Why do the Cowboys seemingly bring their players down during contract time?

Oh it’s coming. Most agree it’s likely MM doesn’t return.

Who is the most likely successor? Another tired scheme 90s guy so Jerry can still appear to be in charge should they happen to win, and entertain various celebrities on game day and at practice. Everyone knows he is the boss. That’s how his ego wants it.

It’s all based on a lie, and they are at a major disadvantage vs the rest of the league in the front office. Their philosophy has no chance to work and it’s been proven repeatedly.
Everyone wanted to play for Jerry when their was not salary cap. He seems to think that is still the case.
if the team stays relevant, meaning we win 10 games, MM will get another 1 year deal to remain, you can book it. Anything less than 10, he''s gone. He has been set up to fail. It would take a heroic coaching effort for him to win double digit games again. Much will depend on the draft class and UDFA'S.
if the team stays relevant, meaning we win 10 games, MM will get another 1 year deal to remain, you can book it. Anything less than 10, he''s gone. He has been set up to fail. It would take a heroic coaching effort for him to win double digit games again. Much will depend on the draft class and UDFA'S.
We will sign FA's after the trade and don't be surprised with a trade with future picks like last. year.
It seems as if they get a rush out of doing this to their players. You don't bring up issues during any time of the players seasons, until it's time for a new deal. What is the enjoyment in this, is it their weird contractual tool of thinking or something? Why would any player in their right mind want to sign with this team??? It's happened on numerous of occassions. It's like they do all this, then BOOM, they play us by giving the player a big deal, and sometimes they surprise us and will say "El Paso!" Please give your thoughts!
Because our organization is run by some extremely petty narcissists.

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