Who Was Romo Talking About With Galloway?...

It's gotta be Hurd, he's the only one that already has an ego big enough that seeing his name in print would send it into orbit.
dargonking999;2181461 said:
Ok guys, your ruining a good football discusssion with personal remarks, Let's act a little older (Seven)

Nice of you to single me out. Go back to his reply to my 1st post, which he still doesn't GET. His reference to a camaro? Mitten boy............
AbeBeta;2181449 said:
How is that backpedaling? Hurd or Austin is the one he was talking about -- neither Amendola or Stanback is going to make a huge contribution, separate from the pack, or do whatever the hell you want to call it.

But please keep throwing out ridiculous backpedal claims -- it just helps to show that you really did have to work to get up to SEVEN.

It's gone beyond spin, backpeddling. You're all the way up to DUH!?

Seven;2181494 said:
Nice of you to single me out. Go back to his reply to my 1st post, which he still doesn't GET. His reference to a camaro? Mitten boy............

waaaaah! Dargon was mean to me! :lmao2:
AbeBeta;2181457 said:
Wow, coming with some gay smack?

You said it I didn't...............

AbeBeta;2181457 said:
We both know I had to change my username to get your mama to stop PM'ing me.

Your responsible for the Gyno bill...................Mr. Itchy Bon.

AbeBeta;2181457 said:
God, I wish SHE thought I was gay.

Again, your words...............
Seven;2181506 said:
You said it I didn't...............

Your responsible for the Gyno bill...................Mr. Itchy Bon.

Again, your words...............

Wow, even your smack talk is boring and uninspired.
AbeBeta;2181514 said:
Wow, even your smack talk is boring and uninspired.

C'mon Ape. This is el-lamo. What's next the rubber glue gig?
Seven;2181525 said:
C'mon Ape. This is el-lamo. What's next the rubber glue gig?

Dude - that mama smack was inspired. Wonderlic was pretty good as well, but otherwise you fell short.
AbeBeta;2180953 said:
He's likely talking about Hurd or Austin - you'd have to be on crack to think either Stanback or Amendola are going to come in and make huge contributions.
My guess is that he's on about Hurd as his extra weight is going to be a real help.

S l o w l y read the bolden. That's the portion I commented on.

Seven;2181071 said:
Dude, you flat out bellow. Well beyond opinion or prediction. :rolleyes:

And where did HUGE come into play here? Did he say huge? Did Galloway say huge?

Please continue to embellish .....................someday you may start believing youself.

My response to you accusing other folks opinions as crack induced. And I pointed out HUGE was never used..........O' greater than thou...........
AbeBeta;2181109 said:
Oh boy, here comes big bad Seven acting all tough again. I swear, you are like that guy who buys a Camaro because he's deficient downstairs.

Here is where you take offense to someone calling you out for knighting us "crackheads" because our opinions may differ from yours, holy one.
AbeBeta;2181109 said:
Here is what was said.

He's talking about a player who didn't do all that much last year coming up big for the team. STAND OUT. You've got to make a major contribution to stand out. You've got to come up HUGE to do so. So you understand, I'll say it again. Anyone who thinks Stanback or Amondela is going to STAND OUT this year is on crack. We should be happy if either get to 10 catches and can be on the active roster every game.

Only one WR of that group is going to get the chance to see many balls and that is whoever come up as the #3. We threw a ton last year and our #3 WR for most of the year, Hurd was targeted only 37 times. Our #4, Austin was targeted only 10 times. The only player who is going to have an opportunity to get the ball is whoever emerges as #3 and there is no way Stanback or Amendola come out as #3.

Let the spinning begin. Let's infiltrate words and spin them and portray them a synomyms. Any "crackhead" can see right thru this.
AbeBeta;2181109 said:
I really don't think anyone can reasonably EXPECT Hurd (24 career catches) or Austin (5 career catches) to step it up.

Now your just grasping. In semi-backpeddling mode. You wear it well. It's what we've come to expect. You charge in only to realize later that you really don't like egg on your face.
AbeBeta;2181133 said:
Most teams would view a guy with those sort of career experiences over two years who stepped up as a huge and unexpected bonus.

AbeBeta;2181147 said:
Unreasonable that one will step up, no. But saying that Romo couldn't have been talking about either one because everyone EXPECTS them to step it up is silly.

Full backpeddle mode!! All hands on deck!!

dallasfaniac;2181148 said:
So is calling anyone that thinks it could be Stanback or Amendola on crack.

Seems you've offended others as well.................

AbeBeta;2181151 said:
Fine, folks who believe this aren't necessarily on crack. Other options exist. They could be stupid. They could lack football knowledge. Take your pick.

Nice. Chest thumping begins. You're definitely not an ***-hole. You'd be the Whole-***.

You're as pompus as they come.
AbeBeta;2181538 said:
Dude - that mama smack was inspired. Wonderlic was pretty good as well, but otherwise you fell short.

My mothers dead. Hope you enjoyed the "dust bowl."

Wonderlic is flat out stupid. Doesn't even relate to me or my world.

However, I must apologize for letting everyone here know your pet name when your with friends. Excuse me; when your with friend...............and even then you probably have to blow it up to 32 psi.

Damn your slo.............this is fun.
AbeBeta;2181497 said:
waaaaah! Dargon was mean to me! :lmao2:

Yeah. I need to hold up my end..........right. Classic right here, folks.
Seven;2181569 said:
S l o w l y read the bolden. That's the portion I commented on.

My response to you accusing other folks opinions as crack induced. And I pointed out HUGE was never used..........O' greater than thou...........

BFD -- the word HUGE was never used so I CLARIFIED for you -- call it coming up huge, call it stepping up, call it separating from the pack -- NONE of those things NOT A DAMN ONE should reasonably be expected for Amendola or Stanback. There is not an ounce of spin there in any way shape or form. I've been extremely clear -- whatever term you want to use, they aren't coming up ANY of them.

Seven;2181569 said:
Here is where you take offense to someone calling you out for knighting us "crackheads" because our opinions may differ from yours, holy one.

Let the spinning begin. Let's infiltrate words and spin them and portray them a synomyms. Any "crackhead" can see right thru this.

I really don't think anyone can reasonably EXPECT Hurd (24 career
catches) or Austin (5 career catches) to step it up.

Wow, it is like your IQ, not your Wonderlic is 7.

That comment was in response to someone who said the comment couldn't be about Hurd or Austin because it wouldn't be a surprise if they stepped up -- so they couldn't be who Romo suggested would be unexpected.

I pointed out that NEITHER had done anything the would lead anyone to reasonably expect they would step up so eliminating them was dumb.

Read the entire posts, don't just pick stuff out, take it out of context and think you are making some sort of argument.

Seven;2181569 said:
Now your just grasping. In semi-backpeddling mode. You wear it well. It's what we've come to expect. You charge in only to realize later that you really don't like egg on your face.

Again, part of a discussion about Hurd and Austin and how the claim that Romo couldn't have been talking about them was silly.

Are you really this unable to read a thread?

Seven;2181569 said:
Full backpeddle mode!! All hands on deck!!

Wow, it really is clear that you didn't read the thread. You've taken two conversations about different players and melded them together - what you quoted again was a conversation about Hurd and Austin and whether what Romo said might apply to them or not.

Seven;2181569 said:
Seems you've offended others as well.................

I'm happy to offend. Just as you are happy to embarrass yourself with moronic posts.

Seven;2181569 said:
Nice. Chest thumping begins. You're definitely not an ***-hole. You'd be the Whole-***.

You're as pompus as they come.

Better to be pompous than stupid.

You don't read the thread. You cut and paste stuff from a discussion about Hurd and Austin and claim it was about Amendola and Stanback then call me a backpedaler? Anyone with half a brain sees through your lame arguments.
AbeBeta;2181602 said:
BFD -- the word HUGE was never used so I CLARIFIED for you -- call it coming up huge, call it stepping up, call it separating from the pack -- NONE of those things NOT A DAMN ONE should reasonably be expected for Amendola or Stanback. There is not an ounce of spin there in any way shape or form. I've been extremely clear -- whatever term you want to use, they aren't coming up ANY of them.

YOU used the word huge as an embellishment to bolster your opinion. Chest thumping "I am right" any other thought/opinion makes you a crackhead and now backpeddling via other words. Pssst. That's how backpeddling works, Einstein.
Let me help you since you can't seem to help yourself..........It's your pompous, holier than thou attitude I was referencing using the word "Bellower" not hollerer or mean person or any other word. See, I can stick to my guns. YOU cannot.

AbeBeta;2181602 said:
Wow, it is like your IQ, not your Wonderlic is 7.

GED, Huh. You can still go to college.
AbeBeta;2181602 said:
That comment was in response to someone who said the comment couldn't be about Hurd or Austin because it wouldn't be a surprise if they stepped up -- so they couldn't be who Romo suggested would be unexpected.

I pointed out that NEITHER had done anything the would lead anyone to reasonably expect they would step up so eliminating them was dumb.

Read the entire posts, don't just pick stuff out, take it out of context and think you are making some sort of argument.

Spinman, backpeddler and now a liar. BS, all of this, and you know it.

Also, I took nothing out of context and I quoted ALL of it. Unlike you. Where's your quotes calling us stupid and lacking football knowledge? Freakin mongoloid. You got some nads (I think) 'ol wise one.

I don't "think" I'm making an argument, I "know" I'm schooling a punk, who if he doesn't get his way, resorts to lies.

AbeBeta;2181602 said:
Again, part of a discussion about Hurd and Austin and how the claim that Romo couldn't have been talking about them was silly.

Ohhhh. Now we're silly. Previously we were crackheads. Backpeddle, Ape.

Are you really this unable to read a thread?

AbeBeta;2181602 said:
Wow, it really is clear that you didn't read the thread. You've taken two conversations about different players and melded them together - what you quoted again was a conversation about Hurd and Austin and whether what Romo said might apply to them or not.

No. I called you out concerning your pompous, meniacle, half-wit attitude calling those with different opinions crack users. Period. You got so lost and caught up in your backpeddling just to save face it's twisted beyond comprehension. You should've just manned up. Yeah right. What am I thinking.

Dude, I've dealt with tards, but man, you've reached new heights.

AbeBeta;2181602 said:
I'm happy to offend.

Really? I honestly pray you're unable to reproduce. Hitler was a baaaad man.

AbeBeta;2181602 said:
Better to be pompous than stupid.

After reading your stuff, sorry to have to let you know. You're both. What can I say?
AbeBeta;2181602 said:
You don't read the thread. You cut and paste stuff from a discussion about Hurd and Austin and claim it was about Amendola and Stanback then call me a backpedaler? Anyone with half a brain sees through your lame arguments.

I cut and pasted nothing in my quote post to you. Liar. Show me where I claimed our discussion has to do with ANY receiver. Prove it, kitty Cat.

Stop beating up your little sister. You ain't near as tough as you think.

Oh yeah. One more thing. Do they call you Mr. Wonderlic or just Wonderlic...........................over there.

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