of coach instead of a leader who takes risks to win.

When will Jerry realize that his HC is a cautious manager not a bold leader? When will JJ realize a leopard can’t change its spots? Garrett isn’t going to suddenly morph into Sean McVey or Sean Payton. There comes a time when you realize he is who he is.

We have nearly a decade of watching how Garrett manages a team. It’s a process and a process that ends with a divisional round loss, and that’s just when we actually make the playoffs. How much more evidence is needed?

Will it take a quarter century without even making a conference championship before Jerry says “I’m tired of this”? How much playoff failure is enough? What’s the magic breaking point? Or is Jerry just satisfied with a Forbes trophy every year as long as fans show up and buy jerseys?

I've posted that I thought the Cowboys had more talent than the Rams; however, even if I'm correct, it's not by a large margin.

The Packers have Aaron Rodgers and their 2014 roster had plenty of talent. The Cowboys 2014 defense had limited talent.

The 2016 Cowboys roster over-achieved expectations with a rookie QB and rookie RB and still limited defense. They again drew the match-up against the Packers. ANY team with a rookie QB is going to be underdogs against a team with a QB like Rodgers.

I'm ready for a new Head Coach; however, by your criteria half of NFL teams have idiot owners...


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I've posted that I thought the Cowboys had more talent than the Rams; however, even if I'm correct, it's not by a large margin.

The Packers have Aaron Rodgers and their 2014 roster had plenty of talent. The Cowboys 2014 defense had limited talent.

The 2016 Cowboys roster over-achieved expectations with a rookie QB and rookie RB and still limited defense. They again drew the match-up against the Packers. ANY team with a rookie QB is going to be underdogs against a team with a QB like Rodgers.

I'm ready for a new Head Coach; however, by your criteria half of NFL teams have idiot owners...
I wouldn’t disagree that half of the 32 NFL owners are football idiots, lol. The difference with Jerry is he’s one of the few that doesn’t know it.


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And JG has the best gig like ever. Where else can he consistently produce subpar/mediocre results and keep making 5 mil+/year?
Where else? You could be a member of the Jones family where results only matter at the cash register, lol.


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The same question can be asked of the fans. Why would you expect Jerry to change his "spots"? He is what he is.

Over the past few years Jerry and Stephen Jones have expressed opposite views to the media (usually local talk radio) about a significant number of issues.

Of those instances, all actions afterwards have gone in the direction of Stephen's preference.

The last time Jerry appears to have over-ruled Stephen was when they gave Dez the big contract.

I think the people complaining about Jerry are barking up the wrong tree at this point.

The Cowboys have assembled a young and talented roster whole cleaning up their salary cap issues and many many seasons of massive amounts of dead money. That all appears to coincide with Stephen Jones becoming the day to day GM over the past few years.

It does help roster building to have the same Head Coach for several years because new coaches push for their own types of players both physically and from the perspective of players the coaches have previously coached.

Stephen is conservative with money and Garrett, Linehan and Marinelli all had two years remaining on their contracts after the end of last season. It was unlikely for Stephen to want to replace Garrett at that point.

The fact that Garrett is without an extension this close to the Super Bowl seems unlike Jerry's mode of operation.

I can't say if Stephen Jones would be good at selecting a Head Coach; however, I don't think Garrett stays if S.Jones is opposed to it.


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Over the past few years Jerry and Stephen Jones have expressed opposite views to the media (usually local talk radio) about a significant number of issues.

Of those instances, all actions afterwards have gone in the direction of Stephen's preference.

The last time Jerry appears to have over-ruled Stephen was when they gave Dez the big contract.

I think the people complaining about Jerry are barking up the wrong tree at this point.

The Cowboys have assembled a young and talented roster whole cleaning up their salary cap issues and many many seasons of massive amounts of dead money. That all appears to coincide with Stephen Jones becoming the day to day GM over the past few years.

It does help roster building to have the same Head Coach for several years because new coaches push for their own types of players both physically and from the perspective of players the coaches have previously coached.

Stephen is conservative with money and Garrett, Linehan and Marinelli all had two years remaining on their contracts after the end of last season. It was unlikely for Stephen to want to replace Garrett at that point.

The fact that Garrett is without an extension this close to the Super Bowl seems unlike Jerry's mode of operation.

I can't say if Stephen Jones would be good at selecting a Head Coach; however, I don't think Garrett stays if S.Jones is opposed to it.
Any time a naked emperor prances around while too many pretend he’s clothed, I think it’s incumbent upon the non-kool aid consumers to call him out. Besides- It’s fun to complain about Jerry. His arrogance and hubris makes it doubly fun.


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I think the people complaining about Jerry are barking up the wrong tree at this point.

Jerry is Jerry, these daily threads about him are like people complaining that it gets hot in the summer. And we still see a new one every day.


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I wouldn’t disagree that half of the 32 NFL owners are football idiots, lol. The difference with Jerry is he’s one of the few that doesn’t know it.

The Eagles have 1 Super Bowl win in their history.

All owners in their history should have been tarred and feathered, then run out of town.

Lurie has owned the Eagles since 1994. As of 2016 he had gone 22 years without a Super Bowl win. Even Jerry had won a Super Bowl in that time frame.


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He gets his fill every year selling stand up only seats at Jerry's World.


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Any time a naked emperor prances around while too many pretend he’s clothed, I think it’s incumbent upon the non-kool aid consumers to call him out. Besides- It’s fun to complain about Jerry. His arrogance and hubris makes it doubly fun.

Everyone (including myself) that I know that has met Jerry say that he is super nice and personable to them.

Many of the same people (again including myself) say that Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is a complete arse in person.