Who Was Romo Talking About With Galloway?...

Seven;2181664 said:
YOU used the word huge as an embellishment to bolster your opinion. Chest thumping "I am right" any other thought/opinion makes you a crackhead and now backpeddling via other words. Pssst. That's how backpeddling works, Einstein.
Let me help you since you can't seem to help yourself..........It's your pompous, holier than thou attitude I was referencing using the word "Bellower" not hollerer or mean person or any other word. See, I can stick to my guns. YOU cannot.

GED, Huh. You can still go to college.

Spinman, backpeddler and now a liar. BS, all of this, and you know it.

Also, I took nothing out of context and I quoted ALL of it. Unlike you. Where's your quotes calling us stupid and lacking football knowledge? Freakin mongoloid. You got some nads (I think) 'ol wise one.

I don't "think" I'm making an argument, I "know" I'm schooling a punk, who if he doesn't get his way, resorts to lies.

Ohhhh. Now we're silly. Previously we were crackheads. Backpeddle, Ape.

Are you really this unable to read a thread?

No. I called you out concerning your pompous, meniacle, half-wit attitude calling those with different opinions crack users. Period. You got so lost and caught up in your backpeddling just to save face it's twisted beyond comprehension. You should've just manned up. Yeah right. What am I thinking.

Dude, I've dealt with tards, but man, you've reached new heights.

Really? I honestly pray you're unable to reproduce. Hitler was a baaaad man.

After reading your stuff, sorry to have to let you know. You're both. What can I say?

I cut and pasted nothing in my quote post to you. Liar. Show me where I claimed our discussion has to do with ANY receiver. Prove it, kitty Cat.

Stop beating up your little sister. You ain't near as tough as you think.

Oh yeah. One more thing. Do they call you Mr. Wonderlic or just Wonderlic...........................over there.

I won;t bother with responding to your crap line by line.

Here's the point. Either you are a liar or you are so incredibly stupid that you don't understand that quoting does not equal context. Here is a sampling of EXACTLY what I was talking about

AtlCB;2181140 said:
Most receivers step it up in their third year. I don't see why a big jump by one of these two receivers would be unreasonable.

AbeBeta;2181147 said:
Unreasonable that one will step up, no. But saying that Romo couldn't have been talking about either one because everyone EXPECTS them to step it up is silly.

You took this and posted this

Seven;2181664 said:
Full backpeddle mode!! All hands on deck!!

You either fail to understand what I posted or are too stupid to grasp it. So again -- should people EXPECT Hurd/Austin to step up? NO. Would it be unreasonable if one did? Not really. But as I noted before COUNTING on it is silly. Is it reasonable to say Romo couldn't have been talking about either? NO.

Now the next time you want to call someone gay, a liar, a ******, and a woman beater, you take a long look in the mirror. I know you are at least two of those things. You tell me how many more you are.
I wish the two younguns would take it to the playground........;)
Cbz40;2181726 said:
I wish the two younguns would take it to the playground........;)

I'm tryin' Cbz. HEY!!! Can we use your front yard? :)
Cbz40;2181976 said:
Use the back yard...careful of the gators...:)

:laugh2: Thanks for the warning, young man...............
I've been connecting all the dots.

It should've been obvious from the beginning.

Romo's talking about Bigg Davis.

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