Hey, I'm full of doubts. Lots of good posters express doubts from time to time. I have no problem with that. There's plenty to be critical about here, and having doubts is normal.
What makes this board a lot less enjoyable than it should be is the stream of negativity from a subset of posters re: a team that won 9 games last year despite a number of obvious hardships--self-inflicted or otherwise. We've got an open window and a new stadium, and 11 picks in the upcoming draft and the general tone of the board is still 'butthurt-about-what-happened-last-December.'
How many teams go on to play well surrounded by the type of negativity that's following our Cowboys in the press and among the fans? Not a lot. If the team didn't have talent or weren't capable of playing with the very best in the league, then perhaps the negativity would be justified. I understand people are disappointed, that's only natural. We have a choice about how we handle disappointment. Right now, our fans are embarrassing themselves. Whining doesn't help anything, and it's not fun to listen to.
Honestly, if you were a player on this team, and you read the boards with any frequency at all, and let's just say for the sake of hypothesis we go on to win it all in 2009, how would you feel about our fans? I know I'd feel like the team one the Superbowl *in spite* of its fanbase. That's messed up. The fact that the fans will all jump back on the bandwagon by midseason if the team plays well would mean nothing to me. You learn about people when times are good, not when they're bad, and that goes for fans as much as it does for friends and family. The only difference is the degree. The fact is, we're a pretty faithless bunch.
Freaking out is not the same thing as being realistic and nobody gets any credit for turning on their own in my book.