rdsknsbaby said:
QB- agreed
RB- Too close to call between Washington and NY
Very close...But Barber is better...MUCH better all-around. He's a great blocker, receiver, and not far behind as a runner.
Barber stinkin' scares me everytime we play the Giants.
WR- Are you Crazy?!?!?!?!
Thats the order, and its even a toss up Between Dallas and Washington
Are you crazy?
The Giants have Toomer (who's admittedly winding down but still very good), Burress (very tough), Moss, and that one dude that's a great returner.
And please.....No even toss up at all with Dallas and Washington. You guys greatly overrate your guys. Moss had ONE great season. ONE! The NFL is full of guys that have had ONE great season. Now, he could've broken out, or merely had a career year.
Owens is better than Moss
Glenn is better than Randel El
Ranel El is better than Crayton, although Crayton's numbers were comparable to El's last year.
OL- Agreed
DL- Philly would be last in my book. I think that Dallas and Wahington again are too close to call.
This is a hard one. Philly has a nice DL. Howard, Kearse, Walker, and now Bunkley.....The Giants have the best bookends in the NFL...easily. I think you may have a point about our DLs....ours is very, very young.
LB- Agreed
Secondary-Too Closeto call between the First 3... But i would say...
I don't think you all have the best secondary. Ours is better than yours.
Newman better than Springs
Henry better than Rogers
Williams better than Archuletta
Taylor is better than Coleman/Watkins/Davis
Glenn is a better 3rd CB than yours too.