Whitlock: Black athletes shouldn’t be excused for racial hypocrisy... rips Martellus

Plumfool;2840050 said:
Is there such a white group? Not trying to being funny or anything it's just the only ones I've heard of have hatred of other races as their agenda.

You can find them if you look.
Plumfool;2840035 said:
You said a mouthfull. "To be achieved" the civil rights movement ended in some minds in 1964. My parents have vivid memories of those times. You may feel that you can't give a pass but you can't expect people to be ok with being stepped on then once they get up not to have some reaction to it.

I grew up in those times...

I do have an issue with double standards...

The "N-Word" should be off-limits to all, or appropriate for all... very simple...

IMHO, race relations have taken a step back in regards to politics and political correctness...

In reality, things are MUCH better... but the race baiters (like Sharpton) continue to fuel the fire...

I've dated (before I married) outside of my race for years with nary a problem... and I lived most of my adult life in an area considered by the national media as being extremely racist. Never had an issue...
Really, the issue with Martellus Bennett is not a racial one but rather an issue of maturity.
He's being childish and many are defending and supporting it without regard for how it reflects on his team and occupation.
Plus, he's not funny.
trickblue;2840062 said:
I grew up in those times...

I do have an issue with double standards...

The "N-Word" should be off-limits to all, or appropriate for all... very simple...

IMHO, race relations have taken a step back in regards to politics and political correctness...

In reality, things are MUCH better... but the race baiters (like Sharpton) continue to fuel the fire...

I've dated (before I married) outside of my race for years with nary a problem... and I lived most of my adult life in an area considered by the national media as being extremely racist. Never had an issue...

I've read al sharpton in this thread numerous times. The man hasn't been relavant for a number of years his shtick got old and he really had no unifying msg. And if you are black and grew up during those times I referred to and had no issues I assume you consider yourself blessed. My mother grew up in atl and my father who is half black and half Seminole grew up near bilouxi they both went threw some terrible times and lost some dear friends. While neither use the n word and taught me not to use it, I understand why some choose to use it.
Spectre;2840064 said:
Really, the issue with Martellus Bennett is not a racial one but rather an issue of maturity.
He's being childish and many are defending and supporting it without regard for how it reflects on his team and occupation.
Plus, he's not funny.

I don't think it's maturity I think he Just wants to entertain and that's his angle.
Big Dakota;2840029 said:
Injustices are ongoing. I'm part of a huge lawsuit againt the Deptment of Agriculture. I had land and my dad had all the farming equipement i needed to start ranching when i turned 18 and was still turned down for a loan when other, far less qualified whites borrowed 100's of thousands of dollars. They had a flat out policy, NO LOANS TO INDIANS and we are going to collect billions when it's all said and done, just as the Black farmers collected because the USDA did the same damn thing to them.


No I understand completely. One of my very best friends is American Indian and my friendship with he and his family has made me acutely aware of all what has gone on in the past, what was stolen and wrongs that need to be righted.

What you are talking about is the issue of equal protection and that as well is a ethic that is thoroughgoing in western culture as well it should.

What I am talking about is the idea of reparations. What was stolen needs to be returned; there is no question about that. The issue I have is when a wrong being made right turns into something punitive. Now this is a very touchy subject and I think its best for all involved that we don't get into the discussion of specifics but I think you know exactly the type of thing I am talking about
Plumfool;2840090 said:
I've read al sharpton in this thread numerous times. The man hasn't been relavant for a number of years his shtick got old and he really had no unifying msg. And if you are black and grew up during those times I referred to and had no issues I assume you consider yourself blessed. My mother grew up in atl and my father who is half black and half Seminole grew up near bilouxi they both went threw some terrible times and lost some dear friends. While neither use the n word and taught me not to use it, I understand why some choose to use it.

He is still relevant as long as the national media props him up...

I am on record in other threads as being in favor of abolishing the labels such as African-American, Asian-American... etc...

We are Americans... all that should need to be said...
tunahelper;2840044 said:
present day genocide finds statistical dominance in Sudan and throughout Africa.

So what? Whats your point your point? The vast majority of the things I listed was done and suffered by people that still live today.
Not that it's really germane to the general direction this thread took, but many of the countries in 'Africa' are corrupt from the top down. The vast majority of the people there are just victims and are good people. Many here should go and pay a visit esp to the poorer areas. You'll get a real education in what it means to be naked and hungry.

Our corruption in Washington is just as corrupt but well hidden and much of our government is run by innocent people. It's too different to compare really although every country there is not the same. Go to Nigeria then Haiti and there's not a lot of difference.
FuzzBuster;2840098 said:
So what? Whats your point your point? The vast majority of the things I listed was done and suffered by people that still live today.

My original post that you responded too was discussing America and Africa. Someone claimed that America and Africa are equally corrupt, therefore your reply about historical genocides throughout the world was off base. The genocide in Africa far outweighs Americas racial divide in my opinion.

So, I guess my 2nd point would be for you to stay on topic and comprehend the written material prior to responding to it.
To me I've never understood this thing called "race". If you look up "race" in the dictionary it says nothing about "black" or "white". It may mention populations sharing a common culture or physical traits, but not black people or white people. To me many people who identify themselves as "white" look different from each other. Some may have ancestry from north-most reaches of europe with fair skin and others may have ancestry from northern Africa with darker skin, yet they all identify as "white", how can they all be white if they are all different? if you look "white" and your primary language is spanish, you're not "white", this is the fallacy of race identification (in America). This race thing is a farce and cannot be proven biologically. From the beginning of this nation it was pure political, social and economic advantage to subjugate people who were NOT "white". This scheme also play it self out as the country grew and many european immigrants came here for better opportunity and found initially that they did not qualify as "white". The irish were relegated to police and other municipal work, as well the italians were relegated to construction and stone work. It took those groups a couple decades to become "white". Many jews today do not identify themselves as "white", or are not (allowed to be) considered to be "white". These groups that emigrated here in the early 20th century were considered "minorities" too, which is a misnomer because 87% of the planet is non-"white".

I use "black" and "white" in quotes because I don't believe in it.

The definition of "white" in this country is "white" mother - "white" farther = "white" offspring

This stems from the one drop rule in the beginnings of this country and earlier which stated that is you had one drop of "black blood" [all human blood is red] you weren't "white". This was intended to keep the "white race" pure, but as I mentioned [if you oberseve carefully] many "white" people look different from one another, physical features including varying skin pigmentation, so I guess the one drop rule failed on an epic level.

Any other combination of non-"white" parent then the offspring is not "white"

In this way whiteness is socially constructed and biologically feigned as an exclusive group. There are viewpoints and expectations that go along with being in an exclusive group, equally and often there are opposing viewpoints to the exclusivity from people in the excluded groups.

For instance:
"white" mother - "white" farther = "white" offspring
"white" mother - "black" farther = "black" offspring
"black" mother - "white" farther = "black" offspring
"black" mother - "black" farther = "black" offspring

This is an insane way to think and smacks of "racial purity", but ironically it hastens the end of this fallacy called race and so-called minority status for non-"whites".

I say this to say, race = what you think you are.

I am not telling anybody how to live or what they can say, I am only getting closer to the root of why people may feel a certain way on this subject and to expose the ridiculousness to wasting our time in a sports forum going after each other on this topic.
tunahelper;2840103 said:
My original post that you responded too was discussing America and Africa. Someone claimed that America and Africa are equally corrupt, therefore your reply about historical genocides throughout the world was off base. The genocide in Africa far outweighs Americas racial divide in my opinion.

So, I guess my 2nd point would be for you to stay on topic and comprehend the written material prior to responding to it.

You apparently have zero idea of the situation in Rwanda. What happened there was not a product of politics or corruption. It was based on a tribal hatred that has been going on for a long long time.

If you want to look at corruption; look to the other side of the continentat Nigeria where some of the worlds largest oil revenues go up in smoke or in Zaire where Mobutu has been rigging elections for decades.

Its all a product of post colonialism anyway; its no coincidence that when the French bailed on the indochina peninsula that Cambodia went nuts. Its called a power vacuum similar to what you see going on in northern and western mexico today.
FuzzBuster;2840111 said:
You apparently have zero idea of the situation in Rwanda. What happened there was not a product of politics or corruption. It was based on a tribal hatred that has been going on for a long long time.

If you want to look at corruption; look to the other side of the continentat Nigeria where some of the worlds largest oil revenues go up in smoke or in Zaire where Mobutu has been rigging elections for decades.

Its all a product of post colonialism anyway; its no coincidence that when the French bailed on the indochina peninsula that Cambodia went nuts. Its called a power vacuum similar to what you see going on in northern and western mexico today.

Is comprehension a problem for you? The post you responded to ORIGINALLY was discussing which was more corrupte America or Africa not anywhere else. Then you chime in talking about problems from every continent? Your like the annoying coworker who responds to a conversation they were not apart of.

When you respond to posts understand them prior to calling someone out?
Big Dakota;2840029 said:
Injustices are ongoing. I'm part of a huge lawsuit againt the Deptment of Agriculture. I had land and my dad had all the farming equipement i needed to start ranching when i turned 18 and was still turned down for a loan when other, far less qualified whites borrowed 100's of thousands of dollars. They had a flat out policy, NO LOANS TO INDIANS and we are going to collect billions when it's all said and done, just as the Black farmers collected because the USDA did the same damn thing to them.


what the hell do you need billions for?

you weren't going to make billions off of agriculture

not in 10 lifetimes, that's bull****

btw, guys take the colonialism fallout argument to the PZ, there's already a topic on that there, we don't need that whiney bull**** in 2 zones
tunahelper;2840112 said:
Is comprehension a problem for you? The post you responded to ORIGINALLY was discussing which was more corrupte America or Africa not anywhere else. Then you chime in talking about problems from every continent? Your like the annoying coworker who responds to a conversation they were not apart of.

When you respond to posts understand them prior to calling someone out?

And youre like the arrogant sob who thinks that youre the only one who is entitled to be in a discussion in a public forum.

Like it or not I am going to say what I have to say and if you don't like it put me on ignore.

i tried to ask you what your point was. youre the one that put hte genocide going on in africa in the context of corruption which is misinformed at best.

Are you trying to intimate that Darfur is racial becuse if that is the case you are very mistaken. I bet you don't even know what precipitated the conflict.
Couple of years ago I was in a club hitting on this chick when all of a sudden her drunk *** boyfriend jumped in my face and called me a "spaghetti ******". I just started laughing my *** off.

I still lulz thinking about it.
FuzzBuster;2840149 said:
And youre like the arrogant sob who thinks that youre the only one who is entitled to be in a discussion in a public forum.

Like it or not I am going to say what I have to say and if you don't like it put me on ignore.

i tried to ask you what your point was. youre the one that put hte genocide going on in africa in the context of corruption which is misinformed at best.

Are you trying to intimate that Darfur is racial becuse if that is the case you are very mistaken. I bet you don't even know what precipitated the conflict.

If arrogance is wanting you to follow my conversation with a third poster prior to you posting, then I am arrogant.


You are ignorant! You cannot read and understand. You reply before neurons fire and relay the necessary information, that is relevant to the conversation you were reading.
I would say you act out prior to comprehending much like an 8 year old child.
You are welcome to butt in on any my future forum discussions just UNDERSTAND what we were talking about?

Thanks Fuzzy for your opinion now run along toddler....
For your own best interest, some of you need to...



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