Why is there a lack of leadership on this team?


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I have talked about leadership on previous posts....


.... but i don't really understand why exactly is there a lack of leadership?

Under BP, most of us said that his overbearing personality might have played a role in suppressing the development of player leaders. He had total control so everyone deferred to him.

What's the problem under WP? Is it because of his 'family' team concept that is keeping players from constructively criticizing each other when somebody needed to? Are they afraid of rocking the 'family' boat, sort of speak.

Or, is it that we have a bunch of professional athletes who are workman like but without any desire or ability to inspire each other when the going gets tough?

Folks, i'm grasping at anything at this point.

I really like Wade and i think his approach can work really well. He is the nurturer. Players like him and enjoy playing for him. But i think his approach is best put to use when it is complemented by a no non-sense kind of guy or someone who can inspire the troops when the chips are down. Maybe an assistant coach or a field general. A player who can mobilize the team and absolutely refuse to lay down with out giving it all.

On Hard knocks, Garrett said you gotta have swagger. But you can't have swagger without consistency in excellence. It's like putting the wagon before the horse. Besides, swagger doesn't mean you walk around like your **** don't stink. Swagger comes from success and accomplishments, and consistency in performance.

We are in a tough division and can't afford to lose too many games. Luckily, the Giants have a brutal schedule the rest of the year so i don't think they can pull away too much further. Skins have at least three winnable games left. Philli has a pretty easy schedule and they are getting healthy. San Francisco and Seattle are the only two so called 'winnable' games on the schedule at this point for Dallas.

The next game will say a lot about the players and the team as a whole. As far as i'm concerned this is a 'must win'. More for the confidence of this team than anything else. I'm expecting, i'm hoping somebody, somebodies, will step up and take the lead.

If they don't come out and lay everything on the field, even if they lose the game, there is something fundamentally missing/wrong on this team.

Having said all this, I expect the Boys to win this game in a hard fought battle to the end.



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ethiostar;2366097 said:
I have talked about leadership on previous posts....


.... but i don't really understand why exactly is there a lack of leadership?

We have a coach who can't bear to get angry at his players when they don't perform and when they muck it up.
The players like the coach but don't respect him.
The players have no fear of this Gutless Wonder.
The owner won't fire the Gutless Wonder because he does not want to look foolish for picking him in the first place. Jerra, I guess, holds on to the hope that the Boys will get into the playoffs and do better than last year. Then he can be absolved and get rid of the Gutless Wonder.
We have no team "lLeaders," who will yell at their teammates, save that underachiever/idiot Tank. But Tank's play is the most inconsistent of the group, so nobody takes him seriously.
No leadership equals no playoffs.


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GimmeTheBall!;2366125 said:
We have a coach who can't bear to get angry at his players when they don't perform and when they muck it up.
The players like the coach but don't respect him.
The players have no fear of this Gutless Wonder.
The owner won't fire the Gutless Wonder because he does not want to look foolish for picking him in the first place. Jerra, I guess, holds on to the hope that the Boys will get into the playoffs and do better than last year. Then he can be absolved and get rid of the Gutless Wonder.
We have no team "lLeaders," who will yell at their teammates, save that underachiever/idiot Tank. But Tank's play is the most inconsistent of the group, so nobody takes him seriously.
No leadership equals no playoffs.

What's also driving me crazy is the lack of discipline and aggression. The kind of penalties the team has had, and i'm sure they are in the top 5 in penalties, indicate that the team is not only undisciplined (false start, illegal motion, face mask) but also desperate. What's more i haven't seen a lot of penalties for aggressive penalties, like a late hit. I don't condone dangerous plays and i sure don't want them to get penalized but if they are going to get flagged i wish it was because they were playing a little too aggressive.


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ethiostar;2366178 said:
What's also driving me crazy is the lack of discipline and aggression. The kind of penalties the team has had, and i'm sure they are in the top 5 in penalties, indicate that the team is not only undisciplined (false start, illegal motion, face mask) but also desperate. What's more i haven't seen a lot of penalties for aggressive penalties, like a late hit. I don't condone dangerous plays and i sure don't want them to get penalized but if they are going to get flagged i wish it was because they were playing a little too aggressive.

Parcells did all he could to beat it out of them.

It will never stop regardless of who is coach.

There is only 1 man that can overcome all of this teams stupid mistakes. #9


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CATCH17;2366209 said:
Parcells did all he could to beat it out of them.

It will never stop regardless of who is coach.

There is only 1 man that can overcome all of this teams stupid mistakes. #9

Yup and I'm not so sure he wants to or can play even after the bye.


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CATCH17;2366209 said:
Parcells did all he could to beat it out of them.

It will never stop regardless of who is coach.

There is only 1 man that can overcome all of this teams stupid mistakes. #9

He can overcome it some of the times but not all of the time. The problem is he can't do it all and he is not a vocal leader, ala Brady or P. Manning. At least i haven't seen it yet. When he is sitting on the bench with his head down after an int, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence nor does it motivate others around him. Now we have a DC who did the same thing towards the end of the game at St. Louis.

Bottom line, I wouldn't trade Romo for anyone else but we can't expect to win every game because of his play on the field. There are other 52 players on this team. Somebody needs to freaking man up.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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If you consider a leader a player that has to be vocal...it is funny that the one person that seems to fit that role is TO.

I think he is about the only player I have seen multiple times on the sidelines chewing someone out for a bonehead play or lack of effort.

The same guy that seemed to be the opposite on other teams.

With that said. Leaders do not have to be the rah rah scream in your face type. Some leaders are ones that lead by example or when the times will stand up and talk to a coach. We seen this with Ware this last game when it looked like Z.Thomas was mad at Stewart.

I imagine both Tony R and Witten are leaders as well. I have seen Tony getting on the O-Line in games as well.

Witten seems to be more of a leader by example with his play.

Another thing to consider is that just because we don't see some guys ranting on the sidelines in the games it does not mean they are not leaders in the locker room. They just might not be the type of leader that is very vocal or gets much press.

What ever the case it does not have to be on the players IMO. It is great if the players have leaders but it is hard to encompass a whole team when you don't seem to be getting leadership from the HC and the coaches below him. Or if you get mixed messages from the HC and Jerry.

When Bill was here it was magic that first season. That was what the team needed and that time. One could argue that it might have been one of his best coaching jobs. They played over their talent level but they played as a team wanting to please the coach. He got some good talent into the cowboys after that but his constant negativity probably wore thin after so long until I imagine it came across as a kid who did what they could to make a father proud only for the father to never acknowledge that they were proud and instead complain they should be able to do better. That just wore thin I imagine.

So enter wade. We have the talent that was gotten from the past few years and we have a Player Coach. A guy that wants a family atmosphere and to treat the players like adult and be slacker on the negativity and discipline. This too worked the first year. But you could tell towards the end of the season it was already having an effect on the team and the discipline of their play.

That has seemed to carry over to this season. I just don't think they are afraid of their actions because they know the coach will gloss over it. I don't think he has ever been known as a disciplinarian and I would imagine that players are also tired of the ST coach and DC. We also seen in the preseason where the CBs wanted to play more man instead of always being off the line.

Whatever the case is here, whether we have good leaders, not enough leaders or bad leaders. One thing seems to be clear...this team is struggling and showing no signs of turning it around right now.

Now that does not mean they will not turn it around. Heck we have seen teams within our own NFC East start out crappy and turn it around...actually all three have done something like that in the past few years.


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ethiostar;2366266 said:
He can overcome it some of the times but not all of the time. The problem is he can't do it all and he is not a vocal leader, ala Brady or P. Manning. At least i haven't seen it yet. When he is sitting on the bench with his head down after an int, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence nor does it motivate others around him. Now we have a DC who did the same thing towards the end of the game at St. Louis.

Bottom line, I wouldn't trade Romo for anyone else but we can't expect to win every game because of his play on the field. There are other 52 players on this team. Somebody needs to freaking man up.

I completely agree. I've been on here saying this team goes as Tony Romo goes.

I've complained about his body language as well. Bigtime actually.

I dont get into the whole body language thing a lot but when its your QB than its a problem.

Thats why I think when he comes back he'll be a spark plug for us for awhile but he will have to go dang near undefeated or 1 loss for us to get in the playoffs.

We are stuck with the players surrounding him. Thats fine.

Just don't expect anyone to come in here and clean up penalties and get them to play more enthused.

The boo birds will be out Sunday and as talented as this team is they will have to come to the realisation that "they are what they are."

A team thats stupid and can't overcome anything without enthusiastic play from the QB position


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BrAinPaiNt;2366276 said:
If you consider a leader a player that has to be vocal...it is funny that the one person that seems to fit that role is TO.

I think he is about the only player I have seen multiple times on the sidelines chewing someone out for a bonehead play or lack of effort.

The same guy that seemed to be the opposite on other teams.

With that said. Leaders do not have to be the rah rah scream in your face type. Some leaders are ones that lead by example or when the times will stand up and talk to a coach. We seen this with Ware this last game when it looked like Z.Thomas was mad at Stewart.

I imagine both Tony R and Witten are leaders as well. I have seen Tony getting on the O-Line in games as well.

Witten seems to be more of a leader by example with his play.

Another thing to consider is that just because we don't see some guys ranting on the sidelines in the games it does not mean they are not leaders in the locker room. They just might not be the type of leader that is very vocal or gets much press.

What ever the case it does not have to be on the players IMO. It is great if the players have leaders but it is hard to encompass a whole team when you don't seem to be getting leadership from the HC and the coaches below him. Or if you get mixed messages from the HC and Jerry.

When Bill was here it was magic that first season. That was what the team needed and that time. One could argue that it might have been one of his best coaching jobs. They played over their talent level but they played as a team wanting to please the coach. He got some good talent into the cowboys after that but his constant negativity probably wore thin after so long until I imagine it came across as a kid who did what they could to make a father proud only for the father to never acknowledge that they were proud and instead complain they should be able to do better. That just wore thin I imagine.

So enter wade. We have the talent that was gotten from the past few years and we have a Player Coach. A guy that wants a family atmosphere and to treat the players like adult and be slacker on the negativity and discipline. This too worked the first year. But you could tell towards the end of the season it was already having an effect on the team and the discipline of their play.

That has seemed to carry over to this season. I just don't think they are afraid of their actions because they know the coach will gloss over it. I don't think he has ever been known as a disciplinarian and I would imagine that players are also tired of the ST coach and DC. We also seen in the preseason where the CBs wanted to play more man instead of always being off the line.

Whatever the case is here, whether we have good leaders, not enough leaders or bad leaders. One thing seems to be clear...this team is struggling and showing no signs of turning it around right now.

Now that does not mean they will not turn it around. Heck we have seen teams within our own NFC East start out crappy and turn it around...actually all three have done something like that in the past few years.

Brain, thanks for the post. You got some good points.

i think we are talking about the same thing. I'm not looking for someone to be a rah rah guy or to scream on the sideline all the time. But, there are times during a game when the team is obviously struggling or playing uninspired football or playing without any discipline. You can't wait until you get to the locker room to address it. Someone, if not the coaches then a player or two, who need to 'wake up' the troops.

We have a lot of hard working, professional athletes who are really good at what they do individually. They can serve as leaders by example. But i think it helps to have a mix of leadership types for different reasons. Sometimes you need inspiration, sometimes a good jolt to get you out of day dreaming or daze, etc....


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Levy. Reeves. Schottenheimer.

They were the backbone behind Wade Phillips in Denver, Buffalo, Atlanta and San Diego. Phillips is a defensive mind, but I think he's lacking as a head coach. Not a motivator like those great men. Parcells got these players to be 'proactive'. Phillips has the same bunch 'reactive'.

Sooner Jerry Jones realizes this, the quicker the Cowboys can right the ship.


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DeadEagle;2366344 said:
Levy. Reeves. Schottenheimer.

They were the backbone behind Wade Phillips in Denver, Buffalo, Atlanta and San Diego. Phillips is a defensive mind, but I think he's lacking as a head coach. Not a motivator like those great men. Parcells got these players to be 'proactive'. Phillips has the same bunch 'reactive'.

Sooner Jerry Jones realizes this, the quicker the Cowboys can right the ship.

I've said this myself, the man's a good coordinator because he can be the right hand. He's not a good lead because he is only capable of being the good cop in the locker room. We'll see how this defense responds now that he's calling the plays.


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AKATheRake;2366369 said:
I've said this myself, the man's a good coordinator because he can be the right hand. He's not a good lead because he is only capable of being the good cop in the locker room. We'll see how this defense responds now that he's calling the plays.

It's funny.

We Buc fans have the very same complaint about Jon Gruden sometimes. Great coordinator, average coach.


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AKATheRake;2366369 said:
I've said this myself, the man's a good coordinator because he can be the right hand. He's not a good lead because he is only capable of being the good cop in the locker room. We'll see how this defense responds now that he's calling the plays.

Well i get that but the team didn't respond that much better after the first season under BP, who seems to be the opposite of WP.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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BigDFan5;2366371 said:
I blame superpunk for yelling at Shia Lebouf

I thought Superpunk WAS Shia Lebouf. I think he was great in Holes.:p:


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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ethiostar;2366383 said:
Well i get that but the team didn't respond that much better after the first season under BP, who seems to be the opposite of WP.

Polar opposites though.

Be nice to have a coach somewhere in the middle. Not always negative and ranting but at the same time not so soft that they just blow off a bad loss either.


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BrAinPaiNt;2366390 said:
I thought Superpunk WAS Shia Lebouf. I think he was great in Holes.:p:

Damn it, now I am going to have that dig it song stuck in my head until 2011


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CrazyCowboy;2366391 said:
something needs to happen.

Exlax might help you if the clogged up plumbing starts to hurt. :p: ;)