Who was the taunting call on?


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I don’t like kicking off after a 15 yard penalty. Send your punter out. He should be able to get a fair catch close to the other team’s 30-35 yard line. (Or is a free kick against the rules? If so, squib it).

Yes it is against the rules to free kick on a kickoff unless it follows a safety. You can however drop kick it.


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I hope the OP's question gets asked by someone in the media at Garrett's next presser and/or Jerry or Stephen's next radio segments. I'd really like to know what that was about, and thought that was what TV sideline reporters were for.... where was Pam Oliver?


Cowboys 24/7/365
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No chance of a block.

Very unlikely a punter gets anywhere close to the distance of a KO unless there is very little hangtime which would allow a better return.
I was not specific enough. I should have said the punter would inexplicably mishandle the ball, allowing the opposing special teams to reach the punter before he could get the ball off. That was what I was thinking in my head about 'nerves' but my fingers did not type it out.

You are correct that it should not happen 9,999 out of 10,000 attempts but I am paranoid like that. :p


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I think the officials have to use better sense than that. In the heat of the moment on such big play, emotions will spill over...

But these calls are what lead some people to speculate that the NFL likes to control the game, even to the point of giving a team like the Gianst great starting field position. Who knows.
Doesn't matter cause we still won the game. Crap call like so many others this year. I don't mind penalties cause that is part of the game, but I do mind them when the calls are totally incorrect and affect the outcome of the game at the same time. That's when it ticks me off.


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The ref said taunting on number 99 and we don’t have a 99 I don’t think. The commentator said players came on the field. Was there any clarification?

I’m not claim “conspiracy”. I just wish the refs would not take the game in their hands at crucial moments unless the penalties are directly game changing penalties.

EDIT: Sorry upon further review Woods is 99. So what did he do that warranted a 15 yd penalty that could have easily cost us the game?

I think one of the announcers said something about a team sideline violation. As if they all ran onto the field to celebrate. So maybe Woods ran out there first, or further out than the others. Regardless, they should have shown it to explain it further.

But that is on the network, not the refs, as to know if it was legit or not for us to see it.


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It was on the bench, players were on the field after the TD. Not sure why they just called it on 99.


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After that I saw Elliot running up and down the sidelines making sure everyone stayed off the line. They likely got woods for being on the white line and in the refs way. Players get on the line or the field all the time. But if it’s in the refs way they will call it. Was a BS call. Kept the game close.

Was a few bad calls yesterday. A ticky tack holding call and no call in a grounding by sheli.


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I think the possibility of the punter skanking the punt due to pressure, nerves or getting his punt blocked makes coaches believe kicking off is the safer option.
You can’t block a KO
Can’t punt it either


Taco Engineer
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I thought I saw a brief interaction with JG and Woods on the sideline? Anyone else?
Reaction score
I hope the OP's question gets asked by someone in the media at Garrett's next presser and/or Jerry or Stephen's next radio segments. I'd really like to know what that was about, and thought that was what TV sideline reporters were for.... where was Pam Oliver?

She was drunk or having another stroke


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It was on the bench, players were on the field after the TD. Not sure why they just called it on 99.
It's kinda like when the center forgets the snap count and the rest of the OL jumps, the refs picks one guy to assign the penalty to. Or like one car getting pulled over when a pack of cars are all speeding, you can't stop all of them, but someone is getting pulled over. It coulda been he just happened to be closet to a ref when it happened.