Why So Much Negativity?


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Crybabies like to cry. It makes them feel better. Just make fun of them because they like that too. Any attention to their feelings is good. :)
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You don't have to be a homer to point out the cowards. Its not attacking, its exposing. Real men and women don't hide when they're wrong.... only cowards do. I can respect someone who has a different opinion than I do.

I DON'T respect someone talking down on players without a LEGIT argument to back up their BS. Then.... when said players prove their baseless argument wrong, those particular fans hide until the next time those players have a bad game or make a mistake.

Where I'm from we call those type of people cowards. I will never respect a coward.
I've been here all year . . . and every argument I make is on point and factual. . .

I can't imagine coming on this message board and defending a player to the death . . . its mind boggling . . . now you calling grown men Cowards . . . ranting and raving about "You Hate Cowards"

Wow, The QB is playing like Garbage. . . and you all want to shut us up then You label grown men . . . You cant label no man . . . All through History it is known that you never label a Man . . . And for what? . .

Because you Don t want to hear it . . . people like you . . . delusional fans that will never admit the glaring problem . . . you fans stifle every debate by slamming your opposition as a Hater.

You blow smoke up your *** and claim its you who are true blue . we gotta support support. . . And ever since Dak was coronated the QB (No competition in practice . . that was completely INSANE) . . . You Fans claimed proof that Dak was better then Romo and ever since every Moronic Move by our Alcoholic GM concerning Dak has been proclaimed as a win for "Team Dak" and every year we are promised He is getting better

Well we got 3 Prideful Professional Athletes getting thrown under the Bus and this weeks attempt to "Shift the blame" has Copper calling for the Ball and Dark proclaiming "There is only 1 ball" (or whatever the hell that means"

Cooper said get me the ball Brah and Dak was like . . . "I cant figure out How" . . The defense got my brain mush . . .

I haven t seen Dak look this bad. . . you would have to go back to when Dak & Jason got Dez kicked off the team. . . . and there was that time period when Dak was trash and we had to give up draft capital to acquire the Moody malcontent Amari. . . and now Cooper is upset again

Well Dak has Lamb Gallup Shultz Pollard. . . and why is Cooper having to demand the ball . . . can someone please explain to me. He should be seeing 1 on 1 coverage. . .

Now we are talking Playoffs . . If Cooper was on any of those other teams vying for the #1 seed, in either conference, do you think he would have to demand the ball or do you think those other QB's would be dropping dimes? . . . be honest

Copper . . . Lamb . . . and Gallup will destroy single coverage if the Ball is in the proper placement . . . How is it that Zeke is receiving so many targets? . . . the check down. .. .... Really? . .thats all the $40 million dollar man can muster up . .

Is this a bad Joke?

And you all have the Gaul to attack us . . . Fans that are commenting on the games being played every Sunday. . . are attacked and labeled as haters. . . then those dame people that call out and Dak criticism then proceed to Hate on anything wearing a Star not named Prescott . . mind boggling

And all this madness stems from PRTSD
POST ROMO TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. . . You Kool Aid drinking Fan boys dug in deep with your psychotic arguments as to why Dak should have replaced Romo . . and now you all are pot committed and must deny any obvious sign of a mediocre QB

We shall see how this shall play out . . . But now that the "Dak Blame Game" landed at the feet of this ultra talented WR corp. . . I feel If Dak does not turn this around He will lose this team.

Cooper has gone public with his frustration

If Dak is truly what all you Fanboys say he is . . . then no problemo. . . but if Dak continues with the downward spiral It will be hard to hide.

If Micah and the defense continues to ball out and Dak causes this team to lose because of His deficiencies . . . Dak will be out the door within a year


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We have all types of fans. I’ve always used attending a game as a good analogy .

How many times have we attended a game where all of the fans weren’t who you’d want to sit by or invite to your house.

We all express our fandoms in different ways. Some cheer the entire way while others critique and complain all the way to the bank.

Full glass or half empty glasses all fit into a stadium together rooting for the same end result . How we arrive there and conduct ourselves is unique and not attractive to everyone.


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Some people are never happy with the Cowboys and they will nit pic every aspect no matter what they do or how successful we/they are, they have had allot to complain about for twenty years and have hung around doing it day after day. This year its a QB with a 98% passer rating, a QB that is the only QB to pass for 450 yards 3 consecutive seasons, the only QB in history to pass for over 400 yards and rush for 3 TD's in a game all this stupid complaining against a team that just made the playoffs, will ultimately win the NFCE division and will also ultimately sweep the NFCE which has only been done twice in history (Cowboys in 98 the eagles in- forgot the year who cares anyway about the eagles). Complaining even though we have a defense that is peaking and could end up as a top 5 or better defense. A team with 6 pro bowlers, a team who is in the top 3 in Drafting Pro Bowl players.

I am optimistic and I got no complaints right now. Think Positive you will feel better. :flagwave:
And others ignore when Dak makes mistakes or doesn't play so well and just point to stats like you just did instead of addressing his play 3 out of the last 4 games.

Both extreme sides are equally annoying IMO. I'm very happy with Dak as the QB of this team, but I also am able to admit when he doesn't play up to expectations, whether that be as little as one bad play or decision or as big as a multi-game stretch. I've also noticed that those that start thinly veiled threads like this one are the first ones to come on here and do to other players what you are accusing some of doing to Dak. Love 'em or hate 'em they're our team. Nothing wrong with criticizing them when deserved as long as you give them their props when deserved as well. Go Cowboys! :starspin:


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And others ignore when Dak makes mistakes or doesn't play so well and just point to stats like you just did instead of addressing his play 3 out of the last 4 games.

Both extreme sides are equally annoying IMO. I'm very happy with Dak as the QB of this team, but I also am able to admit when he doesn't play up to expectations, whether that be as little as one bad play or decision or as big as a multi-game stretch. I've also noticed that those that start thinly veiled threads like this one are the first ones to come on here and do to other players what you are accusing some of doing to Dak. Love 'em or hate 'em they're our team. Nothing wrong with criticizing them when deserved as long as you give them their props when deserved as well. Go Cowboys! :starspin:

Very well stated.


What Just Happened Here
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
And others ignore when Dak makes mistakes or doesn't play so well and just point to stats like you just did instead of addressing his play 3 out of the last 4 games.

Both extreme sides are equally annoying IMO. I'm very happy with Dak as the QB of this team, but I also am able to admit when he doesn't play up to expectations, whether that be as little as one bad play or decision or as big as a multi-game stretch. I've also noticed that those that start thinly veiled threads like this one are the first ones to come on here and do to other players what you are accusing some of doing to Dak. Love 'em or hate 'em they're our team. Nothing wrong with criticizing them when deserved as long as you give them their props when deserved as well. Go Cowboys! :starspin:

This thread is not about criticizing when deserved.... If I accuse a player you can damn sure bet he deserves it (Jalon was on my list for a while)..Not this petty crap blaming a player for the play of the entire team, and yeah Dak is a 2nd or 3rd string QB (or did you miss that one) and look around its not just Dak, its Jerry, its the front office, Zeke. Posting about someone having a bad game in ones opinion is perfectly fine if you can do it looking at the big picture other wise this post is for you.


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Its easy to be negative....If you complain and they fail you were right....if you complain and they win then your team wins. No downside for a negative person.
This!! It’s diluted Pascals Wager logic.
The part that drives me nuts is argument with the bitter/sweet Cowboy fan is actually worse than an Eagle, Giant, WFT fan. Every misstep is an “I told you so” and nothing other than the improbable 1/32 Super Bowl victory is “more of the same/nothing is ever going to change”. You can’t even really point to positive steps because those fans will claim illusory hope. Helping them resolve to maybe seek another team to root for results in kind of a “I am entitled to bitter fandom and you are misguided you don’t think as I do”.

Except that being a fan is the excitement of overcoming loss and the thrill of hope that “this might be the year”. Otherwise buy a penny with a relief of Lincoln on both sides and see how much fun it is calling “heads” over and over.


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This thread is not about criticizing when deserved.... If I accuse a player you can damn sure bet he deserves it (Jalon was on my list for a while)..Not this petty crap blaming a player for the play of the entire team, and yeah Dak is a 2nd or 3rd string QB (or did you miss that one) and look around its not just Dak, its Jerry, its the front office, Zeke. Posting about someone having a bad game in ones opinion is perfectly fine if you can do it looking at the big picture other wise this post is for you.
It's almost impossible to have any discussion concerning Dak. The homers and haters won't let anyone actually discuss anything.

Good post.


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This!! It’s diluted Pascals Wager logic.
The part that drives me nuts is argument with the bitter/sweet Cowboy fan is actually worse than an Eagle, Giant, WFT fan. Every misstep is an “I told you so” and nothing other than the improbable 1/32 Super Bowl victory is “more of the same/nothing is ever going to change”. You can’t even really point to positive steps because those fans will claim illusory hope. Helping them resolve to maybe seek another team to root for results in kind of a “I am entitled to bitter fandom and you are misguided you don’t think as I do”.

Except that being a fan is the excitement of overcoming loss and the thrill of hope that “this might be the year”. Otherwise buy a penny with a relief of Lincoln on both sides and see how much fun it is calling “heads” over and over.
Sure, but that's a small segment. Yes, they are loud and appear to be more and they take over every discussion, but it's still a minority.


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I've been here all year . . . and every argument I make is on point and factual. . .

I can't imagine coming on this message board and defending a player to the death . . . its mind boggling . . . now you calling grown men Cowards . . . ranting and raving about "You Hate Cowards"

Wow, The QB is playing like Garbage. . . and you all want to shut us up then You label grown men . . . You cant label no man . . . All through History it is known that you never label a Man . . . And for what? . .

Because you Don t want to hear it . . . people like you . . . delusional fans that will never admit the glaring problem . . . you fans stifle every debate by slamming your opposition as a Hater.

You blow smoke up your *** and claim its you who are true blue . we gotta support support. . . And ever since Dak was coronated the QB (No competition in practice . . that was completely INSANE) . . . You Fans claimed proof that Dak was better then Romo and ever since every Moronic Move by our Alcoholic GM concerning Dak has been proclaimed as a win for "Team Dak" and every year we are promised He is getting better

Well we got 3 Prideful Professional Athletes getting thrown under the Bus and this weeks attempt to "Shift the blame" has Copper calling for the Ball and Dark proclaiming "There is only 1 ball" (or whatever the hell that means"

Cooper said get me the ball Brah and Dak was like . . . "I cant figure out How" . . The defense got my brain mush . . .

I haven t seen Dak look this bad. . . you would have to go back to when Dak & Jason got Dez kicked off the team. . . . and there was that time period when Dak was trash and we had to give up draft capital to acquire the Moody malcontent Amari. . . and now Cooper is upset again

Well Dak has Lamb Gallup Shultz Pollard. . . and why is Cooper having to demand the ball . . . can someone please explain to me. He should be seeing 1 on 1 coverage. . .

Now we are talking Playoffs . . If Cooper was on any of those other teams vying for the #1 seed, in either conference, do you think he would have to demand the ball or do you think those other QB's would be dropping dimes? . . . be honest

Copper . . . Lamb . . . and Gallup will destroy single coverage if the Ball is in the proper placement . . . How is it that Zeke is receiving so many targets? . . . the check down. .. .... Really? . .thats all the $40 million dollar man can muster up . .

Is this a bad Joke?

And you all have the Gaul to attack us . . . Fans that are commenting on the games being played every Sunday. . . are attacked and labeled as haters. . . then those dame people that call out and Dak criticism then proceed to Hate on anything wearing a Star not named Prescott . . mind boggling

And all this madness stems from PRTSD
POST ROMO TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. . . You Kool Aid drinking Fan boys dug in deep with your psychotic arguments as to why Dak should have replaced Romo . . and now you all are pot committed and must deny any obvious sign of a mediocre QB

We shall see how this shall play out . . . But now that the "Dak Blame Game" landed at the feet of this ultra talented WR corp. . . I feel If Dak does not turn this around He will lose this team.

Cooper has gone public with his frustration

If Dak is truly what all you Fanboys say he is . . . then no problemo. . . but if Dak continues with the downward spiral It will be hard to hide.

If Micah and the defense continues to ball out and Dak causes this team to lose because of His deficiencies . . . Dak will be out the door within a year

First of all, I say what I want when I want, because I can.... on the internet AND in person.

I have no problem with people who speak on Dak, be it negative or positive, but I have a problem with Dak haters who HIDE after Dak has a great game, and he's had more of those then bad games. The COWARDS are the ones who hide for weeks until Dak has a bad game again or the Cowboys lose.

Here are a couple of questions that you Dak hatin cowards NEVER answer...

1. If Dak is an average to below average quarterback like many of you hatin cowards claim... out of 100 years of professional football and THOUSANDS of quarterbacks who've played in the league, why have Dak and 4 or 5 other quarterbacks in NFL HISTORY managed to put up numbers in their first 5 years that NO OTHER QUARTERBACKS IN NFL HISTORY???

2. You and other Dak hatin cowards say Dak is mediocre or average.... but there have been many Hall of Fame quarterbacks, other positional players, coaches and GMs who said Dak is a top 5 to top 7 quarterback in the NFL. Who should I believe, trolls like you and others who haven't made it past Pop Warner and never got paid to evaluate, coach, or play against top tier elite level talent.... or the Hall of Famers who played, coached, and drafted top tier elite level talent??? WHO SHOULD I BELIEVE???

3. If Dak is an average to below average quarterback, why did the offense look HORRIBLE when he missed most of the season last year??? Why was there a huge drop off in quarterback play and our backups couldn't collectively pick up the slack and fill the void???

Like I said, if you and others like you on this board don't want to be labeled as punk *** cowards.... be man or woman enough to show your faces in the same threads you spewed baseless hate in when Dak ball out.

Stop hiding for weeks and weeks waiting for Dak to have another bad game to try to make you look halfway correct. Cowards hide, and that's what alot of you do. Sometimes I think some of you weak *** cowards actually root against Dak so you'll be able to come back and post during the week to spew your weak *** attempts at being right about something.


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1. If Dak is an average to below average quarterback like many of you hatin cowards claim... out of 100 years of professional football and THOUSANDS of quarterbacks who've played in the league, why have Dak and 4 or 5 other quarterbacks in NFL HISTORY managed to put up numbers in their first 5 years that NO OTHER QUARTERBACKS IN NFL HISTORY???

Because the NFL has become a joke and they no longer play football and all the rule changes since Brady came into the league has turned the NFL into an entirely different entity . . . which is why Dak has numbers . . compared to Aikman, Farve, Jim Kelly, Dan Marino, Montana, etc. . . . etc. . .

Whereas "pro bowlers" such as Hurts, Dak And Lamar play QB in 2020 . . . 30 years ago they would be practice squad safeties
2. You and other Dak hatin cowards say Dak is mediocre or average.... but there have been many Hall of Fame quarterbacks, other positional players, coaches and GMs who said Dak is a top 5 to top 7 quarterback in the NFL.

What you call a "Hall of Fame" GM or Player are nothning more then Paid Commentators with Diarrhea of the mouth that have to fill space in over saturated market . . . these "Genius" GM's all parot the same arguments over the same topic . . . constantly contradicting themselves in less then a months time
Who should I believe, trolls like you and others who haven't made it past Pop Warner and never got paid to evaluate, coach, or play against top tier elite level talent.... or the Hall of Famers who played, coached, and drafted top tier elite level talent??? WHO SHOULD I BELIEVE???
Keep believing your delusional fantasies . . . Why do you fools always claim only people wearing Gold Jackets know football . . (Jerry got one lol). . . I know football and I didnt even get a diploma. . . Football is not difficult . . . The only disconnect are obsessive fans of Dak that refuse to admit what he is

3. If Dak is an average to below average quarterback, why did the offense look HORRIBLE when he missed most of the season last year??? Why was there a huge drop off in quarterback play and our backups couldn't collectively pick up the slack and fill the void???


Let me ask you this . . . How come the Wrs looked great last year and this year Dak Fan Boys are saying the Wrs are an over rated group and not what we thought they were?
Like I said, if you and others like you on this board don't want to be labeled as punk *** cowards.... be man or woman enough to show your faces in the same threads you spewed baseless hate in when Dak ball out.

I opened up by saying I have been here the whole time . . yet you keep calling me a coward . . . are you psychotic?
Stop hiding for weeks and weeks waiting for Dak to have another bad game to try to make you look halfway correct. Cowards hide, and that's what alot of you do. Sometimes I think some of you weak *** cowards actually root against Dak so you'll be able to come back and post during the week to spew your weak *** attempts at being right about something.
Sometimes? . . Thats all you Dak Fan Boys obsess over . . . thats what makes you fan boys so pathetic and lost


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Some people are never happy with the Cowboys and they will nit pic every aspect no matter what they do or how successful we/they are, they have had allot to complain about for twenty years and have hung around doing it day after day. This year its a QB with a 98% passer rating, a QB that is the only QB to pass for 450 yards 3 consecutive seasons, the only QB in history to pass for over 400 yards and rush for 3 TD's in a game all this stupid complaining against a team that just made the playoffs, will ultimately win the NFCE division and will also ultimately sweep the NFCE which has only been done twice in history (Cowboys in 98 the eagles in- forgot the year who cares anyway about the eagles). Complaining even though we have a defense that is peaking and could end up as a top 5 or better defense. A team with 6 pro bowlers, a team who is in the top 3 in Drafting Pro Bowl players.

I am optimistic and I got no complaints right now. Think Positive you will feel better. :flagwave:

One the the primary things that internet message boards have taught me is that most negative people are negative because it's their only skill.

It becomes obvious here at CZ that the group of always negative posters generally don't know much about football.
- It is also obvious that the people that are more analytical and tend to post facts, are generally more positive.
- The negative posters best attempts at analysis are references to PFF when it fits their narrative.

Keep in mind that some posters here are fans of other teams pretending to be Cowboys fans.
- They've know that just posting as an opponent fan will get them ignored.
- However, pretending to be Cowboys fans and then posting negatively will allow them to 'collect likes'.
- Then they can post on their team's message board to show how gullible Cowboys fans gave them likes.

Other fans feel that their team 'owes' them.

Another group of fans are the ones that love or hate specific players based on their opinions about the player in the draft or their opinions about the player that previously played that position.
- One Cowboys hater here loves Micah Parsons because he liked Parsons in the draft, not because Parson plays for the Cowboys.
- Some fans hate Dak because he replaced their favorite player Romo.
- Many Cowboys fans still hate Jerry because he fired Landry.


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This is a what have you done for me lately league and how have we looked lately?
They look pretty good if you compare them to the rest of the league. Which is why they are 2nd in points scored and 10 and 4.


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One the the primary things that internet message boards have taught me is that most negative people are negative because it's their only skill.

It becomes obvious here at CZ that the group of always negative posters generally don't know much about football.
- It is also obvious that the people that are more analytical and tend to post facts, are generally more positive.
- The negative posters best attempts at analysis are references to PFF when it fits their narrative.

Keep in mind that some posters here are fans of other teams pretending to be Cowboys fans.
- They've know that just posting as an opponent fan will get them ignored.
- However, pretending to be Cowboys fans and then posting negatively will allow them to 'collect likes'.
- Then they can post on their team's message board to show how gullible Cowboys fans gave them likes.

Other fans feel that their team 'owes' them.

Another group of fans are the ones that love or hate specific players based on their opinions about the player in the draft or their opinions about the player that previously played that position.
- One Cowboys hater here loves Micah Parsons because he liked Parsons in the draft, not because Parson plays for the Cowboys.
- Some fans hate Dak because he replaced their favorite player Romo.
- Many Cowboys fans still hate Jerry because he fired Landry.

And you can add in the positive personal attackers to that category. Neither side knows much of anything, and they constantly destroy threads w/ childish spatting.


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For me with 50 years old it is not easy to be an optimist. A cowboy from Spain since 1992 ..... I have seen the Dave Campo seasons, the Parcells years that were my hope, the 13-3 season with Romo and that loss to the Giants. That was our year and it was lost. I have seen the best years of Tony Romo spoil with bad squads and a bad coach .... For me there is only one way to abandon the pessimism, win the Super Bowl, game after game in PO, go to Lambeau and avenge that defeat. Only then will I exchange my tears of every year for a smile.