Why Do People Say That Our Defense Lost The Game?


Texas Ranger
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I blame the offense as much as the defense. The offense could not do anything. They gave bad field position and just didn't stay out on the field. The defense on the other hand, didn't create many stops giving deadskins offense too much time with the ball. Had the cowboys offense actually played their game then the defense wouldn't have to be on the field as much. They are like an inverse of one another. So I blame both.


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In this game, you can take your pick of which unit to blame, because this was about as close to 50/50 as it gets. Like Mansta said, the winner was the team that made the fewest mistakes.

Washington scored 8 more than its per game average coming in, and we scored 8 less.

Anybody who wants to blame one or the other, might as well flip a coin.


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The fact that our offense has been elite for quite some time now gives them a free pass in situations like this. Our offense wasn't shut down by any means even though the game plan was shoddy at best. Our underachieving defense should have stepped up in this game but they failed miserably. The offense is to blame for sure, but the defense takes the MAJORITY of the blame by far. The defense did itself no favors with its inability to get a stop. How about 3 and outing them to counter our 3 and outs? Other than the first 2 drives, the defense played like retards.

The 10 yard cushions have to go. It's like the coaches still have the Commanders game from years back where they blew the 13-0 lead in their minds and they think the only thing this defense will give up is the deep ball don't worry about anything else, SO LETS PLAY EVERYONE 10 YARDS BACK! The defense wasn't on the field for so long because the offense sucked, oh no.... they kept themselves on the field because they couldn't get a stop. And no it's not because the offense tired them out either, they were just BAD. We got beat with the old keep the #1 rated offense in the league on the sidelines as long as possible strategy. GJ Defense. If I don't see our highly talented corners up close against the Bengals presnap I'm ready to jump on the dump wade/stewart bandwagon immediately.


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Velvet Jones;2301192 said:
No excuse. Washington played a better game plan against us. If it is felt as an excuse then no less of one than saying we didn't attack and that was the reason.

I am cool with revisiting this now after our next three games. We played out toughest stretch and are 3-1 and allowing 22pts. I challenge that the average points allowed per game will differ greatly over the next three games.

You do realized that our defense gave up 20 points per game last year also.....


Federal Agent
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Hostile;2300979 said:
Because our Defense lost the game.

Yeah that's pretty much it.

We were down by only 6 points with 10 minutes left in the game. Our defense allowed a 7 minute drive and a FG to allow them to go up two scores.

Yeah I'd say the defense lost us the freakin' game. Anyone with half a brain could see that.


Junior College Transfer
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Double Trouble;2300974 said:
Of course Garrett and the offense are partially to blame.

The offense gets more of a pass because they've been so fantastic the last 2 years. The defense hasn't been markedly better since Phillips and Stewart arrived. They don't get the benefit of the doubt, since we've generally been winning because of the offense.
Also, with a great roster of defensive players goes great responsibility. Stew and Wade show no evidence of going to the next level.


Junior College Transfer
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Mansta54;2301163 said:
The Foreskins played a flawless game, damn near perfect. Zero turnovers, ran the ball, stopped the run, and solid ST play. Lawd knows we didn't in all phases of the game but it took damn near perfection to beat us at home by 2pts.. Just sayin..

Oh, Puhleeeese.
There was no flawless play by the Skins. A good game plan? Yes? Better hustle and attitude? Yes.

But, even when confronted by a team playing that well, Stew and Wade needed to adjust and strike. They are not up to the job. And that might become more apparent in key games.
This game was not the season. Yet, with the Giants playing consistent ball and the Eagles seemingly re-invigorated, we might one day look back to this "gimme" game and rue the play of our defensive team that is stocked with good players but mismanaged consistently.

I bet you Jerra is having LOTS of second thoughts about these two stoodges. If Jerra sticks with Wade, at least give the fans a bone and demote Stew. If not, we reap what we sow. And that's too bad for my beloved Cowboys.

Velvet Jones

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Rack;2301294 said:
Yeah that's pretty much it.

We were down by only 6 points with 10 minutes left in the game. Our defense allowed a 7 minute drive and a FG to allow them to go up two scores.

Yeah I'd say the defense lost us the freakin' game. Anyone with half a brain could see that.

Just like a real "fan" to focus on the last 7 minutes and not the other 53. Well, you beat me. My hat's off to you. The ultimate team sport but some still choose to think the one (warning; example) CB who was beat on the last pass of a game is the entire reason for a loss :rolleyes:


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Velvet Jones;2301366 said:
Just like a real "fan" to focus on the last 7 minutes and not the other 53. Well, you beat me. My hat's off to you. The ultimate team sport but some still choose to think the one (warning; example) CB who was beat on the last pass of a game is the entire reason for a loss :rolleyes:

So where do you want to focus at. The first two drops when they stopped and the failed to show up for the rest of the game?


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DaBoys4Life;2301398 said:
So where do you want to focus at. The first two drops when they stopped and the failed to show up for the rest of the game?

The offense couldn't answer because of Garrett's craptastic playcalling, which you can credit the Commanders defense for crowding the line, scaring them into passing instead of running the ball.

Not to be an ***, but the game is 4 quarters and you can't take certain parts of the game and blame that for the fact they just got outplayed. As a whole, they lost as a team. The defense might have allowed a field goal which for the NFL, is not a bad thing. That was the only reason we were able to even have a chance to win, had we recovered the onside kick.

Velvet Jones

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DaBoys4Life;2301398 said:
So where do you want to focus at. The first two drops when they stopped and the failed to show up for the rest of the game?

Me? I don't feel the need to focus on any one part. As a team, we popped a squat. I hated it, delt with chuckleheads, slept horrible, woke up and am ready for the next game. You say the defense didn't help the offense, I say the offense did them little favors as well. You want it pointed at a play or a person and I saw the entire team underperform. To excuse the offense because it was the defenses turn to bail them out is horrible. The team played a medicore game against a team that came for the kill. the score was my focus.


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Simply put, the defense couldn't win on third down. Whenever that happens, it makes things harder for offense to bail them out. For us to stay in contention, the defense really needs to step it up. They can't keep playing soft. Otherwise, it'll be a long season.


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Velvet Jones;2300970 said:
I am just curious as to how bad our D really played. We forced Washington to punt on their first three drives. Washington's only two TD's came in a horrible second quarter of play. Even against Phili, it was our offense that gave them the short field and fumbled in the endzone for two of their scores.

Our offensive gameplan was horrible and it crippled our offense as well as our defense. I am not trying to preach but really want to know how the loss can be placed on Wade and Stewart but not on Garrett. Dallas had the ball for a little more than a third of the game. That is horrible. Washington didn't panic when we went up by 7, we panicked when they went up by 7. Our offense abandoned the run way too early and focused on Owens entirely too much. It didn't do what they have done the previous three weeks of taking what the defenses are giving them. In short; the Dallas offense didn't give their defense a fighting chance.

Now I like Wade but I am not certain he is the guy to get us over the hump. I am a believer that you don't hire a coach who can't win playoff games to be the head coach of a team that can't win playoff games. I think he is an asset to the team but I am tired of his, "This is on me, guys" approach. I just don't see how all fingers are pointed at him or that our defense didn't show. It may not be the packages that you guys want to see, but most breaks in our defense has been caused by the offense. Yet not one single thread about Jerry firing poor Jason.
No excuses, our defense the owner of this defense and the coordination of this defense are inferior.


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hutru01;2301416 said:
The offense couldn't answer because of Garrett's craptastic playcalling, which you can credit the Commanders defense for crowding the line, scaring them into passing instead of running the ball.

Not to be an ***, but the game is 4 quarters and you can't take certain parts of the game and blame that for the fact they just got outplayed. As a whole, they lost as a team. The defense might have allowed a field goal which for the NFL, is not a bad thing. That was the only reason we were able to even have a chance to win, had we recovered the onside kick.

Velvet Jones;2301434 said:
Me? I don't feel the need to focus on any one part. As a team, we popped a squat. I hated it, delt with chuckleheads, slept horrible, woke up and am ready for the next game. You say the defense didn't help the offense, I say the offense did them little favors as well. You want it pointed at a play or a person and I saw the entire team underperform. To excuse the offense because it was the defenses turn to bail them out is horrible. The team played a medicore game against a team that came for the kill. the score was my focus.

The offense back started hurting from carrying the team to much.


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Clove;2301473 said:
No excuses, our defense the owner of this defense and the coordination of this defense are inferior.

I see this loss really pissed you off you've been on fire since we lost.

Mr Cowboy

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Sigh.. Am I the only one seeing my point? It isn't that they failed down the stratch, it is why they failed down the stretch. Oh well, I will bow out. I was wrong in thinking the offense did us no favors and the lack of preduction in the 4th might have something to do with our offense being on the field for just one hour of a three hour game. But most all I get is the same line regurgitated. If I am alone then I can live with that. Washington played a very good game and now on to Cinn. Sorry for wasting everyones time
If you're saying that the defense was on the field too long and was tired, whose fault is that? If they would have stopped the Commanders they would have had plenty of time to rest on the sidelines. But instead they allowed long scoring drives throughout the game, and were gassed in the fourth quater when they had to make a stop.

That is on the defense, not the offense. The offenses job is to score points, and they did, 24 of them. That should be enough to win on most Sundays.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The defense got run over, passed around, and gave up 26 points.

That is unacceptable, no matter what the offense does or doesn't do.

You want to place some blame on Garrett and the offense?

That's fine.

I wasn't crazy about his gameplan or playcalling either.

But as for % of blame to go around, Wade and Stewart's underachieving defense deserve a much bigger piece of the 'blame pie'.

Talking about the offense not doing the defense any favors?

Where's one single thing - as in a turnover - that the defense did for the offense?

That 7 minute plus drive with the game on the line was a disgrace too.

There's plenty of blame to go around, but there's no doubt the defense gets the lions' share.


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stasheroo;2301509 said:
The defense got run over, passed around, and gave up 26 points.

That is unacceptable, no matter what the offense does or doesn't do.

You want to place some blame on Garrett and the offense?

That's fine.

I wasn't crazy about his gameplan or playcalling either.

But as for % of blame to go around, Wade and Stewart's underachieving defense deserve a much bigger piece of the 'blame pie'.

Talking about the offense not doing the defense any favors?

Where's one single thing - as in a turnover - that the defense did for the offense?

That 7 minute plus drive with the game on the line was a disgrace too.

There's plenty of blame to go around, but there's no doubt the defense gets the lions' share.

These statements I can agree with. ;)

To say that the defense lost the game all together is nonsense IMHO.

Tell me something though, why didn't Barber get more looks? Why didn't Felix Jones get any chances to run with the ball? Why the hell is the focus have to be on T.O.? Speaking of which, I have a bad feelings about him. I hope my feelings aren't fact. I hope he maintains his composure and keeps playing well.


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this thread really makes me question if people actually watch the game. if you follow football one bit you would know that our defense got its butt handed to them. if you score 24 points at home and your defense, which is suppose to be top notch, cant hold a team under 24 points or at best get the ball back without the opposing ramming down your throat, when you know thats what they are trying to do, is unacceptable.