Why is the NFL committing suicide?

I never claimed it was unsuccessful. I'm saying that it didn't draw more people to the sport. And I'm also saying it wasn't the biggest event in boxing history.

Back in the days of Dempsey or Louis vs. Schmeling, we didn't have TV's. However, it was the largest audience for a single radio broadcast.

So again...you're wrong.

Calling you out for being wrong versus calling you a liar are two different things. Just like you claimed that my dad was a football coach (wrong) or that I rooted for Frazier against Ali (wrong) and the numerous other things you have been so wrong on that it crushes your credibility.


Ali vs Frazier 1 was the largest TV audience in history at that time beating out the moon landing. Say it.

I said people such as yourself supported Frazier. Given your commentary and pumping of Frazier's backing I stand by my statement. And you guys that bring up points of fact from month before as if it is an accomplishment are adorable. Try being a bit more intellectually secure.

You have dropped the nation states and Olympics argument.

You have dropped Jackie Robinson and segregation.

You have dropped ancient history of Roman and Byzantine times.

It is safe to conclude that politics and sports have a long successful history.
Ali vs Frazier 1 was the largest TV audience in history at that time beating out the moon landing. Say it.

I said people such as yourself supported Frazier. Given your commentary and pumping of Frazier's backing I stand by my statement. And you guys that bring up points of fact from month before as if it is an accomplishment are adorable. Try being a bit more intellectually secure.

You have dropped the nation states and Olympics argument.

You have dropped Jackie Robinson and segregation.

You have dropped ancient history of Roman and Byzantine times.

It is safe to conclude that politics and sports have a long successful history.

I haven't dropped anything as much as I've grown tired of arguing with you.

You consistently get the facts wrong and make accusations that are incorrect.

I fail to see a reason to continue to argue with you.

I haven't dropped anything as much as I've grown tired of arguing with you.

You consistently get the facts wrong and make accusations that are incorrect.

I fail to see a reason to continue to argue with you.



You would argue a point if you thought you could win. Your behavior towards me is typical. Your backing down because I have now supported myself with objective proof and you have nothing. It's rank cowardice. Good job.

Say it. Ali vs Frazier was the largest TV audience for its time beating out the moon landing.

Say it. Nations and nation states are political entities.

Say it. The rights of man are a political issue.

Say it. Roman elites used sports to promote their regimes and further their goals.
I never said it was racism I said that cops have extra rights. I will articulate specifically because you fail to see the point.

This whole thread is about institutional racism and you have been defending Kaepernick, whose (incoherent) argument is institutional racism. "Extra rights" in the new rabbit hole you have travelled down.
The racism comes in with specific policing policies that are rampant still like Stop and Frisk and Broken Windows policies. You ask the cops on those beats and they will claim they are not racist but when you look at the data invariably target minorities even after you control for population makeup.

Citizens don't have the extra rights that cops do, or the responsibilities or extra punishments that come from abusing those extra rights.

And stop and frisk does disproportionately target young, nonwhite men. And a disproportionate amount of crime is committed by young, nonwhite men.

But in Fuzzy-land, everything would run much better if the LAPD spent more time in Beverly Hills searching old Jewish women for handguns.
This whole thread is about institutional racism and you have been defending Kaepernick, whose (incoherent) argument is institutional racism. "Extra rights" in the new rabbit hole you have travelled down.

Kaepernick has discussed the systemic issues extensively. What do you think that he meant when he was complaining about cops being on paid leave while being investigated for murder?

Those protections are routinely used against minorities particularly when stop and frisk and broken windows policies are put in place but the protections are used when they kill white people too.

I have been talking about the extra rights cops have for days now on this subject. Race is definitely at issue but the crux of the problem is police policy and the unions that shove them down our throats.

I have always been fascinated how conservatives can go rabid against public unions for teachers and infrastructure and give police unions a pass.
Citizens don't have the extra rights that cops do, or the responsibilities or extra punishments that come from abusing those extra rights.

And stop and frisk does disproportionately target young, nonwhite men. And a disproportionate amount of crime is committed by young, nonwhite men.

But in Fuzzy-land, everything would run much better if the LAPD spent more time in Beverly Hills searching old Jewish women for handguns.

Racial profiling is illegal.

And your comment here indicates you are ignorant of what broken windows policies entail. No one is saying that high crime areas should not be patrolled more than low crime areas. Broken windows means you go after smaller infractions like broken windows hard and punish them severely. It flips equal protection on its head.

Nice petulant strawman though.
I haven't dropped anything as much as I've grown tired of arguing with you.

You consistently get the facts wrong and make accusations that are incorrect.

I fail to see a reason to continue to argue with you.

That is his MO....... he talks like an authority on everything even when he is 100% wrong

When called on it he will sheepishly admit it but still call you names for not continuing to play his strawman games

He literally makes things up and then says "well I didn't even read the OP"
This appears to be an orchestrated attempt but I don't get it.

They are on life support with me now. I'm officially boycotting this entire season. There is a chance I will come back, but it's not looking so great. I'm a HUGE basketball fan, but I kicked the NBA to the curb in 2006. I didn't even watch any of the games when the Mavericks won the championship in 2011. The NBA is dead to me, and the NFL as I said. Is on life support.
Isn't kneeling "an action"? Hell, it even has the president talking, and it's leader out of a job. That's action to me. Said player also donated a million bucks to his cause. That's action. One of the biggest platforms in the world, the NFL, and these players are kneeling front and center. That's pretty huge.

Disappointing post, Mike. Whether you care or not. Just disappointing to read that from you.

I'm not a political person -- but if I had to pick -- I'm all aboard Noam Chomsky's train (socio-anarchy). When the sky is blue, it's blue. These dude's are taking a stance. A stance that is full of substance for their views.

It is what it is, fellas. Sorry.

The guys that have done something... I think that's terrific! I really do.

If all of them do some things positive out of the stadium to improve conditions... Great!
This whole thread is about institutional racism and you have been defending Kaepernick, whose (incoherent) argument is institutional racism. "Extra rights" in the new rabbit hole you have travelled down.
Kaepernick is like the college Freshman that takes their first abnormal psych or poli-sci class and thinks they are an expert at everything because their professor told them something new

it is quite amusing and I always say "a little bit of knowledge is most dangerous thing in the world"

All these protestors today think they have the market cornered on truth but can't see 5 feet in front of their noses because of the blinders they wear
The guys that have done something... I think that's terrific! I really do.

If all of them do some things positive out of the stadium to improve conditions... Great!
Proving Trump wrong is good for this country ......... that is some Jedi level mind control

In one speech he accomplished what Goodell was unable to do for decades..... get the players to commit to being upstanding, role models and activists for positive change

Let's see how long it lasts and how long the Owners welcome all the protests that will come after the next few arrests and controversies
They are on life support with me now. I'm officially boycotting this entire season. There is a chance I will come back, but it's not looking so great. I'm a HUGE basketball fan, but I kicked the NBA to the curb in 2006. I didn't even watch any of the games when the Mavericks won the championship in 2011. The NBA is dead to me, and the NFL as I said. Is on life support.
I used to be a boxing and baseball fan. I haven't watched them in years other then the WS once in awhile. Don't miss them either. I didn't watch the NFL at all yesterday . Not all that big since I've been cutting down on it a lot this year. I'm just about down to just watching Cowboy games. If I don't enjoy something then I'll quit cold turkey. I'll watch the game tonight but I'm getting sick of all this non football coverage. Don't watch ESPN anymore because they are not what they used to be.
That is his MO....... he talks like an authority on everything even when he is 100% wrong

When called on it he will sheepishly admit it but still call you names for not continuing to play his strawman games

He literally makes things up and then says "well I didn't even read the OP"


If I thought I was an authority I would not have brought in quotes from sources to back up my assertions. That is the opposite of an appeal to my own authority.

What I do when I see you guys resorting to petty petulant and irrelevant ad hominems as you guys are resorting to now to deflect from merit is rub your face in the merit.

I get that you want to make it about Kaep or any NFL player having the right to protest but I am going to talk about what they are protesting. I'm not taking that bait.

Lets rejoin merit and see if any of you have the balls to address what I am saying directly instead of these petty smears.
  • 48 state have LEBOR laws that grant police officers extra rights protecting them from investigations and prosecutions that the public does not enjoy..
  • There is an inherent conflict of interest in local police and prosecutors investigating and prosecuting their co workers, colleagues, and friends.
  • Stop and frisk and broken windows policies have been shown ineffective and disproportionately target minorities.
You cannot say you have not been told.
3) I wouldnt be wrong. No such thing as an unlicensed cigarette. Just because a law exists doesnt make something ACTUALLY right or wrong. Selling your personal property how you see fit is a RIGHT. Which means it naturally exists and a government, nor cop can add or remove it.
That's not accurate. There are all sorts of laws, regulations, permits and requirements - not to mention taxes - for selling property.

Now if we are being realistic, then nobody is going to care if I bump into you in lot 13 next week and sell you a pack of cigs for $5. But if I buy 500 cartons here in TX then drive on up to NY (or even, say, drive to El Paso to keep it in state) to sell them, then yes I stand to get into trouble for that.
I have always been fascinated how conservatives can go rabid against public unions for teachers and infrastructure and give police unions a pass.

Nice petulant strawman, since I never mentioned unions.
Racial profiling is illegal.

And your comment here indicates you are ignorant of what broken windows policies entail. No one is saying that high crime areas should not be patrolled more than low crime areas. Broken windows means you go after smaller infractions like broken windows hard and punish them severely. It flips equal protection on its head.

Nice petulant strawman though.

Nice petulant strawman, my post never mentioned broken windows. Don't you want to get back to your strawman about standing for the Anthem while watching at home?

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