Why is Jerry destroying his Legacy?

Jerry also dished out the money to sign the players and coaches that Jimmy wanted..Jimmy went to Miami, the owner didn't want to spend the money and what happened. Even Marino couldn't help him.
Coaching is a team effort. A HC can't do it all by himself.
You don’t have to try and rationalize Jerry’s incompetence and ego.
Yes, they are. However, now they need a competent GM to acquire the players that would put us over the top. Out GM is putrid. If Jerry takes Kobie Turner instead of a frickin' TE in the 2nd, the GB game is an entirely different game.
Oh is that what they need.
Yeah Jimmy didn’t do it by himself, but he was the primary component.
He is an overblown cog in the machine. He couldn't run an offense and needed Turner too.

After 91, it was Brandt and Ciskowski that still were hitting on their draft charts and carrying the roster. Ciskoski alone found Lett and Allen at their tiny schools.
Jimmy left town and refused to come back except to get his last check. Jerry apologized for the 500 coaches comment
but Jimmy didnt accept it and was still made.
Jimmy had a temper and it took him a long time to cool down.

His main beef with jerry was when jerry started doing his own mega press conferences !! Jerry served steak dinners to all that attended,
and all were invited..
Then he would say things that countered what jimmy had recently said in his PC (no steak dinners lol)
Jimmy couldnt have 2 voices for the team, it was him or he was going to leave.

Jimmy had just said that certain players might not play due to certain issues, and jerry then said oh no they will play.
And Jimmy saw that as interfering with his mgmt of players, and psychology he used. That was the final straw.
So he left and wasnt coming back.

Jerry has done his pc's ever since and countered other coaches, and not let them be the voice of the team, except for parcells.
Jerry loves doing his pc's and radio shows, and doesnt see the harm in it lol.
If jerry cared about the fans....once he found out what Jimmy liked and didn't like, he woulda done whatever had to be done to keep the party rolling by keeping Jimmy happy.

He put his desire for face time and credit over shutting up, letting the football genius do his thing, and bring home 2 or 3 more SBs.

The vast majority of owners are invisible until their yearly presser. They're content leading behind the scenes. Jerry is front and center every week.
The Chiefs went 5 decades without a Super Bowl win. Keep shooting your mouth off. The Cowboys are still a good team.
And for those 5 decades no one thought of them as a great, successful franchise. In fact much was said and reported about their postseason failures.

And it was accurate. Just like pointing out that Jerry has led Dallas on a 28 year run of postseason futility. Those are just the facts.
Al Davis was a football man. He built the Raiders mystic. Jerry had no such hand in the Cowboy's mystic./ It was built by Tex Schramm and Tom Landry. Jerry got lucky by hiring Jimmy. Jimmy built on that mystic. And Jerry has done all he can to destroy it. He's in the HOF because he makes the NFL money. It has nothing to do with him running the Cowboys.
Are we pretending that money isn't the most important thing to the NFL?
He is an overblown cog in the machine. He couldn't run an offense and needed Turner too.

After 91, it was Brandt and Ciskowski that still were hitting on their draft charts and carrying the roster. Ciskoski alone found Lett and Allen at their tiny schools.
Yeah, Jimmy was the HC and not the OC. Nice observation, lol.

I do agree we had a good scouting dept. Also know that Jimmy was calling the shots in the draft room.

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