Wow, I love this topic. There aren't many topics that are started that really hit home for me, but this one absolutely hit a soft spot for me.
First and foremost, like DannyWhite, I live in enemy territory and always have. I live in the heart of Commanders territory and my father (the person who introduced football to me) was and still is a diehard skins fan. I don't have any recollection of my father trying to instill any sort of skins fandom upon me as a child. As far as I can ever go back memory wise, I have always been a Cowboys fan. Even to this day, I cannot truthfully answer exactly why I chose Dallas.
Knowing my personality, my closes guess is probably due to the contrarian perspective. I have always liked taking the other side in just about every situation and that remains the same to this day.
Now as far as this topic is concerned, like Danny White and many others, I am going to make sure my son is a boys fan for many, many reasons. First and foremost it means far too much to me for my son to be a fan of any other team. I fully believe if you do your job as a parent, this should not be much of an issue.
Knowing how I grew up, it is NOT fun AT ALL living under one roof and having a father and son being on two different sides of a rivalry. Believe me, Sundays were not always fun growing up. The simplest solution was simply watching games in separate rooms and to be completely honest, things have stayed the same ever since.
Now I dont want to come across the wrong way, Monday - Saturday my father and I are as tight as they get. However, on Sundays from Sept-Jan, things were not nearly as fun.
Once I am given the opportunity to properly train my son on how to select a sports team, I am going make damn sure my son is brought up properly and that means he is rockin the Silver and Blue.