Who was the taunting call on?


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There needs to be a team meeting Pronto and they need to be told in no uncertain terms . The celebration penalties are over its post season and down to business . Fun and celebrations are for after the SB is won and not before .

Hand the ball to the Ref keep your mouth shut and don't do anything that can be misconstrued as taunting . Less said is best let your play do the talking . That crap yesterday is the kind of thing that ruins the teams best efforts because some idiot is not mature enough to control themselves .

This is the time for Garrett to unleash some F bombs in the proper direction and get the point across


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Yup. You were a clown yesterday, you are a clown today and you will be a clown tomorrow.

Lulz, you never were a caltech alum, never could be, and never will be...

Keep walking that campus though! You’re practically enrolled, lol.


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That's twice a post-TD celebration cost us huge yards. The first time (Zeke-Dak kettle) I believe the skins scored a TD after a big return, and yesterday it almost cost us the game. Yes, it's stupid that the refs throw flags on celebrations that seem pretty tame, but players that draw these flags are just as stupid for doing something they know will get them penalized. I pray everyone on this team has learned this going into the playoffs.
The nfl had told refs not to throw the flag for the kettle celebration if it happened but they still did. Did the saints player everget fined for putting money in it like Zeke did?


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There needs to be a team meeting Pronto and they need to be told in no uncertain terms . The celebration penalties are over its post season and down to business . Fun and celebrations are for after the SB is won and not before .

Hand the ball to the Ref keep your mouth shut and don't do anything that can be misconstrued as taunting . Less said is best let your play do the talking . That crap yesterday is the kind of thing that ruins the teams best efforts because some idiot is not mature enough to control themselves .

This is the time for Garrett to unleash some F bombs in the proper direction and get the point across

Think it's time for him to actually hurl his Italian sub to get the point across.


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Lulz, you never were a caltech alum, never could be, and never will be....

Never said I was. But I did say it was pathetic that your entire identity is having attended a cow college that is C list, or B list at best.


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Just watched the video. Tons of Cowboys not in in the game came off the bench but Woods came off and kept on running past Gallup without his helmet on. But Ross was on the field and so was #20 among others. The video doesn't show where Woods ended up but on the replay of Dak giving a fist pump you can see Woods in the background continuing on from the bench hopping and saying something but you can't see to whom.


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After that I saw Elliot running up and down the sidelines making sure everyone stayed off the line. They likely got woods for being on the white line and in the refs way. Players get on the line or the field all the time. But if it’s in the refs way they will call it. Was a BS call. Kept the game close.

Was a few bad calls yesterday. A ticky tack holding call and no call in a grounding by sheli.
Hate to say it but Sheli did get outside tackle box when he threw that. He moved to his left about 2shuffle steps so it was close enough they didn’t nail him. He’s a smart QB, just not a very good one any longer.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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I think the officials have to use better sense than that. In the heat of the moment on such big play, emotions will spill over...

But these calls are what lead some people to speculate that the NFL likes to control the game, even to the point of giving a team like the Gianst great starting field position. Who knows.
I think the players need to have better sense. That kind of penalty has "stupid" written all over it.


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Hate to say it but Sheli did get outside tackle box when he threw that. He moved to his left about 2shuffle steps so it was close enough they didn’t nail him. He’s a smart QB, just not a very good one any longer.
You don’t come around here making sense. It was grounding. Lol.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
It can't be for running on the field to celebrate. I've seen teams doing that all season long. It had to be specifically something Woods did.
It most definitely could be for them being on the field, though from what I'm reading about Woods running out toward the Giants bench, I don't think it is.


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Never said I was. But I did say it was pathetic that your entire identity is having attended a cow college that is C list, or B list at best.

Lool, oh buuuurrrrrrrrn.

No, you were busy trying to make claims to caltech as if you have any meaningful association with the school. Meanwhile, back in the real world you peaked drafting meeting agendas for your rotary club.


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It most definitely could be for them being on the field, though from what I'm reading about Woods running out toward the Giants bench, I don't think it is.

I've seen many celebrations this seasons where players came off the bench to join the celebrations on the field or in the end zone. They haven't been calling it. This was specifically on Woods and not him just being the number called to cover several players.


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And if it was a sideline penalty, Woods was probably just the guy they picked to cite for the penalty.

They were vague on purpose, so fans wouldn’t have obvious “evidence” to validate their concerns. Of course like most any other corporate entity or politician, they’re arrogant, powermad, and view the masses with contempt.


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They were vague on purpose, so fans wouldn’t have obvious “evidence” to validate their concerns. Of course like most any other corporate entity or politician, they’re arrogant, powermad, and view the masses with contempt.


Or, there was no video that followed Woods around considering the Cowboys has just executed a showstopping 2-point conversion to take the lead. They were too busy showing Jerry in the box saying "Hotdangit, I told them to win the game and they did."


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Or, there was no video that followed Woods around considering the Cowboys has just executed a showstopping 2-point conversion to take the lead. They were too busy showing Jerry in the box saying "Hotdangit, I told them to win the game and they did."

Yeah, Jerry’s reactions from the Luxury Box make good theater$$$!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I've seen many celebrations this seasons where players came off the bench to join the celebrations on the field or in the end zone. They haven't been calling it. This was specifically on Woods and not him just being the number called to cover several players.
I believe it. I'm just saying they've made several calls they don't usually make.


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No, you were busy trying to make claims to caltech as if you have any meaningful association with the school. .

I've been on a Committee there for 20 years, Chairman for 3. Our bank account is with Caltech Finance, we answer to a senior person at the University and we are on the Caltech website. Most of the committee are Caltech Alums. That acutally is an "association" and I'd love to see you go there and tell people Cal Poly is an A list school. Most people there are too classy to laugh hysterically to your face, but they will after you leave.