Why are you even here claiming your Fandom?

It’s kind of funny how people are getting all defensive when they are getting called out on the carpet for openly rooting against the Cowboys. Even funnier are the attempts to say those of us that think it’s wrong are somehow the bad guys. Weird stuff.

So, I am trying to get into the mindset of someone that wants the Cowboys to lose this week for whatever reason they choose. This is an honest question. Do you cheer for the Eagles?
We are posting on a website about a team we root for that has nothing to do with us other than they are the team we root for and fund. Of course everyone feels immune, as they have nothing that they bring to the DC table but their rooting interests. Plus, it's not like there are any real consequences here-it's just people shooting DC topics with other posters.

Everyone keeps letting certain posters know not to be jerks about how someone else feels or views the team or its players, front office personnel, coaches, training staff, security guards, etc. If someone resorts to name-calling like you do so often, they don't really bring much to the table. You just try to bully and troll other posters. Your post total tells me you are never going to stop, though if you notice there are still loads of posters writing about topics you despise. So you are fighting a non-stop battle against people that will continue to post in ways that you despise despite the fact that you let them know what name you associate with them.

Just shining a mirror on your behavior fellow DC fan. You are inconsequential. But then again all of our dialogue is inconsequential whether it's positive or negative.
Don’t like losers.
It’s kind of funny how people are getting all defensive when they are getting called out on the carpet for openly rooting against the Cowboys. Even funnier are the attempts to say those of us that think it’s wrong are somehow the bad guys. Weird stuff.

So, I am trying to get into the mindset of someone that wants the Cowboys to lose this week for whatever reason they choose. This is an honest question. Do you cheer for the Eagles?
Ok, now this is some major irony!!!!!!!!!!!

Get this: A thread is started for the sole reason to bash anyone not following their belief system. Sooooooooooo, you then think it's bad that that people defend themselves.

Do you know how hilarious you are?
Yes, we understand you regard people that disagree with you as losers, haters, etc. Hope you figure out that name-calling makes you happy. It's an ugly behavior bro. Have fun wasting your life!

I've advised Rockport that it's not a great plan to run around the internet bullying people who disagree with him. He thinks himself some avenging angel of Truth. But that isn't what's happening. Poor guy. I think his service has had some...disconcerting...effects.
It’s kind of funny how people are getting all defensive when they are getting called out on the carpet for openly rooting against the Cowboys. Even funnier are the attempts to say those of us that think it’s wrong are somehow the bad guys. Weird stuff.

So, I am trying to get into the mindset of someone that wants the Cowboys to lose this week for whatever reason they choose. This is an honest question. Do you cheer for the Eagles?
I don't think any Cowboys fan would ever actually cheer for the hated eagles. Some people simply see great enough value in a high draft pick that they're willing to sacrifice a few games now to gain that greater benefit next year. They see it as an investment in the future as opposed to instant gratification.
I could never root for a team like the eagles, but I would love to see us get a high draft pick.
I don't think any Cowboys fan would ever actually cheer for the hated eagles. Some people simply see great enough value in a high draft pick that they're willing to sacrifice a few games now to gain that greater benefit next year. They see it as an investment in the future as opposed to instant gratification.
I could never root for a team like the eagles, but I would love to see us get a high draft pick.
Not to beat a dead horse here, it’s more of a help me wrap my head around it type thing, but if you’re a Cowboys fan and you’re watching a game against the Eagles that you want Dallas to lose, isn’t it natural emotion that you would be rooting on the Eagles? I think a neutral emotion would be impossible. I think it’s a fair question.
Ok, now this is some major irony!!!!!!!!!!!

Get this: A thread is started for the sole reason to bash anyone not following their belief system. Sooooooooooo, you then think it's bad that that people defend themselves.

Do you know how hilarious you are?
Dude seriously, I will call out anyone publicly rooting against the Cowboys here all day every day, After all, this is a forum dedicated to fans of the Dallas Cowboys.

Did you just call that my belief system?:laugh:
I think his service has had some...disconcerting...effects.

I was actually thinking about this very thing yesterday. And decided not to take a shot at him, even if he deserves it nearly all the time.

I'm sure he's a good dude at the end of the day.
I could have said all that in less than 100 words.
* I seemingly recall you having conducted a previous grand gala "farewell & goodbye" final lap around the moat to this,our castle DALLAS like two seasons ago:lmao:

* :welcome:*

when in Rhome, yes,
its called balance, someone needs to balance the Negative posts on the zone and since its free world to post, ill keep on being the self appointed checker.

Well if you're the self appointed post checker, I'm the self appointed spell checker........
Rhome is spelled Rome, not Rhome.

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