Out here on our ranch in west central Texas it has been below freezing for the third day and it won't come back above 32 until Friday and our pipes probably won't thaw out until Saturday so no water for us until then.
It is forecast to be in single digits overnight and we'll probably have to chop holes in the thick ice tomorrow so our cattle can drink. Riding that old open Ford tractor for an hour or two and putting out big round bales of hay with the temp in the teens and 10 to 20 mph winds gets old in a hurry and there's no excuses, it has to be done. Nobody ever said cowboying was easy. I don't know what the wind chill is as my anemometer is not currently working and so I can't calculate it.
Still, I wouldn't trade my life out here in the middle of nowhere for Jerry Jones mansion in Dallas. I no longer have any desire to be in town.
I spent all day Sunday cutting and splitting oak firewood and it's time to put another log in the fireplace. The fireplace is our main source of heat although we do have a little open gas heater in the dining room. We love our old fashioned lifestyle although it gets a little incobvenient every now and then.
Life is good.