Whitlock: Black athletes shouldn’t be excused for racial hypocrisy... rips Martellus

FuzzBuster;2839943 said:
Genocide is pretty universal. You have things like the trail of tears in the states here, the turks and a whole slew of different racial and ethnic groups, the germans and their concentration camps, Asia had Pohl Pott in Cambodia, as well as the tutsies and hutus in Africa. The Romans were pretty notorious with it.

But, what about the dogs...

No respect!

Plumfool;2839939 said:
Lol awesome


You think that is funny?

My brother married a Chinese girl...no big deal, it's all good.

But he is Indian and she is Chinese and they named their first girl "Ugg-Lee".

I mean, come on, brother! WTH!

5Stars;2839955 said:
You think that is funny?

My brother married a Chinese girl...no big deal, it's all good.

But he is Indian and she is Chinese and they named their first girl "Ugg-Lee".

I mean, come on, brother! WTH!


:lmao2: u r kidding right? (feel silly asking)
Four;2839742 said:
No it's not the same when witten says it, but the correct analogy would be if witten made redneck jokes, not racist jokes.

That is giving the magnitude of the struggles of blacks in the US, and the offense nature of the N-word, a seriously casual treatment. When was the last time someone was killed for referring to someone as a "rednecK"?

The double standard has everything to do with it, but the author's point wasn't so much that Witten couldn't get away with saying it (and he was surely be vilified in the most serious way imaginable if he did) as it is that it undermines the hard-won equalities that blacks have gained.

And it makes Bennett look immature and juvenile.
Four;2839753 said:
Making jokes can be an effort to improve, satire and joking about things are a way to bring it to the front without being overly insulting to others.

You could test your theory by walking up to a group of black people and saying "what's up, n******?, but I doubt you'd be so willing to test your theory. It's a racially, culturally exclusive word and that' is Whitlock's point - you can't expect equality and continue to use that language without limiting your ability to maintain or advance your agenda.

It's an offensive word used to put people "in their place" in society and, in my opinion, our society would be better off if it were never spoken again.
Shotgun Dave;2839968 said:
You could test your theory by walking up to a group of black people and saying "what's up, n******?, but I doubt you'd be so willing to test your theory. It's a racially, culturally exclusive word and that' is Whitlock's point - you can't expect equality and continue to use that language without limiting your ability to maintain or advance your agenda.

It's an offensive word used to put people "in their place" in society and, in my opinion, our society would be better off if it were never spoken again.

I think you missed his point.

If a black man walks up to a few white guys he doesn't know and says whats up 'rednecks' or 'crackers' he would get a similar treatment as the scenario you described. It's now exactly the same but similar enough to drive home the point that four was trying to make.
tunahelper;2839792 said:
Why is uniting a racial community acceptable when blacks do it?

It a white person aims to unite his divided race it will be viewed as racism.

Interesting. You view his effort to elevate the unity of the black race by imploring others of that race to quit calling one another by a word that's so offensive to most people that it's blocked by most web filters and would likely get you beaten silly for using it in public as unacceptable?

Now, I'm with you on the example of Miss Black America being publicly accepted while a Miss White America would start an outrage, but his column is anything but that.
Four;2839677 said:
I completely disagree there is a double standard.

the difference only lies in people's own perceptions, and 9 times out of 10 its white folks complaining that there is a double standard.

Matter of fact, I don't think I have ever heard a black person use the double standard argument.

There is obviously a double standard. Its so obvious that to deny it is to betray a political agenda.
Four;2839652 said:
people need to stop pretending to be so sensitive to this crap.

People are people, stop being consumed with black and white, culturally there are differences and with that come humor and attempts at humor, feigning outrage holds equality back, and I doubt writers like this guy understand that.

Just have fun and love each other, stop pretending we need to leave our sense of humor at the door.

Could not have said that any better. Right on!!!
Four;2839652 said:
people need to stop pretending to be so sensitive to this crap.

People are people, stop being consumed with black and white, culturally there are differences and with that come humor and attempts at humor, feigning outrage holds equality back, and I doubt writers like this guy understand that.

Just have fun and love each other, stop pretending we need to leave our sense of humor at the door.

I agree... and there shouldn't be repercussions on ANYONE using those words...

Unfortunately... there is...
Bleu Star;2839960 said:
:lmao2: u r kidding right? (feel silly asking)

I was the youngest of my 4 brothers and one sister. My big brothers would take me out to do the most coolest things.

One time my other brother took me out to get in a canoe....he showed me how to take three strokes and shoot acroos the lake!


Now that felt good...

I did that again later on that night...

trickblue;2839988 said:
I agree... and there shouldn't be repercussions on ANYONE using those words...

Unfortunately... there is...

do you want to use those words?
5Stars;2839991 said:
I was the youngest of my 4 brothers and one sister. My big brothers would take me out to do the most coolest things.

One time my other brother took me out to get in a canoe....he showed me how to take three strokes and shoot acroos the lake!


Now that felt good...

I did that again later on that night...


There you go off on one of your tangents. Funny man. We need more humor in this cold harsh world. :D
Bleu Star;2840000 said:
There you go off on one of your tangents. Funny man. We need more humor in this cold harsh world. :D

I'm with you....

:star: It's all good....

I need some chicken...

Plumfool;2839997 said:
do you want to use those words?

No I don't... but every American has the right to use them and face EQUAL repercussions...

and... for future reference... I am married to a minority...
5Stars;2840002 said:
I'm with you....

:star: It's all good....

I need some chicken...


I'll take seafood over chicken every single day of the week. I've lived on the Gulf Coast for far too long.

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