When will JJ get his fill?


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Fill of what? The spotlight? Money? Attention? Or most of all, comfort? He likes the set up just the way it is and has his HC knowing exactly what his job is. Did you see how quickly Garrett crawfished out of that Linehan statement on the radio interview?

Life is good, why would he get his fill of anything? If he removes Garrett, first he's admitting failure to train a HC and if he brings in a "name", runs the risk of admitting he couldn't do it, had to have help.

You can bet he gets exactly what he needs at every owners' meeting with the #1 revenue and valued team in the league. That's how he keeps score.
Right !! What exactly is Jerry tired of?

We know what Jerry resented the most. Winning back to back championships and not receiving the credit he thought he deserved.


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Everyone (including myself) that I know that has met Jerry say that he is super nice and personable to them.

Many of the same people (again including myself) say that Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is a complete arse in person.
I believe Jerry is a really good person. I really do believe that. He just happens to amazingly stubborn and stupid about how to run the football side of his team. Nice guy- great business man- football fool.


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When will Jerry realise that Garrett or any other HC need a proper GM?
Once(if ever) that happens we might see real progress.

What do the last four coaches, none to reach a conference championship, all have in common? They all had the same GM. There is your problem.


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I believe Jerry is a really good person. I really do believe that. He just happens to amazingly stubborn and stupid about how to run the football side of his team. Nice guy- great business man- football fool.
^^^^^THAT^^^^^ well said. Summed up , put a bow on it. Perfect description.


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I know it's the IN thing to just blame Jerry and yes he sucks completely, but there have been plenty of in-game decisions he had nothing to do with that killed this team over the years. They're not advancing because the coaching sucks. Aren't the Cowboys one of the best drafting teams in football? It's not strictly the GMs fault. Coaching is garbage .. and the GM isn't going anywhere. One needs to be replaced and unfortunately the other is here to stay.
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I believe Jerry is a really good person. I really do believe that. He just happens to amazingly stubborn and stupid about how to run the football side of his team. Nice guy- great business man- football fool.
But is he really a good person , etc if he’s screwed up the core product?

That’s like saying her husband was a great provider but he abused his wife and ignored the kids.


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I think bobhaze has it right honestly...which means Jerry just wont get outta his own way at times.All he has to do is delegate and put the right guy in charge of the players on the field at HC!! Status Quo at best...for the last 20 something years. I do truly believe he wants to win badly.Problem is JERRY. He wont let go and admit he made a mistake with Garrett. Its his pride and ego. If he realized this, we would right the ship fast. Garrett has to go NOW.


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I think bobhaze has it right honestly...which means Jerry just wont get outta his own way at times.All he has to do is delegate and put the right guy in charge of the players on the field at HC!! Status Quo at best...for the last 20 something years. I do truly believe he wants to win badly.Problem is JERRY. He wont let go and admit he made a mistake with Garrett. Its his pride and ego. If he realized this, we would right the ship fast. Garrett has to go NOW.

This whole garrett experiment is truly a fiasco. No doubt Jerry screwed up royally back in 2007. That team was ready to take off and Jerry being his usual self put an immediate stop to that. Sad it's still going.. and going..


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One of the most frustrating parts of being a Cowboys fan the last decade plus, is watching our favorite team get owned in the playoffs by teams not more talented, but certainly teams that are better coached.

We saw signs this year of Jerry’s frustration watching Garrett’s overly cautious coaching style. Like in the Houston game. Or the first skins game. Garrett is a “manage by caution” type of coach instead of a leader who takes risks to win.

When will Jerry realize that his HC is a cautious manager not a bold leader? When will JJ realize a leopard can’t change its spots? Garrett isn’t going to suddenly morph into Sean McVey or Sean Payton. There comes a time when you realize he is who he is.

We have nearly a decade of watching how Garrett manages a team. It’s a process and a process that ends with a divisional round loss, and that’s just when we actually make the playoffs. How much more evidence is needed?

Will it take a quarter century without even making a conference championship before Jerry says “I’m tired of this”? How much playoff failure is enough? What’s the magic breaking point? Or is Jerry just satisfied with a Forbes trophy every year as long as fans show up and buy jerseys?

It won't happen any time soon. We already have fans telling us how excited they are for the Kellen Moore experiment. Jerry and crew can keep feeding cowboys fans mcturd sandwiches because they keep showing up for games and buying merchandise. Why improve when your pockets are being filled to the brim?


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But is he really a good person , etc if he’s screwed up the core product?

That’s like saying her husband was a great provider but he abused his wife and ignored the kids.
Greggo, that’s not a good comparison. Jerry is a good father and I think a fairly kind person. He’s a good businessman too. But he totally, absolutely sux at being a football GM. He’s stubborn, arrogant and foolish about that. But that doesn’t mean he’s similar to an abuser. I can’t stand Jerry as a football guy. He’s terrible and it’s ongoing. But I don’t think he’s some kind of dark, bad guy.


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Greggo, that’s not a good comparison. Jerry is a good father and I think a fairly kind person. He’s a good businessman too. But he totally, absolutely sux at being a football GM. He’s stubborn, arrogant and foolish about that. But that doesn’t mean he’s similar to an abuser. I can’t stand Jerry as a football guy. He’s terrible and it’s ongoing. But I don’t think he’s some kind of dark, bad guy.
Of course it’s a good anology. He’s abused Cowboys Football.


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I wouldn’t disagree that half of the 32 NFL owners are football idiots, lol. The difference with Jerry is he’s one of the few that doesn’t know it.
He may even know it . I know quite a few rich guys that have hobbies that they are horrible at . Stuff they could pay a professional to do a much better job at but it seems the worse they do at it the more determined they are to persevere and try to succeed . this seems to fit Jerry to a Tee

He even said in some interview he would have fired himself or something to that effect . When you have Jerrys money you don't have to care what anyone thinks and I guarantee everyone he comes in contact with kisses his butt and tells him he is the greatest . Sad for us fans but its his hobby and he has such a ridiculous amount of money he dosent have to care what anyone thinks

Failure has no consequences in Jerrys world


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I believe Jerry is a really good person. I really do believe that. He just happens to amazingly stubborn and stupid about how to run the football side of his team. Nice guy- great business man- football fool.

I agree many times he is too kind and becomes attached to players instead of treating them as tools to win a championship like GMs that fear for there jobs do .

Jerry fears no consequences or job security so he avoids some of the tough decisions and keeps players too long rather than get rid of them early and move on


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He may even know it . I know quite a few rich guys that have hobbies that they are horrible at . Stuff they could pay a professional to do a much better job at but it seems the worse they do at it the more determined they are to persevere and try to succeed . this seems to fit Jerry to a Tee

He even said in some interview he would have fired himself or something to that effect . When you have Jerrys money you don't have to care what anyone thinks and I guarantee everyone he comes in contact with kisses his butt and tells him he is the greatest . Sad for us fans but its his hobby and he has such a ridiculous amount of money he dosent have to care what anyone thinks

Failure has no consequences in Jerrys world
There’s only one consequence that gets Jerry’s attention but the fans have never made him accountable. His early success apparently has provided him a pass for life and fans are addicted to the product regardless the results.


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I know it's the IN thing to just blame Jerry and yes he sucks completely, but there have been plenty of in-game decisions he had nothing to do with that killed this team over the years. They're not advancing because the coaching sucks. Aren't the Cowboys one of the best drafting teams in football? It's not strictly the GMs fault. Coaching is garbage .. and the GM isn't going anywhere. One needs to be replaced and unfortunately the other is here to stay.
Who chooses the coaches?
The bottom line is while the GM remains the same, the results on the field will very likely remain the same.

Ask yourself the question, if Jerry wasn’t the owner would he still be GM.

I think we all know the answer.


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There’s only one consequence that gets Jerry’s attention but the fans have never made him accountable. His early success apparently has provided him a pass for life and fans are addicted to the product regardless the results.

Very true I am guilty of religiously following this product even though I know making the playoffs is about the most I can expect in the salary cap era . I have adjusted my expectations but I am still a follower of a very flawed product .

I guess I am too old and have too much invested to change at this point but it is interesting to watch us get just a bit farther when we have the money to build a team rather than pay one guy. Watching how these different scenarios play out is about all that holds my interest anymore.


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One of the most frustrating parts of being a Cowboys fan the last decade plus, is watching our favorite team get owned in the playoffs by teams not more talented, but certainly teams that are better coached.

We saw signs this year of Jerry’s frustration watching Garrett’s overly cautious coaching style. Like in the Houston game. Or the first skins game. Garrett is a “manage by caution” type of coach instead of a leader who takes risks to win.

When will Jerry realize that his HC is a cautious manager not a bold leader? When will JJ realize a leopard can’t change its spots? Garrett isn’t going to suddenly morph into Sean McVey or Sean Payton. There comes a time when you realize he is who he is.

We have nearly a decade of watching how Garrett manages a team. It’s a process and a process that ends with a divisional round loss, and that’s just when we actually make the playoffs. How much more evidence is needed?

Will it take a quarter century without even making a conference championship before Jerry says “I’m tired of this”? How much playoff failure is enough? What’s the magic breaking point? Or is Jerry just satisfied with a Forbes trophy every year as long as fans show up and buy jerseys?
That was Linehans play calling. Fans forget that there was a conversation before the season and mid season to let Linehan go. JG even admitted at one point that it was on the table for him to call plays. Yes JJ was frustrated but it was with Linehan. And oh by the way JJ and SJ talked JG into giving up play calling plays to begin with.


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I don't think it's admitting Jerry failed. I think Garrett is a good motivator of men and a good leader and executer of someone else's vision. The NFL is changing and the changing offensive systems requiring innovation in the offense as well as the defense. These coaches that continuing preaching their system are great to give our players that consistency and repetition like Saban gives his college players at Alabama since he has the best talent. NFL players are just too good that you can't just be bigger and badder and point where you're running and simply run that ball down the team's throat. Especially since our offensive line will never get to that elite level that we had in 2014-2016. Our offensieve line is mediocre now and can't do what this offensive system preaches to accomplish.

Dak has his faults but he's got some positives and an offense tailored toward an actual Run-Pass-Option, wildcat, misdirection, more bootlegs, and throwing off the run is what Dak needs. He won't get more accurate but he's definitely one of the most underrated running QB's in the league. He's the NFL version of Tebow....just create the right system for Dak and we will win multiple super bowls. Not a great passer but an incredible leader and performer at clutch moments while being able to get an entire team to work harder and believe in themselves. Leadership is corny but getting someone like Amari to focus and not get upset and continue competing are reasons that I think we're blessed to have Dak. I hated Derek Jeter and Tebow but as a Cowboys fan...you have to like Dak because wins and performance at the clutch moments is all that matters!

Dak is sneaky fast and difficult to take down. Plus, Dak is just thick and can take a beating without having for us to pray that he didn't break his clavicle or spine. We need one of those speedy RB's like a Tarek Cohen to go with Zeke and Dak in the backfield. That would make this offense really unpredictable....plus giving Dak freedom in running the ball. I personally think that Dak having Romo in 2016 was probably one of the reasons that Dak had such a great year. Romo is akin to Bellichic