CFZ Why I don't think Sean Payton is coming to Dallas


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That may be, but there's still the matter of Dan Quinn, who I think makes more sense at HC. As I've stated, he'd bring a new HC approach.
Maybe yeah, but now you're losing some of the benefit of Quinn as DC if he is HC.

It really depends on the timing and success in the immediate future.

Think about it.....if Dallas does well enough to keep McCarthy, Quinn is probably gone before he is.

If Dallas does poorly over the next two seasons, can he really hire Quinn and sell it?

SO many factors are in play here, but I would call it likely that buddies Jerry and Sean have at least thrown around the above scenario.

Jerry said himself he is running out of time.


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I was thinking Dan Quinn,.who the players seem to respect and respond to, and who Jerry, as I laid out, seems to be taking advice from.
I dont think quinn would take a job here as hc. My cousins fiance is a crazy falcons fan. I agree with him when he says dq is a better coordinator than hc.


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I know there's consensus among some that Payton is just going to pack his belongings and move to the Cowboys because he lives in Dallas. While this is intriguing, this does not make sense to me. Here are the reasons:

  1. Say what you want about Mike McCarthy, but I like the job he's doing. Yes, his clock management isn't great, but he's still much better than Jason Garrett. Remember, this is the same franchise that had Garrett for about 10 years as a HC. Not to mention the time he was the OC here as well. That's a lot of cleanup Mike had to do, and I think the team is getting better. There definitely seems to be a plan to me.
  2. Sean Payton would cost to much. Remember, he's under contract still with the Saints, and the Saints have made it clear they'll want at least 1 first round pick in exchange. That's not a good move imo. Yes, Sean Payton is a solid HC. However, I don't think he's worth that.
  3. What makes you think Sean Payton WANTS to coach here? Yes, we have a lot of talent. However, let's not forget. Payton HAS coached here. He knows Jerry Jones. How do you know he'd even want to come here?
  4. If Mike didn't work well, why would Sean? Both coaches have had a HOF-QB, and only managed to win one SB. What makes Sean special where Mike isn't?
  5. Most importantly, even if we do move on from Mike, there is a better option imo in the Cowboys own organisation than Sean. Dan Quinn is the man that I think would make the most sense. Think about it. There is a clear change in philosophy on defence. The players are much younger, quicker, and nastier. The team drafted Parsons last year, who is a completely different breed of LB than the Cowboys have had since maybe DWare, who Garrett gets no credit for drafting as he was not here. Prior to that, the best defencive player aside from DWare and Parsons was Charles Haley for the Cowboys. The secondary is taking more chances and are attacking the ball. This NEVER was as prevalent on this team under Garrett, especially under Marinelli. That's no coincidence. That's a change in style and tactics. That's a front office that's listening and respects the opinion of Dan Quinn and clearly believe in him as a coach and, as seen on the defence last year, for good reason. Oh, and let's not forget he was the interim coach against the Saints, and he put on an absolute clinic that game. I think Quinn is the next HC, and rightfully so.
  6. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. We've done consecutive offensive-minded HCs in Garrett and Mike. Sean would be another of that mindset. Maybe it's time to try a defencive-minded approach at HC. Mind you, the Cowboys, with the exception of Dave Campo, we've done well with that mindset, especially one that values trenches like Quinn does. Landry did well, obviously. Jimmy Johnson was a defencive-minded coach. Bill Parcells is another, and Wade Phillips did well with us. Perhaps it's time to return to those roots with Quinn if we get rid of Mike.
In conclusion, maybe it's time we change our approach to coaching. I think it's time we go defencive-minded, and we don't have to look to another team for that. We have one here that's done wonders to our defence.

Such a long winded answer......short answer is Payton does not want to coach anymore, certainly not in Dallas. He will get a network gig, get paid just as much as coaching, and have 6 months off each year. More family time. As for DQ, he is a failed HC, a better DC....he should stick to DC.


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Liking Jerry and wanting to work for him are two separate things. Right now he has a HOF resume IMO. Coming here and not winning over several years is likely something he wants to avoid.


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That's a very extraordinary rare and unique combination with Belichek and Brady -those are two sure fire first ballot HOF'ers and the best ever at their positions.
.. .what's another current example that's different than those two ?

My point is that a great defencive-minded HC could be what Dak needs.


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Frankly, I don't think the latter stages of the Falcons situation was entirely his fault. He has an aging QB who's best days were long behind him, and that D was still very good. I think giving him Dak Prescott, a much younger QB who's best days are, imo, still ahead of him would do wonders for both Dak and Quinn.
The Falcons' demise was both on Quinn and GM Thomas Dimitroff....the OLine steadily declined following the 2017 season as poor drafting and meh FAs turned the unit into a sieve. They running game disappeared due to the LOS getting caved in and once promising RBs became injured or fizzled out.
And you couldn't be more wrong about the Falcons was bad. Held their own at a game's start - then gradually wore down to being ineffective the last half. The last two seasons before 2021 were brutal. LBs and secondary were confused on assignments, leading to gargantuan chunk plays through the air and futile resistance to stop the ground attack. Yes, Ryan's arm strength was deteriorating following the last playoff run, but had more good games than bad. He was sacked more times over the last four seasons that any other QB. Except for 2016 & 2017, every season under Quinn the Falcons suffered at least a 5-game losing steak (2015, 2018, 2019, 2020).


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Payton would love to coach here. He and Jerry are friends and he’s been around enough to know what it’s like
Payton isn’t coaching anywhere for a couple years because the cost of getting him is too high and the teams that would pay that would limit his options and hurt his chances of building a team
When the costs come down as the years tick off he will likely pick what team he thinks gives him the best chance to win. And no one knows who that will be a couple years from now
Contrary to what some fans think most any coach would coach here and I can only think of one who said he wouldn’t and he wasn’t offered a job here or anywhere else
Payton’s a good coach but I think the plan right now is see what MM can do this year, maybe the next too if he’s successful this year. But if he’s not I think Quinn is the favorite to replace him


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I know there's consensus among some that Payton is just going to pack his belongings and move to the Cowboys because he lives in Dallas. While this is intriguing, this does not make sense to me. Here are the reasons:

  1. Say what you want about Mike McCarthy, but I like the job he's doing. Yes, his clock management isn't great, but he's still much better than Jason Garrett. Remember, this is the same franchise that had Garrett for about 10 years as a HC. Not to mention the time he was the OC here as well. That's a lot of cleanup Mike had to do, and I think the team is getting better. There definitely seems to be a plan to me.
  2. Sean Payton would cost to much. Remember, he's under contract still with the Saints, and the Saints have made it clear they'll want at least 1 first round pick in exchange. That's not a good move imo. Yes, Sean Payton is a solid HC. However, I don't think he's worth that.
  3. What makes you think Sean Payton WANTS to coach here? Yes, we have a lot of talent. However, let's not forget. Payton HAS coached here. He knows Jerry Jones. How do you know he'd even want to come here?
  4. If Mike didn't work well, why would Sean? Both coaches have had a HOF-QB, and only managed to win one SB. What makes Sean special where Mike isn't?
  5. Most importantly, even if we do move on from Mike, there is a better option imo in the Cowboys own organisation than Sean. Dan Quinn is the man that I think would make the most sense. Think about it. There is a clear change in philosophy on defence. The players are much younger, quicker, and nastier. The team drafted Parsons last year, who is a completely different breed of LB than the Cowboys have had since maybe DWare, who Garrett gets no credit for drafting as he was not here. Prior to that, the best defencive player aside from DWare and Parsons was Charles Haley for the Cowboys. The secondary is taking more chances and are attacking the ball. This NEVER was as prevalent on this team under Garrett, especially under Marinelli. That's no coincidence. That's a change in style and tactics. That's a front office that's listening and respects the opinion of Dan Quinn and clearly believe in him as a coach and, as seen on the defence last year, for good reason. Oh, and let's not forget he was the interim coach against the Saints, and he put on an absolute clinic that game. I think Quinn is the next HC, and rightfully so.
  6. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. We've done consecutive offensive-minded HCs in Garrett and Mike. Sean would be another of that mindset. Maybe it's time to try a defencive-minded approach at HC. Mind you, the Cowboys, with the exception of Dave Campo, we've done well with that mindset, especially one that values trenches like Quinn does. Landry did well, obviously. Jimmy Johnson was a defencive-minded coach. Bill Parcells is another, and Wade Phillips did well with us. Perhaps it's time to return to those roots with Quinn if we get rid of Mike.
In conclusion, maybe it's time we change our approach to coaching. I think it's time we go defencive-minded, and we don't have to look to another team for that. We have one here that's done wonders to our defence.

OMG didn't the draft war room show you what this team is about?
It's a Jones run team and only YES men need to apply for the JOB!!
Why on Earth (Unless its for a massive last retirement paycheck) would Payton even consider coming to this family Circus????
One look at MM face tells the tale of the FO.......


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I've never thought Payton is coming to Dallas. If he wants to coach again he'll have options.

He's not signing up to sit at press conferences while Jerry and Stephen do the talking.
This. It’s a pipe to dream to think Sean Payton comes to Dallas without having some major changes at the top of this organization. He’s not coming here without some contractual protection to be a real HC in ways the Jones boys won’t concede.

As long as Jerry’s drawing breath, he will be the centerpiece of this franchise. Even our #1 draft pick called him “Coach Jones”, LOL!


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Mike seemed very upbeat post draft. I know people were taking his body language in the press conference before the draft and thinking "well this guy's just a puppet." I think he was just uncomfortable to be there.

We were the best team in the NFL through 6 weeks. What happened? Teams figured us out, we could not run block, penalties killed so many big plays that were game changers. We got rid of some people, but what makes you think we don't have enough weapons to spread around on offense? Our offense has plenty of them. And we added more.

If we can get the run game going and pound teams, Dak can be more than adequate. I think we'll pick up where we left off through week 6. And during that time we still had the penalty machine who was overpowered every single game. So we should be better than those first 6 weeks.


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OMG didn't the draft war room show you what this team is about?
It's a Jones run team and only YES men need to apply for the JOB!!
Why on Earth (Unless its for a massive last retirement paycheck) would Payton even consider coming to this family Circus????
One look at MM face tells the tale of the FO.......

I think that qualifies under line 3.


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Mike seemed very upbeat post draft. I know people were taking his body language in the press conference before the draft and thinking "well this guy's just a puppet." I think he was just uncomfortable to be there.

We were the best team in the NFL through 6 weeks. What happened? Teams figured us out, we could not run block, penalties killed so many big plays that were game changers. We got rid of some people, but what makes you think we don't have enough weapons to spread around on offense? Our offense has plenty of them. And we added more.

If we can get the run game going and pound teams, Dak can be more than adequate. I think we'll pick up where we left off through week 6. And during that time we still had the penalty machine who was overpowered every single game. So we should be better than those first 6 weeks.

I think penalties, injuries, and missed field goals caught up to us. Luckily, two of those three are fixable. The other is just down to luck.


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What about Urban Meyer? :muttley:



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I think penalties, injuries, and missed field goals caught up to us. Luckily, two of those three are fixable. The other is just down to luck.

We almost beat San Francisco and we were not at full strength and then add to that 14 penalties.

We're not far away. It all starts with the offensive line. Some of the guys we added last year will be more experienced and then of course we have a new left guard.