Who here believes Jerry wants to keep Jason?

Irving Cowboy

The Chief
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By all means, venture your guesses. I'm talking here about media reports from coaches and sports team owners and the like and not forum posts, though.

But, but, I thought the media didn't know what they are talking about?

Unless you are getting these coach and owner nuggets about what they think about Garrett straight from their mouth to your ear without a microphone in between, it doesn't count. You can't have it both ways. And Garrett hasn't shown ANYTHING that can be construed as progress. 3 8-8 years has this team in the same spot, barely treading water. To think otherwise is nothing short of delusional and proves you have an agenda to push. This is coming from someone who was pretty happy when Garrett was hired. Fortunately, I'm not tied up by romantic tales of fantasy so much that I can't change my mind without embarrassing myself. Some here can't do that, they have too many things they've posted on here as facts when all they are are opinions and wishful thinking.

As far as baiting Hos, I don't know what you are talking about. I have him on ignore. The only reason I saw his wishful thinking gospel is because it was quoted by someone else. You're sniffing for truffles in a high school football field there, my friend.

Irving Cowboy

The Chief
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Oh yeah... please Idgit, post one thing Jason has going for him. And please make it something that can be verified with numbers, not just your opinion.

I'm waiting with baited breath.


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Remember last offseason when Jerry did everything in his powers to make Jason quit and now it seems like he has fallen back in love with his pet. What is the deal here? Is Jerry really this crazy or should we not believe all this Garrett love from Jerry? Once again I can't make any sense of Jerry just as I can't make any sense of his comments where he seems to contradict himself almost every time.

Jerry would rather see them lose for 15 years and they maybe stumble into a playoff run so he can say SEE I TOLD YOU! Then get a new guy right now and be competitive next year because that would be admitting he royally screwed up, which is obvious to anyone with a brain in their head.

Risen Star

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That is news to me as well.

If he was torn on Switzer, who did have the team quit on him, you might as well start planning for a contract extension for Garrett.

Oh, I think he'd love to extend Garrett. I don't think he's ever had more fun.


Well-Known Member
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Oh yeah... please Idgit, post one thing Jason has going for him. And please make it something that can be verified with numbers, not just your opinion.

I'm waiting with baited breath.

You will be waiting for a long time! Here's one, He used to play for Dallas! and 2ndly he is a nice guy ! 2 key factors in building a winning team apparently.

Irving Cowboy

The Chief
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Jerry would rather see them lose for 15 years and they maybe stumble into a playoff run so he can say SEE I TOLD YOU!
That's happened already. See 2009/2010.

Sort of along the same lines, and I suppose many of you on here who have been in the military recently or are still in, the prevailing mindset when bringing an accused individual to NJP (Non-judidial punishment) for the past 8 years or so is to absolve the individual of blame and to remove any trace of accountability for their actions which brought them to NJP in the first place. Instead of being punished, most (with the exception of dope-smokers) were coddled and put into a "get-well" program where they were closely monitored and treated even more like a child. Well guess what, treat a man like a child, and most of the time he is going to act like a child.

And that's the way it went for the first two years of this CO's tenure... knuckleheads do stupid things, aren't held accountable, whether that be punished or sent home(fired) and holy cow they were standing in front of the old man months, sometimes just weeks later for being stupid again.

Just before said CO transferred, he made sure to tell us all that Airman so-and-so who had done such-and-such in the past and had been to NJP numerous times had finally seen the light and had turned himself around, being selected for promotion to E-4. One out of hundreds... I mean that's playing the percentages at the very least. Yet Captain KidGloves decides to use him as proof positive that dancing around responsibility and continued jackassery will eventually pay off.

I knew it was my time to go.

Next Years Champ

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Let's not forget Mike Tomlinson has 12 years of coaching experience (5 years of college and 7 years in the NFL) before he even became a HC, had a super bowl ring from coaching as a DB coach for the Buccaneers in 2002, and has worked under some pretty good coaches such as Tony Dungy, Jon Gruden and Tommy Tuberville.

Garrett wishes he had that pedigree.

Garrett was a pre-packaged selection from the moment he came from the Miami staff.

It was never based on success.

It was based on who Jerrah could control and who would accept his form of assistance.

Few HC's beyond a guy like Garrett would agree to that..

..maybe a Phillips..looking for a last shot as a HC.

And I liked Phillips..our best DC in a decade as a HC.

Risen Star

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This post scared me. Like zombie chasing me scared.

I think Garrett represents the Jerry way. He's not letting go of that yet. Where would he go from there? He may have to....~gulp~....give some authority to his new head coach. Walk on egg shells again. Be miserable while the team improves. Ya know, stuff a sane owner goes through.


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I think Garrett represents the Jerry way. He's not letting go of that yet. Where would he go from there? He may have to....~gulp~....give some authority to his new head coach. Walk on egg shells again. Be miserable while the team improves. Ya know, stuff a sane owner goes through.

Yea I agree with you.

He's a nut.


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I strongly believe Jerry want to keep Jason.
I'll let others debate how wise that is.


The Duke
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You take "faith." I'll take results.

When the Cowboys blow these games/seasons, does it really comfort you to say "Yeah but the players like and have faith in him!" Or are you just trolling us? Real question.
Results do not come without faith.


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Results do not come without faith.

Did I crack open a fortune cookie?

You realize this is year three of Garretts time. He's been here since 2007, and he has the most imporant thing a team needs to win in this leage - a bonafide franchise QB.

Yet he's accomplished mediocracy and he's shown to be a liability on gamedays more than an assett.

What exactly is this "faith" getting us?


Well-Known Member
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You take "faith." I'll take results.

When the Cowboys blow these games/seasons, does it really comfort you to say "Yeah but the players like and have faith in him!" Or are you just trolling us? Real question.

He is trolling us. From my reading these boards, Hostile is a successful person in real life and should know better. Anyone with the most basic leadership experience or skill knows better.

Through my commissioning process for the Army there is one quote which stays with me - "The Army demands results." Bottom line, results matter, success matters. Failure or mediocrity means you messed up. Sometimes it is out of your hands, but if you have control of events and fail to perform it's on you. It's not easy being in a leadership position, I have empathy for Garrett in this regard, however, Garrett's poor decisions cost games. Sugar coat it, rationalize it, distort it any which way, but the record of mediocrity under his leadership bears this out.

As far as the players having faith in him, liking him, who cares. I would rather they respect and produce results for Garrett. I never asked the men I lead if they liked me, or if they thought I was swell, or had faith in me, and none of my commanders ever asked it of me. They displayed through through their performance. Anyone can say nice things, it is what they actually do which defines.


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Also, how would any random fan know who or what the players/coaches place their faith in?


1st Round Pick
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This is the crap I hate.

I want the Cowboys to win but with Jerry logic he could actually save his job with a win.

You can't look at this guys career in Dallas and justify keeping him. He should be fired just for blowing the division this year alone.

Jason plays a mediocre brand of football and he needs to go be the QB coach somewhere and get out of Dallas.