Why hasn't Eagle backup QB Jeff Garcia...

WV Cowboy;1393807 said:
I've watched him since Syracuse, he always finds excuses when he fails, and when the cards on the table, he fails. Always someone else's fault. Poor Donovan if someone blames him.


Do you watch the guy ? He is a pretender with athletic ability.

What excuses? And he's succeeded many, many times when the cards are on the table (like every playoff game he's ever won). You just don't care about those because it doesn't suit the agenda.
WV Cowboy;1393853 said:
Got them to the Super Bowl?, .. yea and how did that turn out? With McChunky choking and blowing chunks in crunch time. The end of the Super Bowl, the defining moment in his career, and he folded.

He threw a 30 yard strike for a touchdown on that drive, no?

Here is just one example of the true DM.

Against us last year he scores and does the moon walk in the EZ, but later after throwing the game losing pick-6 to Roy, he is hurt and can't get up.:laugh2:

So the most reasonable explanation here is that McNabb was a pansy who wanted to quit. Not that he worsened the tear in his lower abdomen by getting his legs extended while being hit by Bradie James. OK.

Pansy. I've seen that reaction from kids in youth sports. He probably has been doing that since way back then.

Why is there another divided lockerroom with him? Must not be the leader some would have us believe.

Divided lockeroom? Did you bother to verify this or just plan on running with it because it fits nicely into the agenda?

When it's going good, he is one way, but when the chips are down, so is he.

So when he started out 2003 as pretty much the league's worst passer and then did a complete 180 and played like the league's best, leaving another Parcells team in his dust by the way, the chips weren't down?

If Romo would have faked hurt after the botched snap I would have said the same about him, but he didn't, .. he got up and faced it like a man.

Listen, if you want to root for McNabb, that's fine. I see through him and choose not to.

No, what you have a pre-determined agenda and perceive or blatantly misrepresent events to suit it.

(I didn't even go to the TO part because you don't even read my posts about that anyway)

I was thinking more of the INT he threw with about 7:00 minutes left. If they scored there they may have had a chance, but when they scored at the end all they had was the hopes of an onsides kick.

You can cheer for DM if you like, but I won't.

Seems they even improved as a team this year after he went down.

That shouldn't happen.

He whined when the fans gave too much love to Garcia, or was that his mother.:laugh2:
YoMick;1393654 said:
What a shock... you made it about TO:eek:

Yeah, I did because somehow you "conveniently" left that connection out. Their time in SF was far from pleasant but from some reason you didn't think it was necessary to include it.

Why is that? Did you forget that Owens called Garcia gay or did it not fit your motives?

As for me, I could care less about all three of those guys. Don't really care for any of em......which is probably why I said they were all *** holes.
WV Cowboy;1393950 said:
I was thinking more of the INT he threw with about 7:00 minutes left. If they scored there they may have had a chance, but when they scored at the end all they had was the hopes of an onsides kick.

No, they had a chance to win when he completed a 30 yard touchdown pass while "blowing chunks". The fact that they chose to onside kick and later chose to not return the Patriots subsequent punt, is what finally eliminated them from the contest.

You can cheer for DM if you like, but I won't.

Seems they even improved as a team this year after he went down.

That shouldn't happen.
The offense did fairly well all season long. It was the defense and special teams that improved after he was injured, and it came over time -- not all at once. I don't know why that "shouldn't happen", or what that has to do with McNabb. It happens every year, and has happened in the past with the Eagles specifically.

He whined when the fans gave too much love to Garcia, or was that his mother.:laugh2:
garcia wasnt offered a contract because

1. he's gay
2. mcnabb would have been grouchy
3. his mom would have punch reid in the mouth
Smashmouth24;1393898 said:
Sure, where?
It was all over local tv news and the papers. i live in philly so i remember that. Basically he said if he was not going to be given a chance to compete for the starting job he would rather look elsewhere and he hoped the eagles would be upfront with him about their plans. Then it becaoem the big worry.....what if the eagles tell him mcnabb is the starter no matter what and he leaves and then mcnabb is not ready in sept and isnt ready until midseason, who is going to start if garcia leaves, and is it right to try and give garcia the illusion he could be the starter to get him to stick around then benh him when mcnabb is ready.

But, dont mistake me for implying that garcia came out in an interview and said i have to be a starter wherever i go, he never made that kind of statement, just was upfront about not wanting to be on a team where the only chance he had of starting was due to an injury to someone else.

But then again, what he wants and what he'll take for a job when push comes to shove may be 2 different things.
Remember when the awesome Eagles fans booed Garcia's entrance onto the field, clamoring for AJ Feeley?

Feeley has a contract now....hmmm

Stay classy Philadelphia. And fix that damn bell.
Doomsday101;1393863 said:
I don't care about McNabb one way or the other but I do find it funny how you attack McNabb and coddle TO all the time, it is very obvious what your doing, by attacking McNabb you justify TO actions as some victim. As for McNabb I don't think he is the best but his numbers clearly show him as one of the top QB in today’s game and has done this despite having few top WR at his disposal.

TO and McNabb are probably more alike than we know.... atleast TO(right or wrong) is honest when he speaks..... no company lines.... McNabb is a fluffer... a company.... a politician(liar)
I think it's a case of Garcia wanting more playing time, which the Eagles just can't give w/ McNabb and his contract on the team
YoMick;1394407 said:
TO and McNabb are probably more alike than we know.... atleast TO(right or wrong) is honest when he speaks..... no company lines.... McNabb is a fluffer... a company.... a politician(liar)

TO is honest because he believes what he is saying so it is the truth according to TO. I don't care he was brought here to play football I just want him to do as the team ask and shut up for a change. Face it if he was playing for another team and not Dallas I doubt many would be so kind regarding TO and his comments.
Doomsday101;1394426 said:
TO is honest because he believes what he is saying so it is the truth according to TO. I don't care he was brought here to play football I just want him to do as the team ask and shut up for a change. Face it if he was playing for another team and not Dallas I doubt many would be so kind regarding TO and his comments.

whatever happened to not listening to TO and letting it bother them?
Doomsday101;1394426 said:
TO is honest because he believes what he is saying so it is the truth according to TO. I don't care he was brought here to play football I just want him to do as the team ask and shut up for a change. Face it if he was playing for another team and not Dallas I doubt many would be so kind regarding TO and his comments.

TO is honest because he believes what he is saying??? in the end he is STILL being honest. Unlike McNabb.

YES... the fact that he is on our team allows us to see more of what is going on and to not judge based on soundbytes or edited content. McNabb is not on our team and enough of him has been exposed to see him as if he were on our team.

Little by little he is being shown for who he really is... McNabb that is...
YoMick;1394431 said:
TO is honest because he believes what he is saying??? in the end he is STILL being honest. Unlike McNabb.

YES... the fact that he is on our team allows us to see more of what is going on and to not judge based on soundbytes or edited content. McNabb is not on our team and enough of him has been exposed to see him as if he were on our team.

Little by little he is being shown for who he really is... McNabb that is...

Your doing to McNabb what you accuse others of doing to TO, McNabb is not in Dallas so your seeing what you want "the fact that he is on our team allows us to see more of what is going on and to not judge based on soundbytes or edited content." . I don't care for either one of them but TO is on his 3rd chance and all the BS about change when he signed is just that BS. As long as he is here I expect that he will do what the team ask of him and if he can't figure out why I'm here as he said during the season well TO you can hit the door for all I care.
summerisfunner;1394435 said:
it's actually your fault for getting so worked up by what TO says, and is saying

I'm not worked up but I'm not a sheep I'm not going to sit here and say because he is a Dallas Cowboy he is a great guy and misunderstood and the big bad media is making up everything. If others want to do that well that is fine by me but I'm not afraid to say what is on my mind regardless of who TO plays for. Many around here make comments on other players and what they say or do but refuse to hold our own to that standard that they expect. I will not do that.
Doomsday101;1394443 said:
Your doing to McNabb what you accuse others of doing to TO, McNabb is not in Dallas so your seeing what you want "the fact that he is on our team allows us to see more of what is going on and to not judge based on soundbytes or edited content." . I don't care for either one of them but TO is on his 3rd chance and all the BS about change when he signed is just that BS. As long as he is here I expect that he will do what the team ask of him and if he can't figure out why I'm here as he said during the season well TO you can hit the door for all I care.

Actually NO... I am not doing the same thing to McNabb. I have looked more into McNabb than I ever did with TO.

Its pretty black and white. McNabb was a problem for the team when Garcia was QBing... Garcia even said so... the locker room is ONCE AGAIN divided between McNabb and (insert name here)...

He is holding that franchise hostage... what is better? to be a model franchise(atleast in some fans/media's eyes) OR win a darn SB... the FO seems to think the former is better.... let it be written... let it be done... fine with me

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