Who has a voice of an Angel?

Susan Boyle.

She may not be a hot chick but that woman has a fabulous voice and I could listen to her for hours. Before she sang the audience was toyally in doubt about her and preparing to boo her; 10 seconds later they were all screaming and giving her a standing ovation. She has gone from total obscurity to 14 or 15 million albums in a little over a year. How many plain looking middle age people have done that in a business that is oriented toward beautiful young people?


If you have never heard her, check out this video.
Thank you Phoenix for helping me :D

Here's another that I like


She was on American Idol a few seasons ago but didn't make it past Hollywood week. I'm a fan!
I'm just going to interpret this as "favorite" voices of all-time.

1. Michael Jackson. A prodigy and a musical genius.
2. Kevin Max. Christian singer and poet. Was a part of dc Talk. Does his own solo stuff now. If you haven't heard him sing, please do me a favor and listen and comment... I just think he's incredible. Here he is doing a cover of Queen's "Save Me": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVGsluyCGNU&feature=related
3. Freddie Mercury. What a range.
4. Don Henley. Love the rough, raspy quality of his voice. Makes him stand out.
5. Ray Charles. I can just feel the raw emotion seeping out of his soul when he sings.

1. Stevie Nicks. Most unique female voice.
2. Ann Wilson. Such power.
3. Mariah Carey. Back before she became a pop diva, she was a serious singer with loads of talent.
I forgot about Anneke.


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