Why are Dallas fans giving Jerry Jones a pass


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Why is Garrett still in Dallas? Because of this idiot
I'm so sick and tired of fans giving Jerry Jones a pass. He built a good team yet in his stubbornness gives us coaches that shouldn't even be coaching as head coaches. Then he fills the rest of the team with inexperience coaches. Hires former players to coach that in no way should be doing it. So blame Dak --blame Garrett but the biggest problem in DALLAS is JERRY GMLESS JONES! Jerry also is the one who trains the team in nice California versus hot Texas. All to make more money. That was the first thing Jimmy cut out when he was head coach. Jerry is the one who ordered the inside training facilities to be built. Softening the team even more. They knew it was gonna be cold and rainy in NE. We practice inside. WTH kind of decision is that? The players also know that if you're a Jerry boy. You're pretty much guaranteed a roster spot no matter how bad you suck!

Jones is on TV after every loss complaining about coaching like we fans do. But unlike us. He can do something about it! Make me owner last night? Garrett would be gone today. Yet Jerry acts like he's a powerless fan. Only thing I can do is complain. I'm in no power to fire Garrett or make changes. So blame Dak! Blame Garrett! Garrett would still suck anyway to be honest. And yea. I know Jerry's not going any where but neither are we!! Again. We fan want to start ranting??? It should start at the top! JONES!


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I would like to go on record by saying that I am mortified, simply mortified, of the thousands of posts and threads, created on this site, criticizing Jerry Jones since 2004, have been posted under false pretenses.

How dare you hundreds of current members and ex-members! The audacity of it all. Shame. Shame on you all!!!


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Good point guys but you might as well stop complaining about Garrett also. Because he has Jones protection and ain't going no where. Mexican stand off it would appear.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Why is Garrett still in Dallas? Because of this idiot
I'm so sick and tired of fans giving Jerry Jones a pass. He built a good team yet in his stubbornness gives us coaches that shouldn't even be coaching as head coaches. Then he fills the rest of the team with inexperience coaches. Hires former players to coach that in no way should be doing it. So blame Dak --blame Garrett but the biggest problem in DALLAS is JERRY GMLESS JONES! Jerry also is the one who trains the team in nice California versus hot Texas. All to make more money. That was the first thing Jimmy cut out when he was head coach. Jerry is the one who ordered the inside training facilities to be built. Softening the team even more. They knew it was gonna be cold and rainy in NE. We practice inside. WTH kind of decision is that? The players also know that if you're a Jerry boy. You're pretty much guaranteed a roster spot no matter how bad you suck!

Jones is on TV after every loss complaining about coaching like we fans do. But unlike us. He can do something about it! Make me owner last night? Garrett would be gone today. Yet Jerry acts like he's a powerless fan. Only thing I can do is complain. I'm in no power to fire Garrett or make changes. So blame Dak! Blame Garrett! Garrett would still suck anyway to be honest. And yea. I know Jerry's not going any where but neither are we!! Again. We fan want to start ranting??? It should start at the top! JONES!

Its pointless. Garret can be replaced. Only death will replace Jerry. So, while we can't hope for a better GM, we can hope for and demand smarter coaches.


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Jerry’s never gotten a pass in Dallas - by fans or media. Everyone knows the only way to get rid of Jerry is when he’s finally kicked through the goal post in the sky.


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Why is Garrett still in Dallas? Because of this idiot
I'm so sick and tired of fans giving Jerry Jones a pass. He built a good team yet in his stubbornness gives us coaches that shouldn't even be coaching as head coaches. Then he fills the rest of the team with inexperience coaches. Hires former players to coach that in no way should be doing it. So blame Dak --blame Garrett but the biggest problem in DALLAS is JERRY GMLESS JONES! Jerry also is the one who trains the team in nice California versus hot Texas. All to make more money. That was the first thing Jimmy cut out when he was head coach. Jerry is the one who ordered the inside training facilities to be built. Softening the team even more. They knew it was gonna be cold and rainy in NE. We practice inside. WTH kind of decision is that? The players also know that if you're a Jerry boy. You're pretty much guaranteed a roster spot no matter how bad you suck!

Jones is on TV after every loss complaining about coaching like we fans do. But unlike us. He can do something about it! Make me owner last night? Garrett would be gone today. Yet Jerry acts like he's a powerless fan. Only thing I can do is complain. I'm in no power to fire Garrett or make changes. So blame Dak! Blame Garrett! Garrett would still suck anyway to be honest. And yea. I know Jerry's not going any where but neither are we!! Again. We fan want to start ranting??? It should start at the top! JONES!
Have you been reading this board for last 10-15 years? There is an anti-Jerry thread almost daily.


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Who is giving Jones a pass?
A lot of people. He has seduced a significant portion of our fanbase with his charm. Go to any open practice and you will see fans form a selfie line a mile long for him.

@IceStarD54 is right. It is Jerry and only Jerry who is responsible for this lost decade under Garrett. Even if he fires Garrett after this season, I will still be upset about the dozens of players that were wasted and scapegoated over the last decade plus.


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All I'm saying guys is it's laughable how Jerry gets in front of the after every game like this and act like he's a powerless fan. Why is he complaining about how bad our coaching is and doesn't do anything about it? It's like complaining to your wife about a leaky faucet everyday yet you're powerless to fix it or call a repair man. If he'd just STH up after games then maybe I'd feel different about it. But to have the power to end this nightmare versus complaining is mind boggling. I complain about Garrett as much as the next guy in here. But IF I had the power to fire him and come in here complaining and don't. What would you think? P.S. I only been here for like 6 or so months so I'm going by the months I been here. PEACE..


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Why is Garrett still in Dallas? Because of this idiot
I'm so sick and tired of fans giving Jerry Jones a pass. He built a good team yet in his stubbornness gives us coaches that shouldn't even be coaching as head coaches. Then he fills the rest of the team with inexperience coaches. Hires former players to coach that in no way should be doing it. So blame Dak --blame Garrett but the biggest problem in DALLAS is JERRY GMLESS JONES! Jerry also is the one who trains the team in nice California versus hot Texas. All to make more money. That was the first thing Jimmy cut out when he was head coach. Jerry is the one who ordered the inside training facilities to be built. Softening the team even more. They knew it was gonna be cold and rainy in NE. We practice inside. WTH kind of decision is that? The players also know that if you're a Jerry boy. You're pretty much guaranteed a roster spot no matter how bad you suck!

Jones is on TV after every loss complaining about coaching like we fans do. But unlike us. He can do something about it! Make me owner last night? Garrett would be gone today. Yet Jerry acts like he's a powerless fan. Only thing I can do is complain. I'm in no power to fire Garrett or make changes. So blame Dak! Blame Garrett! Garrett would still suck anyway to be honest. And yea. I know Jerry's not going any where but neither are we!! Again. We fan want to start ranting??? It should start at the top! JONES!

Jerry gets a pass because there is literally nothing you can do with him since he runs everything.

It is pointless to even bring him up. Fans are actually content with Jerry because of this.

We are drawn dead


Texas Ranger
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There is no point, Jerry owns the team, only way is he fires himself and that is not happening. Least we can complain and ask for change on JG.


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Why is Garrett still in Dallas? Because of this idiot
I'm so sick and tired of fans giving Jerry Jones a pass. He built a good team yet in his stubbornness gives us coaches that shouldn't even be coaching as head coaches. Then he fills the rest of the team with inexperience coaches. Hires former players to coach that in no way should be doing it. So blame Dak --blame Garrett but the biggest problem in DALLAS is JERRY GMLESS JONES! Jerry also is the one who trains the team in nice California versus hot Texas. All to make more money. That was the first thing Jimmy cut out when he was head coach. Jerry is the one who ordered the inside training facilities to be built. Softening the team even more. They knew it was gonna be cold and rainy in NE. We practice inside. WTH kind of decision is that? The players also know that if you're a Jerry boy. You're pretty much guaranteed a roster spot no matter how bad you suck!

Jones is on TV after every loss complaining about coaching like we fans do. But unlike us. He can do something about it! Make me owner last night? Garrett would be gone today. Yet Jerry acts like he's a powerless fan. Only thing I can do is complain. I'm in no power to fire Garrett or make changes. So blame Dak! Blame Garrett! Garrett would still suck anyway to be honest. And yea. I know Jerry's not going any where but neither are we!! Again. We fan want to start ranting??? It should start at the top! JONES!
They don't give him a pass. There's just absolutely nothing that can be done about Jerry being the GM. It's useless to get upset about