Why do we care what players get paid?


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So, the bill is about $150, due to sports entertainment. Gotcha, do you attend concerts, go to movies, etc...where does that money come from, that pays those entertainers?
NO, I don't go to concerts and I don't go to movies!

And that's not the point. The point is WHY should we care. EVERY US consumer pays their salaries. If you don't care just go out and buy the most expensive brand you can, don't shop for a deal. Hey, don't even ask your car dealer for a better price - just pay the sticker!


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Fans and their brilliance. The Jones family, is well aware of salary cap and team needs. Your frustrations concerning their business means squat. Our wants and desires, are not a part of the negotiations.
Thus.....23 years of mediocrity!


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All of this angst over Prescott and his salary to be, why does anyone care that's not paying it? Do you see a better option at QB to win now? Not in the future, win now with this team?

The thinking that he cuts a deal and they'll spend that on D studs, where does that come from? They've been the smallest spenders on salaries since 2016. They brought in Quinn who was fine as a pass rusher but not a good run defender and they went 8-8. They traded for him, they didn't go big in FA for him. They're not players in FA.

I don't care what they pay anybody, that's not football, that's not even a sport. This cap management stuff is utter nonsense.

I want my team to have the best possible players beginning with the ones I know about that have already shown it. That's why I want to keep Prescott, Cooper and Jones because I don't know the options and I think they give this team it's best chance to turn things back north.

If you are concerned about the future, that's different but I am not. I only care about this season and I have no idea what's going to happen to that cap or QB salaries but I suspect both are going up considerably.

I don't care if Prescott is the highest paid QB or Cooper as the WR or Jones as the CB because comparing them to others and salary comparing is ridiculous, we do not have access to those players. They are either worth keeping or they or not or they have a reasonable option to replace them. And there is no rookie at those 3 positions that is going to be as good as those 3 players.

These negotiations have taken over the forum and we're spending more time on the evil of the game, the money, than the game itself. You going to watch these players cash game checks or play on the field?

If you feel there are better options, FOR THIS SEASON, than these 3 players, that is one thing but money isn't the factor. This team is loaded to go hunting now, that's why this HC was hired, to turn this north and win now. Are they a true contender? Not sure but any one of those 3 players is removed makes it tougher.

This forum is supposed to be about football, not economics.
The reason is people are judgmental, they all like to be judge judy and decide whats right and how it should be.
Their OPINION is right and everyone that has different Opinion is wrong.
Many here would make great dictators and horrible bosses lol.

Also nfl star players salary's are ridiculous, and people just wonder how they can scoff at 30 mil a year.
Players are greedy, most of them , but again that is human nature too.

I think the jones boys are being cheap, always wanting a bargain, and at same time dak is being a little greedy .

What they should do is decide what % of Cap should go to various positions, and then not go over that.
As for dak, he is concerned about cap going up and he is stuck at a certain pay, so why not pay him a % of cap, and as cap goes up
his pay goes up to keep it at that %. That to me would be fair.
Guaranteed money should only be Guaranteed if the player is injured and cant play anymore, some players just stop playing at high level
and still get the Guaranteed money.

The jones boys are in control, and will decide all this, so I will just wait and see what they do, and how it works out.
To truly judge dak and the other players, I want to see them play 1 year under mm and new coaches.
I do think it is a mistake to let jones go.


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The reason is people are judgmental, they all like to be judge judy and decide whats right and how it should be.
Their OPINION is right and everyone that has different Opinion is wrong.
Many here would make great dictators and horrible bosses lol.


"We Are Penn State"
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All of this angst over Prescott and his salary to be, why does anyone care that's not paying it? Do you see a better option at QB to win
Lol. Way too much reading. If it's longer than 4 sentences, forget about it. No "we" with me. I could care less what these players gets paid.


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The reason is people are judgmental, they all like to be judge judy and decide whats right and how it should be.
Their OPINION is right and everyone that has different Opinion is wrong.
Many here would make great dictators and horrible bosses lol.

Also nfl star players salary's are ridiculous, and people just wonder how they can scoff at 30 mil a year.
Players are greedy, most of them , but again that is human nature too.

I think the jones boys are being cheap, always wanting a bargain, and at same time dak is being a little greedy .

What they should do is decide what % of Cap should go to various positions, and then not go over that.
As for dak, he is concerned about cap going up and he is stuck at a certain pay, so why not pay him a % of cap, and as cap goes up
his pay goes up to keep it at that %. That to me would be fair.
Guaranteed money should only be Guaranteed if the player is injured and cant play anymore, some players just stop playing at high level
and still get the Guaranteed money.

The jones boys are in control, and will decide all this, so I will just wait and see what they do, and how it works out.
To truly judge dak and the other players, I want to see them play 1 year under mm and new coaches.
I do think it is a mistake to let jones go.

I am all for free markets and capitalism and for Dak trying to get as much as he can. He can go for it. I am also for Jerry trying to get him for as good as a deal as he can. That's all great.

If I get tired of paying for something, then I make decisions so that I don't have to pay for that item or find a replacement. Right now, the $150 cable bill is something I choose to afford. I choose not to go to the movies for $12-15 a piece because there is a suitable alternative 3 months later.

Why should we care argument is just stupid! Lacks any sense of reality!


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Do you get your TV for free, all your goods, your tickets, your stuff at the games, your jerseys and memorabilla.

Who pays for all those salaries,? Jerry or the fans?
neither one ! The tv network money funds the cap, all player salarys come from the cap, when tv money goes up the cap goes up.
Owners make their money off of home games and memorabila , and sponsors etc.
So jerry pays the salarys out of the money given to him by tv networks, and that money is earmarked for the cap and the cap only.


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neither one ! The tv network money funds the cap, all player salarys come from the cap, when tv money goes up the cap goes up.
Owners make their money off of home games and memorabila , and sponsors etc.
So jerry pays the salarys out of the money given to him by tv networks, and that money is earmarked for the cap and the cap only.
Wrong - the fans do! and every other US consumer!


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I am all for free markets and capitalism and for Dak trying to get as much as he can. He can go for it. I am also for Jerry trying to get him for as good as a deal as he can. That's all great.

If I get tired of paying for something, then I make decisions so that I don't have to pay for that item or find a replacement. Right now, the $150 cable bill is something I choose to afford. I choose not to go to the movies for $12-15 a piece because there is a suitable alternative 3 months later.

Why should we care argument is just stupid! Lacks any sense of reality!
People like to argue too lol.
The building of a team under a set cap, is complex and it is bad to over pay any position.
This is why NE won so much, they didnt overpay people. They managed the cap better than most. And they had a HC with full control.
Some have a legit argument, that we should not pay dak too much, but their reasons are mostly flawed, like he is not good enough for that pay.
It doesnt matter, even if the qb is great, overpay him and it will hurt the chance of building a team good enough to get to and win a SB.
Jones boys have already overpaid tank, jaylon, elliot, and they will over pay some other, then go cheapo with the rest.
If they all play good, then it is not so bad, but if they dont, then it is bad. Have to wait and see.


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Wrong - the fans do! and every other US consumer!
the fans do what?? lol
do you contribute $ to the cap?? no you dont, neither does anyone else.
The ratings are determined by a few thousand neilsen box familys, it doesnt matter what everyone else actually watch.
and Jersey sales ticket sales etc do not pay any player salary's

Redball Express

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All of this angst over Prescott and his salary to be, why does anyone care that's not paying it? Do you see a better option at QB to win now? Not in the future, win now with this team?

The thinking that he cuts a deal and they'll spend that on D studs, where does that come from? They've been the smallest spenders on salaries since 2016. They brought in Quinn who was fine as a pass rusher but not a good run defender and they went 8-8. They traded for him, they didn't go big in FA for him. They're not players in FA.

I don't care what they pay anybody, that's not football, that's not even a sport. This cap management stuff is utter nonsense.

I want my team to have the best possible players beginning with the ones I know about that have already shown it. That's why I want to keep Prescott, Cooper and Jones because I don't know the options and I think they give this team it's best chance to turn things back north.

If you are concerned about the future, that's different but I am not. I only care about this season and I have no idea what's going to happen to that cap or QB salaries but I suspect both are going up considerably.

I don't care if Prescott is the highest paid QB or Cooper as the WR or Jones as the CB because comparing them to others and salary comparing is ridiculous, we do not have access to those players. They are either worth keeping or they or not or they have a reasonable option to replace them. And there is no rookie at those 3 positions that is going to be as good as those 3 players.

These negotiations have taken over the forum and we're spending more time on the evil of the game, the money, than the game itself. You going to watch these players cash game checks or play on the field?

If you feel there are better options, FOR THIS SEASON, than these 3 players, that is one thing but money isn't the factor. This team is loaded to go hunting now, that's why this HC was hired, to turn this north and win now. Are they a true contender? Not sure but any one of those 3 players is removed makes it tougher.

This forum is supposed to be about football, not economics.

As a very longtime fan..

sometimes too long when I look at the Trophy Case..

I have seen some high times and some low times.

When we signed Deion Sanders away from the 9ers back in the day..

none of us gave a rats arss about it other than Jerry Rice would not be beating us now.

But after all the celebrating ended, we woke up to the fact that we could not win becuz we could not sign our own players anymore.

Contracts like Aikman, Irvin, Emmitt and other held us back. No money, honey.

So it was a sad time as this happened and we went into a 25 year death spiral. This is all old news.

So people remember. They still cringe.
They come to sites like this to find support. Or to find a target to beat on.

You can't change it. But seeing us repeat it again with Dak, Zeke, Amari and Tank, etc. Makes some of us overly cautious.

Call it old school if you want. But I am like Jerrah.

Time is running out. Our current core of players are getting older.There are not so many sunrises left to win anymore. There seem to be mostly sunsets.

So we send up flags with Skull and Crossbones. We scream and still we read and watch and hope.

Back to you.
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the fans do what?? lol
do you contribute $ to the cap?? no you dont, neither does anyone else.
The ratings are determined by a few thousand neilsen box familys, it doesnt matter what everyone else actually watch.
and Jersey sales ticket sales etc do not pay any player salary's

Do I need to make you a flow chart on how TV gets their revenue to pay the contract to the NFL?

Let me ask you a question, do you/someone pay Michael Jordan every time you buy a pair of Nike's? I will answer for you, Yes you do because I think you might get the answer wrong!


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The ratings are determined by a few thousand neilsen box familys, it doesnt matter what everyone else actually watch.
Actually, a few years ago they started incorporating some cable boxes. AT&T and Directv were included in the ratings. You had to go into your account and specifically indicate you didn't want to share your viewing with Nielsen. I just switched over to Spectrum last month, but I did like sharing my info with Nielsen.


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Actually, a few years ago they started incorporating some cable boxes. AT&T and Directv were included in the ratings. You had to go into your account and specifically indicate you didn't want to share your viewing with Nielsen. I just switched over to Spectrum last month, but I did like sharing my info with Nielsen.
That is true, it is a form of secondary ratings , like dvr ratings, next day ratings, but advertisers dont like those ratings, because they feel
that people will FF thru the ads.
Nielsen ratings also give way more info on WHO is watching, how old they are, male or female etc. so that is still the primary rating that advertisers
look at.
Networks care a little about dvr ratings, on deciding to cancel a show or not, but ultimately the show has to make enough ad money to
keep it on the air.


Go Seahawks!!!
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That is true, it is a form of secondary ratings , like dvr ratings, next day ratings, but advertisers dont like those ratings, because they feel
that people will FF thru the ads.
Nielsen ratings also give way more info on WHO is watching, how old they are, male or female etc. so that is still the primary rating that advertisers
look at.
Networks care a little about dvr ratings, on deciding to cancel a show or not, but ultimately the show has to make enough ad money to
keep it on the air.
Interesting info. Thanks, because, I was definitely skipping commercials. I would only watch sports live. Everything else had to be recorded, even if I had to delay a show 20 minutes and ultimately "catch up".


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Do I need to make you a flow chart on how TV gets their revenue to pay the contract to the NFL?

Let me ask you a question, do you/someone pay Michael Jordan every time you buy a pair of Nike's? I will answer for you, Yes you do because I think you might get the answer wrong!
lol so if I get a sleep by number bed I am paying dak?? :lmao2:
and I wouldn't buy anything Nike made, but if I did that money doesn't pay any athletes salary. That is all indirect .
cowboys stadium is sponsored by ATT, I dont use any ATT products, but those who do are not paying players salary's.
Players will get paid regardless of whether someone buys these products or not.
That is all indirect business happenings .


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That's backwards thinking. If revenues go down, salaries go down.

If viewership goes down, ad prices go down and TV contracts go down. Simple economics.

I should buy some of you one of these!

I do not think you understood my post.

The owners are not going to let revenues go down regardless of what the players take. The owners control what the revenue is because they are the ones negotiating the deals and bringing in the revenue. The salary cap is based on that revenue and the owners will generally spend their salary cap (and carry over what they can if they are rebuilding). Therefore whether the player decides to take less or more does not matter because the owners are not going to let the salary cap go down regardless because they will not let revenue go down if they can avoid it.