Why do people keep insisting on calling Zeke fat?


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I dig that you went to the @stasheroo method of rebuttal.
Good stuff.



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It may surprise you to know that defensive players in the NFL are bigger faster and stronger than what Zeke faced in the Big 10. His college highlights were never going to be duplicated in the NFL with any regularity. In college in half the games there might not be a single guy on the defense as fast as Zeke.. In there are 3-4 guys on every defense faster than Zeke and 4-5 more standing on the sidelines waiting to sub in.

He actually looked just like that his rookie year in the NFL........which is still his best season, by far, to date. You can stay blind to the obvious problem and keep insisting he's just as fit as he was as a rookie. But it is laughably untrue. Just look at him.


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Hey! Movie worth watching?

Flawed for sure, but still worth it if you enjoy the superhero genre. And Snyder, the first director on the film, is getting the chance to complete his original vision for HBO Max. Justice League is a complicated film and story.


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Flawed for sure, but still worth it if you enjoy the superhero genre. And Snyder, the first director on the film, is getting the chance to complete his original vision for HBO Max. Justice League is a complicated film and story.
Oh... I know Snyder.


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The other factor that people who pine for "rookie year Zeke" forget is that in the NFL every game you play is another page in the book on you. Rookie Zeke was a little different from anyone the league had seen in a while. He was a 6' 225 pound power back with 4.4 speed playing behind the best line in football. It was a match made in heaven. Now that he's been in the league four years teams have learned how to attack him while at the same time the line has steadily deteriorated in front of him. I have never bought into that "only our guy could do..." narrative. There are a dozen extremely talented backs who could replicate what Zeke did behind our line as a runner. The differentiator for me is that Zeke is a better all around back than almost all of them. He's a good receiver even though the Cowboys have never fully utilized him as a receiver.. And the kicker is his pass protection. He takes pride in it.. The dude is willing to stick that giant head of his in there against anybody. Sure he will get run over every now and then but for every time that happens there are a dozen plays where he de-cleats the blitzer. Taking all of it as a whole give me Zeke.. sans the fumbles of course. He's obviously having a crappy year.. but as I keep repeating.. his worst year is still top 10 in the league in several important categories. I don't think he finishes there for the simple fact that he's got warm dog poo playing QB for him. Teams are putting all 11 guys within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage. So we can't block for him and we can't pass people into backing off. That has under 4 yards per carry and barely 1000 yards written all over it. If he finishes above that he should get MVP votes.


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That's from over 5 years ago. Lmao.

Yes, it was old tape. I can't find any new tape that shows burst, speed, or the ability to break an ankle tackle....... thus proving the point that he's an older, fatter version of himself. Are you following yet?


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The other factor that people who pine for "rookie year Zeke" forget is that in the NFL every game you play is another page in the book on you. Rookie Zeke was a little different from anyone the league had seen in a while. He was a 6' 225 pound power back with 4.4 speed playing behind the best line in football. It was a match made in heaven. Now that he's been in the league four years teams have learned how to attack him while at the same time the line has steadily deteriorated in front of him. I have never bought into that "only our guy could do..." narrative. There are a dozen extremely talented backs who could replicate what Zeke did behind our line as a runner. The differentiator for me is that Zeke is a better all around back than almost all of them. He's a good receiver even though the Cowboys have never fully utilized him as a receiver.. And the kicker is his pass protection. He takes pride in it.. The dude is willing to stick that giant head of his in there against anybody. Sure he will get run over every now and then but for every time that happens there are a dozen plays where he de-cleats the blitzer. Taking all of it as a whole give me Zeke.. sans the fumbles of course. He's obviously having a crappy year.. but as I keep repeating.. his worst year is still top 10 in the league in several important categories. I don't think he finishes there for the simple fact that he's got warm dog poo playing QB for him. Teams are putting all 11 guys within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage. So we can't block for him and we can't pass people into backing off. That has under 4 yards per carry and barely 1000 yards written all over it. If he finishes above that he should get MVP votes.

Man, you got all kinds of excuses for his lackluster play since signing that big contract. You are now officially the board's Zeke apologist.


Taco Engineer
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Yes, it was old tape. I can't find any new tape that shows burst, speed, or the ability to break an ankle tackle....... thus proving the point that he's an older, fatter version of himself. Are you following yet?
Following your nonsense? Nope.


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What "viable backup"?
As in....just dime a dozen anyone will do?

You haven't been paying attention since Emmitt.

I stand by my view that Zeke saved Dak's @ S S many a times. So if you;re Dak fan you have to appreciate Zeke (and ignore what ever contract YORU do not personally control) .

As I said...you have ZERO accountability for your GMing. You even act like you're immune. "ih just put any ol RB there and everyone wins YAY!"
Look at how Green Bay has managed their run game over the years. Can you name any of their RBs? Look at the Saints Alvin Kamara, a 3rd round pick who is one of the best in the NFL. Quick, whose KC's starting RB? i don't know, which is my point. You don't have to use the 4th overall pick in the draft for a RB. Emmitt, who you mentioned, is a prime example of the Cowboys using a mid 1st round pick, not the 4th overall pick on him. Using that pick on Zeke was idiotic.


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Professional acquaintance.

Multiple acquaintances.

I hope he's a good guy. He's certainly passionate about making his superhero films, even if I may not be personally thrilled with his 'Nolan-wannabe' style overall, I appreciate his passion.


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He actually looked just like that his rookie year in the NFL........which is still his best season, by far, to date. You can stay blind to the obvious problem and keep insisting he's just as fit as he was as a rookie. But it is laughably untrue. Just look at him.

I have never once said he looks the same as he did his rookie year. I firmly believe he has altered his running style as he has progressed as a runner.. He is far more patient now than he was back then and he is no longer doing the stupid hurdling thing because that will only end in his eventually getting seriously injured. He is also more muscular than he was as a rook. On top of that this year he has having to adapt to not having any blocking along with Kellen Moore's "all runs must be out of shotgun and up the middle" philosophy. Oh and there is a small matter of no passing game to speak of now.. Good luck Zeke. I'm prepared to write this season off for him.. Unless Dalton comes back and gives us at least the threat of the forward pass Zeke will not top 50 yards rushing in a game the rest of the year. But I will not leap to the "he's done" conclusion that some o yall seem so anxious to get to. I was around when some of the same people said Emmitt was "done" after he had a down year in '96. Lost his burst, hits have taken their toll, no longer a home run threat. Emmitt tacked on like 10,000 more yards and like 80 more TDs after that so I'm gonna withhold shoveling dirt on Zeke's career a while longer. But yall go head if you really have to.


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The other factor that people who pine for "rookie year Zeke" forget is that in the NFL every game you play is another page in the book on you. Rookie Zeke was a little different from anyone the league had seen in a while. He was a 6' 225 pound power back with 4.4 speed playing behind the best line in football. It was a match made in heaven. Now that he's been in the league four years teams have learned how to attack him while at the same time the line has steadily deteriorated in front of him. I have never bought into that "only our guy could do..." narrative. There are a dozen extremely talented backs who could replicate what Zeke did behind our line as a runner. The differentiator for me is that Zeke is a better all around back than almost all of them. He's a good receiver even though the Cowboys have never fully utilized him as a receiver.. And the kicker is his pass protection. He takes pride in it.. The dude is willing to stick that giant head of his in there against anybody. Sure he will get run over every now and then but for every time that happens there are a dozen plays where he de-cleats the blitzer. Taking all of it as a whole give me Zeke.. sans the fumbles of course. He's obviously having a crappy year.. but as I keep repeating.. his worst year is still top 10 in the league in several important categories. I don't think he finishes there for the simple fact that he's got warm dog poo playing QB for him. Teams are putting all 11 guys within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage. So we can't block for him and we can't pass people into backing off. That has under 4 yards per carry and barely 1000 yards written all over it. If he finishes above that he should get MVP votes.

It comes down to his passion for the game. He doesn't have it since his new contract with all that guaranteed money.


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Emmitt was totally different than Zeke. He didn't need a Feed Me tat. He played for the love of the game. Zeke plays for money and the spotlight.

But Emmitt put up 8888, 58 rushing TDs and 4 receiving after 1996 per Pro Football reference.


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It comes down to his passion for the game. He doesn't have it since his new contract with all that guaranteed money.

Yet he's willing to crash his body into tacklers and drag them for yardage 20 times a game and throw his body in front of fast moving blitzers another 20 times a game. I'm sorry bro but that "he doesn't care anymore" dawg won't hunt here. We have seen this guy sacrifice his body for the team too many times to heap that criticism on him. At least I have.. I don't know if he ever gets back to the level of dominance he once had.. But if he doesn't not caring won't be the reason why..


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You'll know if Elliott is fat when he jumps into the Salvation Army bell and it collapses.


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Emmitt was totally different than Zeke. He didn't need a Feed Me tat. He played for the love of the game. Zeke plays for money and the spotlight.

But Emmitt put up 8888, 58 rushing TDs and 4 receiving after 1996 per Pro Football reference.

Thanks man .. I was too lazy to actually go add it up.. plus I guess I was including 1996 in there as well because that was the year the "he's done" and "doesn't look like the same back" articles started being written. There is no bigger Emmitt fan on Earth than yours truly but Emmitt liked getting paid too. See 1993.. And it was every bit as important to him to be among the highest paid at the position as it was for Zeke. What happened to Emmitt was similar to what is happening to Zeke.. Emmitt's line got old and started to get hurt. Erik Williams never fully returned after the car wreck.. Nate was starting to hit the wall at 35, Tooey retired.. Step was gone.. Donaldson was gone, Gogan was gone.. Gesek was gone.. His production dipped.. when the brought in young guys like Flo and brought Step back Emmitt's production miraculously went right back to being among the league leaders. It's not rocket surgery folks. Better blocking = better production from the running back. Period. If we want better production from Zeke we need to try not to have a bunch of practice squad guys blocking for him. And please spare me the "well for his salary he shouldn't need blocking.." nonsense. I refuse to believe any of you are that stupid.. This is a team game.. always has been.. always will be.