Which Head Coach that is available is better than Garrett right now?


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I dont want to start another bash garret or who's going to be the next Head coach...

but I was thinking about this today, who's available and who's better than him right now at where he's at... I know he's been learning on the job.... most people do in this day and age, but looking at College coaches they have to learn Pro game... looking at coordinators they have to learn how to be a head coach. looking at Retreads, they have to learn how the game is played today...

so my question is simple Who could replace him & be better than him right now where he's at today with this franchise.

The monkey at the dallas zoo would be better


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What's "funny" is when fans try to give Garrett "credit" for all of these things when ultimately none of them translate into meaningful wins. That's what's "funny."

I have to wonder if ANY other coach could do better with the Cowboys with Jerry in charge. Parcells was a two time SB winning coach, took another team to the SB and another to the AFC championship game, and in 4 years here never won a single playoff game. You can argue he didn't come into a good team at first, I guess, but it's hard to compare one team to another.

Still, can't just stick with the status quo forever, at some point Garrett has to "put up or shut up", to some that point was reached 2 or 3 years ago, to some he won't be at that point for another 2 or 3 or 4 years, and I believe one poster on the "official" Cowboys site basically said as long as the team is "entertaining" us, Garrett is "good enough".

Oh well, Jerry is no spring chicken, he'll be out of the picture sooner or later, and we'll see how it goes then. Some of us won't be around then, maybe not even me, but a lot of us will.

Will we like what we get then?

Stay tuned, folks...


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David Shaw is my fav right now

other s

Major Applewhite
Dabo Swinney
Gary Patterson
Kevin Sumlin


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So let's say Garrett is sent packing after another 8-8 season. Does anyone really have any confidence Jerry and company will bring in anyone better? I know I don't, and their track record since Jimmy left pretty much speaks for itself..... Unfortunately


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I dont want to start another bash garret or who's going to be the next Head coach...

But as usual that's what it turns into.

That's par for the course when Dallas Cowboys fans get together, strong opinions are norm.

Almost as entertaining as the team itself:)


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I have to wonder if ANY other coach could do better with the Cowboys with Jerry in charge. Parcells was a two time SB winning coach, took another team to the SB and another to the AFC championship game, and in 4 years here never won a single playoff game. You can argue he didn't come into a good team at first, I guess, but it's hard to compare one team to another.

Seriously? We can go through the players and roster when Parcells got here if you think it will make your case look any better. But I think you know it won't.


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There are none available at this time because the job is not open. As to what coaches would have interest, that would be interesting. People in those circles know a hell of a lot more about the ins and outs of that job and working with the Joneses than we do. And it's a family run operation, he has to deal with all of them, not just one guy like in CIN and OAK.

We have no idea who might have interest but I don't think the college coaches being mentioned would be because they're already making good coin and that's where this starts and Chryst isn't leaving Madison...ever. A coordinator making 1-2M doubles his salary or more immediately and gets a 4 year deal. He can sock away some good dough and the beauty of this job is that he will still be in demand when he gets fired or his contract expires.

The best HC job in the NFL is Dallas. Has this All or Nothing show done anything to disprove how involved the Jones are? Any HC has a built in excuse for failure and if he should succeed, he's ready for Sainthood in the NFL ranks. Didn't hurt Gailey, Campo or Phillips failing as the DC HC and since this program has aired, most probably forgive them and understand. And Garrett would land another NFL gig if he did get canned because the perception is the DC HC is not fighting the other teams, he has to first win the fight with the Joneses to even take on the other teams.

To consider who might be interested, first you must consider the money because that's where it starts.


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So let's say Garrett is sent packing after another 8-8 season. Does anyone really have any confidence Jerry and company will bring in anyone better? I know I don't, and their track record since Jimmy left pretty much speaks for itself..... Unfortunately

19 years. 5 head coaches. 0 SBs. 2-8 playoff record.

Nope, not good...


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So let's say Garrett is sent packing after another 8-8 season. Does anyone really have any confidence Jerry and company will bring in anyone better? I know I don't, and their track record since Jimmy left pretty much speaks for itself..... Unfortunately

I do.

Because people will demand it.

It goes without saying that the money-paying fans will demand it. That will be two consecutive seasons of the arrow pointing downward. After giving Garrett 8 years - an eternity in the NFL - to get it done. And having failed.

League-wide, the Cowboys would then be crossing over into irrelevant territory. Not worth being talked about. Jerry Jones can take a lot, being dismissed isn't one of them.

And his family isn't as forgiving as he is. Notably his second-in-command Stephen. Let's face facts. There have been a lot more calculated, difficult moves made recently the more Stephen has been involved. Not drafting Manziel, cutting Romo, letting Bryant go. A lot more analytical, calculated decisions made instead of thinking with your heart the way Jerry often has.

I would expect no less if Garrett fails again this year.


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Changing coaches isn't easy.
If DAL fires JG then likely you see one of Linehan or Richard hired IMHO.
That way you keep continuity on at least one side of the ball.

With "coveted" college coaches pushing 7M a year I don't know that "going pro" is what many want to do anymore.
NFL doesn't pay much more.
And any college coach has the struggle of building NFL ties to get quality assistants in place.
We've seen Chip Kelly, Jim Harbaugh and Nick Saban all return to college for better jobs which if I was an owner is something that would concern me about hiring a college coach.

Any coach hired has to be OK that Stephen will manage the cap and McClay will manage personnel.

I don't think Jerry/Stephen are as stupid as people assume.
If DAL hires a new coach I still expect it to be someone like Sean Payton that is an NFL lifer who's won big but may be looking for a fresh start.


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Can Jerry, et al make the right choice is the issue, let's say the consensus candidate is Harbaugh, Jerry would have to actually try to hire him, instead of someone else.

Given that the bar is a sign low as what Garrett has accomplished? I think that there are plenty of "right choices."

As an added bonus, the next choice won't be an extended family member like Garrett and therefore, even if the guy is terrible, we won't be stuck with him for 8 years.


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Just to be clear, he has won a playoff game. Something Campo and Parcells didn't.

Not that that means a whole lot with those 2 only being the coach 3 and 4 years, but there are 12 teams that haven't even been to the playoffs since 2015 or before. Only 1 losing season. And he has to put up with Jerry, that imo hamstrings him.

Now before somebody starts saying I'm saying he's better than Parcells, am happy with not winning more playoff games and SBs, etc. I'm just noting that there are far worse coaches in the last 8 years out there...

Just to be clear, Parcels rebuilt the team and stocked it with so much talent that even Jason Garret looked good.


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If DAL hires a new coach I still expect it to be someone like Sean Payton that is an NFL lifer who's won big but may be looking for a fresh start.

Though we have to remember, no coach has won a SB with two different teams, though Parcells came close, and just by the odds, like the no. 16 seed beating a no. 1 seed in the NCAA basketlball playoffs, it probably will happen at some point, so can't let that stop you from hiring a "retread".

I'd be okay with Payton..


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I have no idea who is available and better but I do know this. Jason Garrett does not instill confidence in me that he can take any team to a super bowl victory. I have my doubts that he could win a super bowl even if he had the NFC pro bowl team for the playoff run. Because of that, I would love to see some young up and coming hotshot with an aggressive style of play on both sides takes the reigns of the current youth movement. Garrett should be the next domino to fall and really shut the door to the Romo-Dez-Witten era. This young team needs fresh leadership from its head coach and assistants , not ones stuck in the 80’s and 90’s with schemes that no longer work. Throw all the names out there you want, I don’t care. Just give me a young aggressive coach running current schemes and devising unique ways to score TDs and prevent the other team from doing the same and I’ll be happy for a few years.