Whitlock: Black athletes shouldn’t be excused for racial hypocrisy... rips Martellus

trickblue;2840003 said:
No I don't... but every American has the right to use them and face EQUAL repercussions...

and... for future reference... I am married to a minority...

Thirty years from now, you'll both be minorities if certain demographic trends hold up.
trickblue;2840003 said:
No I don't... but every American has the right to use them and face EQUAL repercussions...

and... for future reference... I am married to a minority...

By law yes. But because of the way certain words were introduced to our society to just ignore that fact is very hard. Being a black man if my white buddy makes a stereotypical joke I'll laugh. If a random stranger who is white on the golf course does it there will be hurt feelings. You can't expect any repercussions as a result of hundreds of years of injustice. It wasn't cleared up overnite. But it's better than it was when I was born.
Yes, yes...the old "right to be a moron" argument comes up again. Yes, people often have the "right" to behave like morons. That doesn't make it wise or ethical. Yes, there are consequences for exercising ones "rights" and that's as it should be.

But, why oh why don't people just choose instead to not use such inflammatory words? Perhaps because they secretly like to be inflammatory? I wish I knew. I certainly don't think Bennett is any cooler for it.
links18;2839663 said:
"Oh, we might run the careless and stupid out of a job from time to time. We might even play a role in getting another half-black, raised-by-white-people man elected to the presidency."

Wow, I am not passing judgment on the substance of this comment, but it took a lot of cahones for him to write that. That is a potential career ender there.

Thats the part of the article I dont agree with, I dont see the purpose of that statement.
bbgun;2840009 said:
Thirty years from now, you'll both be minorities if certain demographic trends hold up.

FYI i'm a minority now. Black and seminole
Plumfool;2840015 said:
By law yes. But because of the way certain words were introduced to our society to just ignore that fact is very hard. Being a black man if my white buddy makes a stereotypical joke I'll laugh. If a random stranger who is white on the golf course does it there will be hurt feelings. You can't expect any repercussions as a result of hundreds of years of injustice. It wasn't cleared up overnite. But it's better than it was when I was born.

Nope it wasn't cleared up overnight...

But if true equality is to be achieved, you can't give a pass for one race and rail on another for the same thing...

It's a basic premise for equality...
Plumfool;2840015 said:
You can't expect any repercussions as a result of hundreds of years of injustice. It wasn't cleared up overnite. But it's better than it was when I was born.

And who gets to decide when this injustice is 'paid in full?' Somebody like this turd Whitlock?

Its interesting because we live in a society where its generally accepted that the sins of the father are not passed down to the children yet in this case it is held as acceptable.
I have found through the workplace that the N word is almost a term of endearment in urban black communities.

Many times my associates have used the term amongst themselves and I have even been called the N word by my black friends. Uncomfortable with that, I have been quick to ask them to halt using the term for the reasons many have stated before.... specifically that many people have died for the cause of equal rights and to end racism, and I think that word has been made a joke of in modern pop culture.

The response I got from black friends- almost EVERYONE of them.... " it's just a word. you're my ****. If you're my ***** then I'm your *****. Whether or not you say that to me, it's ok. It's Just a word- relax."

The point is that your actions speak to your character and one's actions will not always toe the line of politically correct perfection. What he was telling me is that it's ok to screw up because we know what you're about. Even though I would never make that mistake because that word is not one to be used toward an african-american person IMO as a caucasian.

The point is- words cannot hurt people. It's the actions behind words that hurt people. It's the prevalence of people that don't open their hearts to others that hurt people. Every culture has its idiosyncratic histories. White's, blacks, asians, native-americans, arabs, Indians, etc. If you cannot laugh and enjoy these of your own culture, how can you ever relate to another's? It is important the struggle of one's culture never be forgotten- but to move forward as a society means we have to forgive. Ourselves. Others. Everyone.

And have the ability to embrace all walks of life as our friends.

Hate can never be conquered without love and laughter.

I think that's Marty B's point. I doubt very highly has a bone of racism in his body. What he's telling us is that it's ok that he's black and it's ok if you think he's funny. If you don't, that might speak more to your heart than to his. He's leaving his on video for all to enjoy. He's a gifted young man and a professional football player with a jubilant soul and he wants to be our friend. What's racist about that?
FuzzBuster;2840022 said:
And who gets to decide when this injustice is 'paid in full?' Somebody like this turd Whitlock?

Its interesting because we live in a society where its generally accepted that the sins of the father are not passed down to the children yet in this case it is held as acceptable.
Injustices are ongoing. I'm part of a huge lawsuit againt the Deptment of Agriculture. I had land and my dad had all the farming equipement i needed to start ranching when i turned 18 and was still turned down for a loan when other, far less qualified whites borrowed 100's of thousands of dollars. They had a flat out policy, NO LOANS TO INDIANS and we are going to collect billions when it's all said and done, just as the Black farmers collected because the USDA did the same damn thing to them.

trickblue;2840020 said:
Nope it wasn't cleared up overnight...

But if true equality is to be achieved, you can't give a pass for one race and rail on another for the same thing...

It's a basic premise for equality...

You said a mouthfull. "To be achieved" the civil rights movement ended in some minds in 1964. My parents have vivid memories of those times. You may feel that you can't give a pass but you can't expect people to be ok with being stepped on then once they get up not to have some reaction to it.
trickblue;2840020 said:
Nope it wasn't cleared up overnight...

But if true equality is to be achieved, you can't give a pass for one race and rail on another for the same thing...

It's a basic premise for equality...

i really think it would serve a lot of Americans well to go and spend some time in Brazil. Now this is not say that there is no racial divides in that country but moreso to demonstrate this American need to pigeonhole someone into either black or white is pretty stupid. They have words for people that are really dark complected, really light complected, dark complected with straighter hair, light complected with curly hair, medium complected in all of its spectrums with most permutations along a myriad of any features you can probably think of.

Its pretty interesting because it shows that people can be looked at as different but that humans are so diverse and unique that its a very beautiful thing.
FuzzBuster;2840036 said:
i really think it would serve a lot of Americans well to go and spend some time in Brazil. Now this is not say that there is no racial divides in that country but moreso to demonstrate this American need to pigeonhole someone into either black or white is pretty stupid. They have words for people that are really dark complected, really light complected, dark complected with straighter hair, light complected with curly hair, medium complected in all of its spectrums with most permutations along a myriad of any features you can probably think of.

Its pretty interesting because it shows that people can be looked at as different but that humans are so diverse and unique that its a very beautiful thing.

Love rio
Shotgun Dave;2839977 said:
Interesting. You view his effort to elevate the unity of the black race by imploring others of that race to quit calling one another by a word that's so offensive to most people that it's blocked by most web filters and would likely get you beaten silly for using it in public as unacceptable?

Now, I'm with you on the example of Miss Black America being publicly accepted while a Miss White America would start an outrage, but his column is anything but that.

You are confused? I never mentioned the N word at all in my post??
My point simply was is the unification of a racial group is unacceptable for the white race. It is demonized as a hate group no matter its agenda.
FuzzBuster;2839943 said:
Genocide is pretty universal. You have things like the trail of tears in the states here, the turks and a whole slew of different racial and ethnic groups, the germans and their concentration camps, Asia had Pohl Pott in Cambodia, as well as the tutsies and hutus in Africa. The Romans were pretty notorious with it.

present day genocide finds statistical dominance in Sudan and throughout Africa.
Let's get back to Marty B.

I'm excited about this kid. A fast Jay Novachek who can block on the LOS. He could turn out to be better than Gates.
tunahelper;2840042 said:
You are confused? I never mentioned the N word at all in my post??
My point simply was is the unification of a racial group is unacceptable for the white race. It is demonized as a hate group no matter its agenda.

Is there such a white group? Not trying to being funny or anything it's just the only ones I've heard of have hatred of other races as their agenda.
If he wants to do it, so be it. But yes, If Jason Witten does it, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will come down faster than they did jockeying for the Michael Jackson funeral.

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