Winter Storm

It's cold as hell outside and windy right now. It was 9 degrees when I left the house this morning and supposed to be wind gusts up to 25mph.
nyc;3841156 said:
It's cold as hell outside and windy right now. It was 9 degrees when I left the house this morning and supposed to be wind gusts up to 25mph.

Low teens in my area last night and this morning, don't know what it was with the wind chill factor.

Hate cold weather.:mad:
BrAinPaiNt;3841179 said:
Low teens in my area last night and this morning, don't know what it was with the wind chill factor.

Hate cold weather.:mad:

I heard a storm is heading this way, but it's going to skip south of us here in NY. That means you and bb might be getting it.
Had to scrape the snow off my patio roof since I'm not sure of the rated snow load for it. The problem is the city is out of snowshovels so I had to improvise by getting my pool vacuum pole and tie-wrap a plastic dustpan to it. :D
The temp in Chicago is suppose to get down to -10 tonight. We are currently at 0 degrees. Good news though. There will be a warming trend this weekend. Temps will get to the lower 40s on Sunday. :laugh2:
Rowdy;3842291 said:
Had to scrape the snow off my patio roof since I'm not sure of the rated snow load for it. The problem is the city is out of snowshovels so I had to improvise by getting my pool vacuum pole and tie-wrap a plastic dustpan to it. :D

Necessity is the Mother of invention. :D
My sister called from Fort Smith this morning and they had 15 inch's of snow on their patio. Here in Dallas despite all the dire warnings and end of the world predictions we had maybe an hour of sleet and then...Zip.
-14 this morning after 8" new inches of snow Tuesday. Not far from here there was a report of 20" so I guess I got lucky.
StylisticS;3842384 said:
The temp in Chicago is suppose to get down to -10 tonight. We are currently at 0 degrees. Good news though. There will be a warming trend this weekend. Temps will get to the lower 40s on Sunday. :laugh2:

Hopefully you have lake front property facing north. :muttley:
Schools are cancelled today. Apparently, last night, it was bumper to bumper all over Nashville. One of my supervisors took 4 hours to get home. I knew the weather was going to be bad, and went home at 1pm, good thing, because I'd hate to waste gas and time.

We are suppose to be 60 degrees though on Sunday, so I'm looking forward to that!
Rowdy;3842291 said:
Had to scrape the snow off my patio roof since I'm not sure of the rated snow load for it. The problem is the city is out of snowshovels so I had to improvise by getting my pool vacuum pole and tie-wrap a plastic dustpan to it. :D

oh man, there's a funny exam picture, can't show it because it could be construed as adult, but it's a

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