Which NFL Quarterback is cheating on his pregnant wife with a Twilight actress?


The Boognish
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Cowboys&LakersFan;4375805 said:
Chicks dig her music so of course I have to listen to it. There's not that many good artists nowadays all time my favorites are 2Pac and B.I.G.

Lol top 40, Cowboys AND Lakers huh?

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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Cowboys&LakersFan;4380826 said:
Well that's good Candace is obviously beautiful, but she also comes off as a sweet girl and definitely doesn't deserve to get cheated on.

Girls that aren't attractive don't deserve to get cheated on.
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WV Cowboy;4382336 said:
Girls that aren't attractive don't deserve to get cheated on.

Never said they do. No girl whether they're hot or not deserve to get cheated on unless they did it themselves.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Cowboys&LakersFan;4380826 said:
Well that's good Candace is obviously beautiful, but she also comes off as a sweet girl and definitely doesn't deserve to get cheated on.

It's not Romo's baby.

There I said it.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Cowboys&LakersFan;4375884 said:
I know this may sound kind of corny, but Taylor's voice is just beautiful and obviously she is as well. You should try listening her and you'll fall in love with her as I and many guys have. Besides as I said girls dig her music. The girl I like loves her music.

Wow. You should crawl into a hole and not come out until we've forgotten you wrote that. Pray it's within the next 10 years.


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GloryDaysRBack;4375749 said:
who is this twilight chick?

a lot of them are suspecting it's ashley greene(see picture below), who plays alice in those movies, but the last thing i heard about her was that she was dating some guy who had played spiderman on broadway(i forgot his name).



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Cowboys&LakersFan;4382543 said:
There's nothing wrong with it at all.

Not particularly a fan of her music, but Taylor Swift seems A-OK as a person. There was a post here about her being exceptionally nice to someone's daughter. Ran across a couple of other cool stories about her as well.


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searchlights;4375826 said:
I can't believe this is being given the time of day. These days blind items are attention whoring ways for bloggers to spread poorly sourced or outright made up rumors without ever being proven false (since they rarely say who the rumor's about). They exist as a game to generate hits from people who think gossip is fun and prefer a salacious story to boring things like logic and truth. Sometimes blind items are planted by "rivals" who want to make somebody look bad, or by the PR team of a would-be star trying to generate discussion of their client. You'd be amazed by the perverse means some of these people try to keep their names out there.

We no longer live in the days where blind items were to protect legit gossip people from lawsuits. Celebs can hardly even sue tabloids for false stories where they're actually named these days! So blind item "standards" have sunk even lower.

The source for this is notorious for ridiculous and generally untrue BS. To the small degree he has connections they're to reputable journalism outlets like Star mag. [please make sure your sarcasm detectors are working] Let's not kid ourselves that just because tabloid monkeys hit on something true every once in a blue moon, that makes them reliable. It doesn't.

Follow the trail here people. This came out after the Post came out with the negative story on Tony's Vegas trip. That reminded gossip lowlifes of his celebrity QB history and the spectacular circumstances of the Jessica breakup, so they conveniently came up with this to pile on that other story. Of course the blind item's meant to make people think of Tony. And, most people will guess the Twilight actress is Ashley Greene because she has a reputation for getting around (I don't know if that's earned). And, it's even juicier because she's been linked to Tony's brother in law. Say it with me: TOO CONVENIENT.

Do I know this blind item to be untrue? Oh that's the game - I mean, we don't know it's untrue so we should accept the possibility that it's true because we shouldn't put athletes on a pedestal. I don't play that game. I consider the source 1st and foremost and I think it's transparent what's going on here. I don't need to prove it's untrue because stuff from these people IS untrue unless proven otherwise.

Solid post.
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arglebargle;4382827 said:
Not particularly a fan of her music, but Taylor Swift seems A-OK as a person. There was a post here about her being exceptionally nice to someone's daughter. Ran across a couple of other cool stories about her as well.

She's an even better person than singer. That should tell you alot because she's the best singer in the world.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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arglebargle;4382827 said:
Not particularly a fan of her music, but Taylor Swift seems A-OK as a person. There was a post here about her being exceptionally nice to someone's daughter. Ran across a couple of other cool stories about her as well.

That would be me... she saw my daughter wearing her concert t-shirt in Nashville, turned her car around, parked and followed her in to a store to surprise her. She told me wife: "I'm stalking your daughter". Very nice young lady to do that...


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trickblue;4383037 said:
That would be me... she saw my daughter wearing her concert t-shirt in Nashville, turned her car around, parked and followed her in to a store to surprise her. She told me wife: "I'm stalking your daughter". Very nice young lady to do that...

What if it was a guy from a rock band that said that :laugh1: :laugh1:


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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kmp77;4383288 said:
What if it was a guy from a rock band that said that :laugh1: :laugh1:

Probably something about like this... ;)



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trickblue;4383037 said:
That would be me... she saw my daughter wearing her concert t-shirt in Nashville, turned her car around, parked and followed her in to a store to surprise her. She told me wife: "I'm stalking your daughter". Very nice young lady to do that...

Yes! Such a cool story. Your experiance there, and the 'Get a hug from Taylor Swift' videos were just tremendous.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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arglebargle;4383319 said:
Yes! Such a cool story. Your experiance there, and the 'Get a hug from Taylor Swift' videos were just tremendous.

At her concert here in Austin a couple of months back (my daughter won tickets), the last set features Swift flying out over the audience in a small tower. My wife has video on and Swift is flying right towards my daughter. My daughter had a sign that said "Stalk Me Again, Taylor" Taylor was about fifteen feet over her head right in front of her and she saw the sign. She looked down at my daughter smiled and waved mouthing "HEY" as she flew by... it was cool to see...