Why Do People Say That Our Defense Lost The Game?


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Scheme for the offense, clearly was not a sound one and never adjusted well to what the defense threw it (Verrrry familiar to last year late in the season too)...But the defense was a sieve...They could never get the stops they needed to and the one time they did, they ended up getting that ridiculous 12 men on the field flag...Either way, it's been a long time since the defense could give a performance like the Skins did on Sunday


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Nexx;2301614 said:
this thread really makes me question if people actually watch the game. if you follow football one bit you would know that our defense got its butt handed to them. if you score 24 points at home and your defense, which is suppose to be top notch, cant hold a team under 24 points or at best get the ball back without the opposing ramming down your throat, when you know thats what they are trying to do, is unacceptable.

I watched the entire game, so I don't know who this is directed to. To say that if you score 24 points in the NFL means that you should win the game just isn't realistic. (Look at the last Monday night game with the Eagles for instance)

Yes, our defense sucked and the Commanders picked it apart, but is that the ONLY reason we lost the game, hell no. We had plenty of opportunities on offense to put up more than 24 points and win this football game. Period.


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hutru01;2301796 said:
I watched the entire game, so I don't know who this is directed to. To say that if you score 24 points in the NFL means that you should win the game just isn't realistic. (Look at the last Monday night game with the Eagles for instance)

Yes, our defense sucked and the Commanders picked it apart, but is that the ONLY reason we lost the game, hell no. We had plenty of opportunities on offense to put up more than 24 points and win this football game. Period.

so you're saying our offense needs to average 30+ a game to win.....:rolleyes:

Velvet Jones

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DaBoys4Life;2301862 said:
so you're saying our offense needs to average 30+ a game to win.....:rolleyes:

I think it is naive to point the finger at one group or person for the loss.


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BraveHeartFan;2301062 said:
Our offense didn't do us any favors with 3 and outs and no running game but in this league scoring 24 points really ought to be more than enough to beat a team when they're in our house.

The defense needed to step it up and they couldn't do it. Our offense, even with great gameplanning, can't be expected to score 30+ every week, cause it's just not gonna happen.
You're a freakin' genius.
I think you stole this supreme truth from my brain. And posted it first.
We still be friends but don't let it happen again, mister!


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Velvet Jones;2301878 said:
I think it is naive to point the finger at one group or person for the loss.

I don't. When the defense continues to give up 20+ points per game only to be bailed out by Romo and 4th quarter heroics


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DaBoys4Life;2301862 said:
so you're saying our offense needs to average 30+ a game to win.....:rolleyes:

I wouldn't say it needs to, but considering before Sunday, we were averaging 32 points per game so far this season, it would have made for a more ideal situation. :cool:

The skins defense kept our offense off the field. Its no wonder our defense showed fatigue towards the end of the game. Of course the 12 men on the field was inexcusable and ended up costing us the game as we could have forced a punt or their kicker to miss a long FG attempt.


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hutru01;2301918 said:
I wouldn't say it needs to, but considering before Sunday, we were averaging 32 points per game so far this season, it would have made for a more ideal situation. :cool:

The skins defense kept our offense off the field. Its no wonder our defense showed fatigue towards the end of the game. Of course the 12 men on the field was inexcusable and ended up costing us the game as we could have forced a punt or their kicker to miss a long FG attempt.

thats just silly you want our offense to average 30+ but the notion of the defense not holding one to 20 and lower is out of the question to you......

WV Cowboy

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big dog cowboy;2300980 said:
26 points
381 total yards
Only forced 4 punts
Created zero turnovers
Over 38 minutes of possession

Ok, that's by playing a soft zone with your corners 7-10 yds off the LOS.

So let's go man with TNew, Pac, etc. and put pressure on the pocket. Let's try that, can it get any worse?

I know it can, but let's try man like teams do to T.O. and see how it works.

It might get us few picks as well.


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Nexx;2301614 said:
this thread really makes me question if people actually watch the game.

While you were watching the game, did you catch the part where it was 95 degrees on the field? Did you catch the part where the players were cramping up left and right?

The fact that this didn't even enter Garrett's mind in regard to his playcalling, and how little regard he has for the defensive side for the ball show he's got light years to go before he's ready to be a head coach. Unless it's the Arena League.


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Velvet Jones;2301878 said:
I think it is naive to point the finger at one group or person for the loss.

I think naive is to confuse perception with reality.

Your perception may be that only the defense is getting criticized.

The reality is that both the offense and defense are getting grief.

Your perception is that the offense somehow did the defense a disservice.

The reality is that any struggles by the defense were self-inflicted.

Again, there's plenty of blame to go around, but the defense rightfully deserves the lions' share of it.


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InmanRoshi;2301973 said:
While you were watching the game, did you catch the part where it was 95 degrees on the field? Did you catch the part where the players were cramping up left and right?

The fact that this didn't even enter Garrett's mind in regard to his playcalling, and how little regard he has for the defensive side for the ball show he's got light years to go before he's ready to be a head coach. Unless it's the Arena League.

i really hope conditioning was not a factor but the weather goes both ways my friend, thats just a cop out. our offense goes 3 and out, then its our defenses job to get a stop plain and simple. they cant sit there whine about our play calling. our defense got MAN handled last game. that's my biggest beef. its was pathetic how they shove the rock down our throats and they couldnt do anything about it.


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GimmeTheBall!;2301350 said:
I bet you Jerra is having LOTS of second thoughts about these two stoodges.

Agreed. Jerry is probably thinking 9 out of 11 first round picks and they're giving up 22 points a game?????

Better still, he probably watched the Ravens-Steelers game the other night like me and thought "why doesn't my D look like the Ravens? I've drafted to it, spent on it....why?"


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Velvet Jones;2300970 said:
I am just curious as to how bad our D really played. We forced Washington to punt on their first three drives. Washington's only two TD's came in a horrible second quarter of play. Even against Phili, it was our offense that gave them the short field and fumbled in the endzone for two of their scores.

Our offensive gameplan was horrible and it crippled our offense as well as our defense. I am not trying to preach but really want to know how the loss can be placed on Wade and Stewart but not on Garrett. Dallas had the ball for a little more than a third of the game. That is horrible. Washington didn't panic when we went up by 7, we panicked when they went up by 7. Our offense abandoned the run way too early and focused on Owens entirely too much. It didn't do what they have done the previous three weeks of taking what the defenses are giving them. In short; the Dallas offense didn't give their defense a fighting chance.

Now I like Wade but I am not certain he is the guy to get us over the hump. I am a believer that you don't hire a coach who can't win playoff games to be the head coach of a team that can't win playoff games. I think he is an asset to the team but I am tired of his, "This is on me, guys" approach. I just don't see how all fingers are pointed at him or that our defense didn't show. It may not be the packages that you guys want to see, but most breaks in our defense has been caused by the offense. Yet not one single thread about Jerry firing poor Jason.

Going into the Skins game, Dallas was ranked the #1 offense in the NFL (yards per game).

I think Jason gets a little more latitude then Wade/Stewart, we still scored 24 points and around 400 yards I think. That should be good enough to win most NFL games.

That is why the D is getting the blame, pretty simple to see why.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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hutru01;2301918 said:
I wouldn't say it needs to, but considering before Sunday, we were averaging 32 points per game so far this season, it would have made for a more ideal situation. :cool:

The skins defense kept our offense off the field. Its no wonder our defense showed fatigue towards the end of the game. Of course the 12 men on the field was inexcusable and ended up costing us the game as we could have forced a punt or their kicker to miss a long FG attempt.

The defense has to shoulder the blame for not getting it's own self of the field. They should have come up with more stops themselves.

If you watched the Baltimore/Pittsburgh game you saw both defenses getting themselves off the field. One team's defense would stop the other and the other defense would return the favor.

The notion that our offense was responsible for wearing out our own defense doesn't make sense to me. The defense needs to do it's own job and they will get off the field.


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LeonDixson;2302211 said:
The defense has to shoulder the blame for not getting it's own self of the field. They should have come up with more stops themselves.

If you watched the Baltimore/Pittsburgh game you saw both defenses getting themselves off the field. One team's defense would stop the other and the other defense would return the favor.

The notion that our offense was responsible for wearing out our own defense doesn't make sense to me. The defense needs to do it's own job and they will get off the field.
I've never played there, but the defense probably has a little easier time playing at night in Pittsburgh than it does playing during the day at Texas Stadium.

While I would agree that the defense deserves more of the blame than the offense does, I would think that if the '93 team would have decided to give Emmitt only 8 carries and only held the ball for a third of the game the defense most likely wouldn't have faired to well either.

It's a known fact that the teams that win the time of possession battle have a higher winning percetage than the teams that don't. But again, the defense needs to be able to bail the offense out once in a while.


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DaBoys4Life;2301933 said:
thats just silly you want our offense to average 30+ but the notion of the defense not holding one to 20 and lower is out of the question to you......

First of all, they are more than capable with that much talent on the field, in which, they didn't use. I didn't say anything about holding the opposition to 20 and lower being out of the question. Where did that come from?


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Velvet Jones;2301366 said:
Just like a real "fan" to focus on the last 7 minutes and not the other 53. Well, you beat me. My hat's off to you. The ultimate team sport but some still choose to think the one (warning; example) CB who was beat on the last pass of a game is the entire reason for a loss :rolleyes:

The other 53? You mean when they were piling up 381 yards of offense, scoring 23 points, rushing for over 160 yards, and manhandling our front 7?

Yeah, I say again, any moron could see our defense lost the game.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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jdnelson103;2302284 said:
I've never played there, but the defense probably has a little easier time playing at night in Pittsburgh than it does playing during the day at Texas Stadium.

While I would agree that the defense deserves more of the blame than the offense does, I would think that if the '93 team would have decided to give Emmitt only 8 carries and only held the ball for a third of the game the defense most likely wouldn't have faired to well either.

It's a known fact that the teams that win the time of possession battle have a higher winning percetage than the teams that don't. But again, the defense needs to be able to bail the offense out once in a while.

I take your point. I just feel that one of the reasons the Cowboys only had the ball for a third of the game was because the defense couldn't stop the Commanders offense.

I think we agree that there is plenty of blame to go around. I surely don't intend to stick up for the offense. I just think the majority of the blame falls on the defense.


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LeonDixson;2302355 said:
I take your point. I just feel that one of the reasons the Cowboys only had the ball for a third of the game was because the defense couldn't stop the Commanders offense.

I think we agree that there is plenty of blame to go around. I surely don't intend to stick up for the offense. I just think the majority of the blame falls on the defense.
I couldn't agree more.

I think both sides will make up for it this game to prove a point to everyone at ESPN that thinks this is a glimpse of things to come. Maybe 45-6? A tleast I'd like to think so.