Who was the taunting call on?


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I was not specific enough. I should have said the punter would inexplicably mishandle the ball, allowing the opposing special teams to reach the punter before he could get the ball off. That was what I was thinking in my head about 'nerves' but my fingers did not type it out.

You are correct that it should not happen 9,999 out of 10,000 attempts but I am paranoid like that. :p

But the opposing team is not allowed to do that on a KO.


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Woods gave us this, so I forgive him:
Quite so!


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It could have cost us that game.

Agree. It certainly looked like the Giants would be able to get into FG range and win it with the clock expiring. This game had many of the highlights of past Dallas / Giant games. The Barkley super dive for example. 1/2 ft sooner and its a fumble/int...... Didn't happen.

Ball punched out on WR. Hard to say he " fumbled"....

Beasley one knee TD. That type of play normally goes against us , like the Dez 1 finger out of the end zone game..... Throw in the Crayton stops running route game . Witten ball bounces of his ankle for Int and these Giant/Dallas games rarely are lopsided ...

That said, a barn burner with our boys coming up clutch on O and D to get the W.....

Well done.... Go Cowboys..... Next Step.... Exorcize the Demon that is Seattle....


Cowboys 24/7/365
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But the opposing team is not allowed to do that on a KO.

@Chuck 54 introduced the sub-topic of using a punter to dropkick the kickoff that I responded to. My assumption (based on his initial scenario) was that if a punter mishandled the ball during the kickoff/free kick (i.e. the ball hits the ground) that the receiving team would be permitted to rush the punter since his 'fumble' would be deemed a live ball. I do not recall the situation (e.g. fumbling a drop kick during a free kick/kickoff) ever occurring before, so my assumption is likely and could be fully incorrect.


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Totally agree. The Eagles score a meaningless touchdown and do a production of "Hamilton" for their end zone celebration. That's fine.

Cowboys celebrate winning a game? 15 yards to automatically put the Giants at midfield in the last two minutes.

I'm not claiming its a conspiracy before some clown jumps into the thread, but the No Fun League needs to give the players more leeway in these kind of things or they need to outlaw all celebrations. This situation is silly.

Ah yes, this is vastly different than your weekly whiny “they out to get uz!” conspiracy posts.


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Ah yes, this is vastly different than your weekly whiny “they out to get uz!” conspiracy posts.

Learn to read, Cow Plop. And then get back to starting threads like "Dak isn't spazzing out now, I love the guy!!" I've got the pom poms now!!!."


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I think the officials got it right. There plenty of time left. You can't celebrate like you just won the Super Bowl.

I agree...not on the field, celebrate on the sidelines when the players come off the field. Stupid penalty. Garrett better address it sternly, because crap likes this loses games.


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Learn to read, Cow Plop. And then get back to starting threads like "Dak isn't spazzing out now, I love the guy!!" I've got the pom poms now!!!."

“Hey guys, I’m not saying there’s a conspiracy theory. I’m just saying there’s a concerted and orchestrated effort by the league and refs to screw the Cowboys.”


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I thought I saw a brief interaction with JG and Woods on the sideline? Anyone else?
I re watched the game and saw a replay of Woods running out on to the field past Garrett (after the 2point conv) and I'm not sure what he did because the camera did not follow him, but I suspect he said or did something to the Gboy sideline when he was on the field. I also saw a brief camera shot of Garrett briefly talking to him on the sidelines afterwards. So hope he makes it clear in the future to all players to contain themselves because the refs are looking for anything to throw a flag.


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Can someone post the All-22 clip of what happened?

It’s a bit rich nobody apparently knows what happened but are quick to dismiss the penalty as undeserved. Go figure.


Taco Engineer
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I re watched the game and saw a replay of Woods running out on to the field past Garrett (after the 2point conv) and I'm not sure what he did because the camera did not follow him, but I suspect he said or did something to the Gboy sideline when he was on the field. I also saw a brief camera shot of Garrett briefly talking to him on the sidelines afterwards. So hope he makes it clear in the future to all players to contain themselves because the refs are looking for anything to throw a flag.
That's what I saw. I almost remember Woods replying it was dumb or stupid or something like that. I'll have to watch it again.


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“Hey guys, I’m not saying there’s a conspiracy theory. I’m just saying there’s a concerted and orchestrated effort by the league and refs to screw the Cowboys.”

I've posted several dozen times that this year the calls are mostly bad calls and aren't biased against the Cowboys.

I've also posted for years that bad calls even out over time.

I've also posted that last year there was a very clear stastical anomaly in holding penalties that was timed exactly with Jerry challenging Goodell's 200 Million contract. DLaw said the same thing publicly, but hey - what would he know about defensive line play for Dallas?

I've also posted that if you look at the timing of really bad calls, too many of them seem to come in the first half of games that might break open and decrease viewership, which decreases the 5 Billion dollars in ad revenue the NFL gets.

You have posted "Dak is spazzing out!!!!!"


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It’s a bit rich nobody apparently knows what happened but are quick to dismiss the penalty as undeserved. Go figure.

Its more than a bit rich that you post in every single one of these threads and still haven't figured out that the complaint isn't that the plays aren't penalties, but they are called selectively and at a time that favors one team over another.


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It can't be for running on the field to celebrate. I've seen teams doing that all season long. It had to be specifically something Woods did.


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It can't be for running on the field to celebrate. I've seen teams doing that all season long. It had to be specifically something Woods did.

Antwaun Woods was penalized for running onto the field and yelling "Hey Eli! Who caught your pass better - me or Azuzie??!!!??"

Making Eli cry is 15 yards every time.


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I've posted several dozen times that this year the calls are mostly bad calls and aren't biased against the Cowboys.

I've also posted for years that bad calls even out over time.

I've also posted that last year there was a very clear stastical anomaly in holding penalties that was timed exactly with Jerry challenging Goodell's 200 Million contract. DLaw said the same thing publicly, but hey - what would he know about defensive line play for Dallas?

I've also posted that if you look at the timing of really bad calls, too many of them seem to come in the first half of games that might break open and decrease viewership, which decreases the 5 Billion dollars in ad revenue the NFL gets.

You have posted "Dak is spazzing out!!!!!"


Thanks for the summary for the record. You’re a self-admitted conspiracy theorist.

Oh, and yes, Dak absolutely spazzes out at times. I said that yesterday, say it today, and I’ll say it tomorrow, lol.