Why should fans believe in this executive leadership?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Serious question hoping for serious, thoughtful answers:
  • Why should ANY Dallas Cowboys fan have any hope of winning a championship again with Jerry and his family in charge?
I’m hoping for some explanations from our fans why we as fans should have HOPE OR BELIEF that this organization as currently constructed at the top can ever be anything more than what it has been the last 26 years: an over-hyped, underachieving, non-competitive in playoffs organization?

Serious answers please. If you are a Cowboys fan who still believes we can win in the playoffs doing it “Jerry’s way”, please say why.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Serious question hoping for serious, thoughtful answers:
  • Why should ANY Dallas Cowboys fan have any hope of winning a championship again with Jerry and his family in charge?
I’m hoping for some explanations from our fans why we as should have HOPE OR BELIEF that this organization as currently constructed at the top can ever be anything more than what it has been the last 26 years: an over-hyped, underachieving, non-competitive in playoffs organization?

Serious answers please. If you are a Cowboys fan who still believes we can win in the playoffs doing it “Jerry’s way”, please say why.
Great question Bob,
I agree with you and can't wait to see if anyone really believes we are on the right course, and if so, why.


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I think this season basically closed the door on that casket. It's basically over for Dallas fans, as we know it, with the current regime. I really think Jerry knows it too deep down. We've been hearing more and more about "the man in the mirror" since 2017. Heard it again today. I don't think he's referring to Michael Jackson.

What really bothers me specifically about this organization is that not only are we built terribly, but we cannot even luck into a championship game. Since we last won a Super Bowl, moribund franchises like the Minnesota Timberwolves and Sacramento Kings have played in conference title games. The Montreal Canadiens played in a Stanley Cup last year despite having the worst record in in the postseason (and probably shouldn't have made the postseason altogether). We are so cursed that we cannot even get lucky in the postseason. We fold like picnic chairs every single time, and line up and try the same exact thing the next season.


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The key to the answer for me is finding a new offensive culture. Look what the defense has shown that under Quinn, they are making strides to becoming elite. We give up big plays, but they have already done a 180 in just a year. They are more than capable of playing in the Superbowl if they can keep up the turnover game.

Dak has been with KM for far too long. That hasn't worked. Bring someone new in with a new plan. Go back to a run dominate team where Zeke can push the opposing Defense. That's what got us to the Superbowl to begin with. Even with his 2-3 yards per carry, Zeke is still one of the hardest hitters in the game. That pays off in the 3rd and 4th quarter if we keep it up.

Not saying this will happen, but this is my hope.


Devil's Advocate
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Won't happen. Jerry's ego and pride don't allow him to properly delegate authority, he wants to be the WINNER so he can rub it in Jimmy's face.

Every year it eats at Jerry a little more. Got to be a roaring river by now.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Serious question hoping for serious, thoughtful answers:
  • Why should ANY Dallas Cowboys fan have any hope of winning a championship again with Jerry and his family in charge?
I’m hoping for some explanations from our fans why we as should have HOPE OR BELIEF that this organization as currently constructed at the top can ever be anything more than what it has been the last 26 years: an over-hyped, underachieving, non-competitive in playoffs organization?

Serious answers please. If you are a Cowboys fan who still believes we can win in the playoffs doing it “Jerry’s way”, please say why.
The problems are deep and they start with Jerry, but the whole organization is infected.

This organization is popular both with Cowboys fans and haters so it draws a lot of attention on players, which greatly helps them with endorsement deals and future contracts.

Being a Cowboys player also gives them a lot more personal recognition than they would get from many team's markets.

Jerry has fostered a "My players love me" relationship with the star players as soon as they walked through the door rather than waiting until they earned that type of relationship.

Potential is worthless until results are achieved, but this whole organization treats players like they have already won things when they have not even come close to any of them.

The coaches focus more on being liked and respected by the players than they do telling the truth and doing what is best for the team. Arians won a Super Bowl during a season where he called out Tom Brady publicly. Why? Because Brady was making mistakes in the offense that was new to him and it was costing them games.

Dak makes mistakes, McCarthy says, "All good!" Ezekiel can barely run, McCarthy says, "He's my starter!" The list goes on and on and also precedes McCarthy going back to all coaches after Jimmy Johnson except Parcells.

Coaches do not have to be jerks to players, but coaches have a job to do and that job is to win Super Bowls. Not divisions, playoff games, but Super Bowls.

The Cowboys need a coach who is going to stop worrying if players like him and start focusing on doing what he needs to do to put a team capable of winning on the field.

Ignore the contracts, ignore the Jerry promises, ignore the player tantrums and ignore the media interrogations of every move. PLAY ... TO ... WIN!

It is that simple. As coach, you are paid to win, so play to win.

Jerry needs to support that type of coach by closing his door to players once training camp starts. Stop talking to them and stop answering their calls. Make it easier to move on from declining players as well as draft and free agent mistakes.

Most important, let the players know the head coach is in charge and if he benches you, you are benched. End of discussion.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I can't wait for Jerry or Spawn of Jerry to get out of the football business. Those two have ruined Cowboy fandom for decades.

So basically...
When the Sun runs out of Hydrogen fuel and stops it nuclear reaction to produce heat. Turns into a Giant Red Star.
It will engulf Mercury and Venus. Possibly Earth, which life will be extinguished by then, before it explodes in a white dwarf star.

Is that the timeline? I think Scientists say around 5 billion years from now.


Put Niland and Green in the ROH
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The problems are deep and they start with Jerry, but the whole organization is infected.

This organization is popular both with Cowboys fans and haters so it draws a lot of attention on players, which greatly helps them with endorsement deals and future contracts.

Being a Cowboys player also gives them a lot more personal recognition than they would get from many team's markets.

Jerry has fostered a "My players love me" relationship with the star players as soon as they walked through the door rather than waiting until they earned that type of relationship.

Potential is worthless until results are achieved, but this whole organization treats players like they have already won things when they have not even come close to any of them.

The coaches focus more on being liked and respected by the players than they do telling the truth and doing what is best for the team. Arians won a Super Bowl during a season where he called out Tom Brady publicly. Why? Because Brady was making mistakes in the offense that was new to him and it was costing them games.

Dak makes mistakes, McCarthy says, "All good!" Ezekiel barely run, McCarthy says, "He's my starter!" The list goes on and on and also precedes McCarthy going back to all coaches after Jimmy Johnson except Parcells.

Coaches do not have to be jerks to players, but coaches have a job to do and that job is to win Super Bowls. Not divisions, playoff games, but Super Bowls.

The Cowboys need a coach who is going to stop worrying if players like him and start focusing on doing what he needs to do to put a team capable of winning on the field.

Ignore the contracts, ignore the Jerry promises, ignore the player tantrums and ignore the media interrogations of every move. PLAY ... TO ... WIN!

It is that simple. As coach, you are paid to win, so play to win.

Jerry needs to support that type of coach by closing his door to players once training camp starts. Stop talking to them and stop answering their calls. Make it easier to move on from declining players as well as draft and free agent mistakes.

Most important, let the players know the head coach is in charge and if he benches you, you are benched. End of discussion.

Basically.....do not be a puppet coach.
Jerry will never go for that. Yes a coach can stand up to him to a certain degree. But not like what you posted. That will not happen.


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The problems are deep and they start with Jerry, but the whole organization is infected.

This organization is popular both with Cowboys fans and haters so it draws a lot of attention on players, which greatly helps them with endorsement deals and future contracts.

Being a Cowboys player also gives them a lot more personal recognition than they would get from many team's markets.

Jerry has fostered a "My players love me" relationship with the star players as soon as they walked through the door rather than waiting until they earned that type of relationship.

Potential is worthless until results are achieved, but this whole organization treats players like they have already won things when they have not even come close to any of them.

The coaches focus more on being liked and respected by the players than they do telling the truth and doing what is best for the team. Arians won a Super Bowl during a season where he called out Tom Brady publicly. Why? Because Brady was making mistakes in the offense that was new to him and it was costing them games.

Dak makes mistakes, McCarthy says, "All good!" Ezekiel can barely run, McCarthy says, "He's my starter!" The list goes on and on and also precedes McCarthy going back to all coaches after Jimmy Johnson except Parcells.

Coaches do not have to be jerks to players, but coaches have a job to do and that job is to win Super Bowls. Not divisions, playoff games, but Super Bowls.

The Cowboys need a coach who is going to stop worrying if players like him and start focusing on doing what he needs to do to put a team capable of winning on the field.

Ignore the contracts, ignore the Jerry promises, ignore the player tantrums and ignore the media interrogations of every move. PLAY ... TO ... WIN!

It is that simple. As coach, you are paid to win, so play to win.

Jerry needs to support that type of coach by closing his door to players once training camp starts. Stop talking to them and stop answering their calls. Make it easier to move on from declining players as well as draft and free agent mistakes.

Most important, let the players know the head coach is in charge and if he benches you, you are benched. End of discussion
Outstanding response. I bolded the answers where I 100% agree. The culture of hype created by this owner is a cancer that has eaten this team completely up. Only a tough HC who is allowed to be in charge gives us hope. Don’t see it happening as long as JJ is alive.


Well-Known Member
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Serious question hoping for serious, thoughtful answers:
  • Why should ANY Dallas Cowboys fan have any hope of winning a championship again with Jerry and his family in charge?
I’m hoping for some explanations from our fans why we as should have HOPE OR BELIEF that this organization as currently constructed at the top can ever be anything more than what it has been the last 26 years: an over-hyped, underachieving, non-competitive in playoffs organization?

Serious answers please. If you are a Cowboys fan who still believes we can win in the playoffs doing it “Jerry’s way”, please say why.
Question is irrelevant. It’s his team… he can run it however he wants. Only say you have is whether or not to continue following it. My suggestion is have other hobbies and not form a need for instant gratification from a sports team. And always remember… at least you weren’t born a Lions fan!


Forum Architect
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The only right answer here is we shouldn’t. Anyone suggesting otherwise is just wrong.

Agreed. I'll counter with this more optimistic outlook: the hope has to be that there is a year where absolutely everything bounces our way, and we make it back to the big show as a result.

But only a fool would have actual belief in the Jones family at this point. They're fantastic business and show people, and have vaulted the Cowboys and their properties into even more wealth and fame. But when it comes to building a successful football team? For 25 years, they've been as bad as it gets.