Who says the referees are not biased and help other teams beat the Cowboys?

Can't blame the refs? Are you on drugs or something? Can you not see the double standard biased officiating that's on video?
This is what happens when folks like you watch a clip without knowing why it was called or not called. They will not usually call holding when the player is in front of them when the player moves away you can’t keep hold of his jersey if you really watched the game it was fully explained as for PI that’s always subjective and if the teams were reversed you would say good calls. It’s pretty obvious you never played competitive football or you would know this. The biggest miss was holding on MP. MM team is a penalty machine since he’s been here, if you have complaint take it up with him. Don’t see say bad calls on those illegal contact that helped Dallas but wouldn’t expect objectify from you only tin foil hat and they plates all suck but #4 who played very well yesterday for 59 minutes.
This is what happens when folks like you watch a clip without knowing why it was called or not called. They will not usually call holding when the player is in front of them when the player moves away you can’t keep hold of his jersey if you really watched the game it was fully explained as for PI that’s always subjective and if the teams were reversed you would say good calls. It’s pretty obvious you never played competitive football or you would know this. The biggest miss was holding on MP. MM team is a penalty machine since he’s been here, if you have complaint take it up with him. Don’t see say bad calls on those illegal contact that helped Dallas but wouldn’t expect objectify from you only tin foil hat and they plates all suck but #4 who played very well yesterday for 59 minutes.
When did I say the holding on Schoonmaker was not correct? I said the double standard bias from the refs was the problem. That's what this thread is about. It's on video as posted in my opening post. Quit making crap up for something I never said. Instead, act like a 59 year old man and man up for once. Admit what's on video as shown the biased double standard by the referees.
Helped? Those calls were correct.
Stop your making a joke of yourself, calls against Cowboys bad calls against Eagles we’re correct you have zero credibility and sound like a petulant child. Sad pathetic and you need to get hold of yourself ranting and living in fantasy land is a bad idea.
I'm not defending the refs whatsoever, make that clear. But you can't deny Dallas blew it when they had a chance to pull it out, refs or no refs
That's got absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand for this thread.
That's got absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand for this thread.
It has everything to do with the thread title. You said the refs are biased against Dallas. If that was the case they wouldn't have called anything against Philly on Dallas' last drive.

I don't think there's any bias, I think the refs just suck arse and should find different jobs. The NFL needs to crack down on them, but we all know that won't happen.
It has everything to do with the thread title. You said the refs are biased against Dallas. If that was the case they wouldn't have called anything against Philly on Dallas' last drive.

I don't think there's any bias, I think the refs just suck arse and should find different jobs. The NFL needs to crack down on them, but we all know that won't happen.
Your point about the Cowboys blowing it at the end has absolutely nothing to do with this thread's topic on how biased the refs were.
You're better than this. The refs were calling it on both sides. Refs will always miss calls. The Cowboys need to execute plays. They had a chance to win at the end. In fact, a couple of eagles penalties helped the cowboys on that final drive. Then the Cowboys self destructed as they unusually do.
You don't get it. They helped Eagles score points when they were stopped. No way they win if those ******** calls weren't called. Parson was held numerous times yesterday. Refs have gifted them wins over Dallas and Miami.
What I found generally disturbing about that game is that Dallas couldn't buy a call all game long and then once down big, every time the Eagles farted there was a yellow hanky. This is a trend I have seen league wide where the team behind starts getting a lot of calls in its favor.
You don't get it. They helped Eagles score points when they were stopped. No way they win if those bull**** calls weren't called. Parson was held numerous times yesterday. Refs have gifted them wins over Dallas and Miami.
His Dak hatred blinds him.
I believe the penalties were 8 Cowboys vs 7 Egirls. Not all that one sided. Stop committing stupid penalties and then nothing to worry about.
That's lazy. Just bc the penalties were close at the end of the game doesn't mean Dallas wasn't hosed by the refs. It ending 8 to 7 doesn't change that it should have been closer to 12/13 for the eagles
So speaks the 59 year old who never played football in his entire life. Sorry, Billy Boy, this is not Madden.
Great comeback your reply just makes my posts point, you have nothing but bitterness and delusions based on lack of knowledge from never playing. Take a nap then learn some football 6 yard line and zero points was the refs fault who got them there to begin with. Your idea of fair is don’t call penalties on Dallas only opponents it’s the right thing to do, can’t make this stuff up, only on CZ can one find laughs
we lost, there were some missed calls but we lost...could have still won there at the end - cant blame the refs, bad calls / non calls happen all the time.
Is there any way we can discuss the missed/bad calls independently from the loss blame subject?

Yes. We all there are things we could’ve done better. Things we’d like to have turned out better and one of those things is some calls. And now we’re talking a look at some of them.

Just like there’s a thread McCarty, Dak, the running game etc. it’s just one factor in the loss and I think it’s ok to discuss it. I mean, why not?
How many penalties does it take to influence the outcome?

How many non-calls does it take to influence the outcome?

While there seems to be this coordinated complaint about it came down to the end, one might point to at least one scoring drive of the eagles which benefitted from a flag to keep it alive.

I am not normally one to make arguments about penalties. And the stat of the number of penalties being near equal is just a stat. One has to look at the drive ending penalties, or the complete ignoring of what should have been called and at what time in a drive to accurately assess if this game was called equally.

Dallas has a reputation of getting penalties. Other teams less so. Please tell me the refs don't know this information, and if so, they take a harder look at Dallas.

But perhaps the issue of Parsons being mauled without a flag might cause me more angst. Because I am not one to believe Micah disappears as much as he faces a tougher road to the QB, along with the refs ignoring holding on him routinely.

My whine is over now.
Great comeback your reply just makes my posts point, you have nothing but bitterness and delusions based on lack of knowledge from never playing. Take a nap then learn some football 6 yard line and zero points was the refs fault who got them there to begin with. Your idea of fair is don’t call penalties on Dallas only opponents it’s the right thing to do, can’t make this stuff up, only on CZ can one find laughs
Yeah, I never played the sport. Only made the Texas High School All State team twice while playing 2 years of semi-pro football afterwards. What did you do waterboy?
When did I say the holding on Schoonmaker was not correct? I said the double standard bias from the refs was the problem. That's what this thread is about. It's on video as posted in my opening post. Quit making crap up for something I never said. Instead, act like a 59 year old man and man up for once. Admit what's on video as shown the biased double standard by the referees.
It’s not a double standard you just don’t have the football intelligence to understand the difference. Man up your wrong you know it and just have to find a excuse for failure, there are no excuses in life or football you know what they are like and you must have a big one
That's lazy. Just bc the penalties were close at the end of the game doesn't mean Dallas wasn't hosed by the refs. It ending 8 to 7 doesn't change that it should have been closer to 12/13 for the eagles
Really? No lazier than you jumping over the last drive where the refs practically handed the Cowboys the game in a gift basket. The game was lost by poor execution on the Cowboys part. A game which was right there for the taking.

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