Winter Storm

It's gonna miss us in Nashville. Might get something on Friday I think, but weather is gonna be in the 40s all week.
UN-Believe-able storm. I lived in DC last year and of course, we had the big storms last year. But this storm is worse than last years DC storms because of the wind.
Supposed to be almost 70 here tomorrow. Not that I'm not happy, but that's weird.
Rowdy;3829743 said:
14 inches here since last night.

Same here.

They canceled school for the rest of the week. So I'm snowed in with 3 kids. They took over my TVs to play xbox and I just kicked my daughter off the computer.

I had to go grocery shopping just before the storm came in and the store was picked over. No milk, bread, eggs or fresh fruit & veggies.....and no beer :mad:
lol just watched a piece on the weather around the superbowl events from bill jones. Tom Jackson refused to talk to him said it was to cold.

and some scumbag looking pittsburgh radio host said jerry caused this because he hates the steelers and that he thought jerry jones had enough money to build a bubble around Dallas, but I guess only a real pittsburgh man like marc cuban has that kind of money.


I am so glad all these steelers people are having a bad time.
big dog cowboy;3829032 said:
They shut down schools here also. Just a few inches of snow but very cold and dangerous wind chills with white out conditions. Last I checked it was 4 degrees and the wind chill was -24. Two days ago we set a record high of 72. Kansas weather......

I don't miss Kansas weather at all.

Although, -8 with a windchill at -22 isn't much better and that's what I've got right now.
Faerluna;3829831 said:
Supposed to be almost 70 here tomorrow. Not that I'm not happy, but that's weird.
It's teasing you..

It was 70* here yesterday and this morning. In the 30 mins it took me to get to work, it dropped to 45*.

We don't have inclement weather here, but it's real cold and we're expecting a hard freeze overnight.
Got home from work last night to find a 16"-17" snow drift across most of my drive way. It took 4 times to get it cleared enough so I could get my truck and the mrs. car in the garage. Officially they are calling it a 5" snow here but the wind was so terrible it drifted something awful.
Tried twice to go for a jog tonight. Evidently, I don't even own the necessary clothes for this weather. Wind chill on said five, and I was running into it. Screwwwwwwww dat.
No inclement weather. Just real cold.

Just found out Houston is having rolling blackouts :eek:

The power grid can handle 100* weather in the summer, but not a hard freeze for 24 hours. Crazy.

Gonna have to buy some wood.
power has been out at my place for over an hour. Same excuse supposedly. Though no one has been able to explain WHY they are having problems.
They delayed work opening until 1230 so I decided to just stay home.
Wind was really whipping trough here this morning.

They were not calling for snow until sometime this evening but it is already sticking.

I don't think they are calling for much accumulation but I think they are in for a shock this time.

I think we have been somewhat lucky so far this season. We have had plenty of snow but we have also been just at the outskirts of the big storms. So while some were getting a big amount of inches we were just getting small amounts. Still enough to make roads bad but could be much worse.

I kept getting the feeling this one was going to get us.

Now with that said, just because it is coming down heavy right now, does not mean we will get a large amount of accumulation...I actually hope we don't. Nor do I want the winds messing up the power lines.

I know this much...I am glad I did not have to be on the interstate this morning as the wind was pretty stout, but still nowhere near the 50 MPH gusts that could be showing up. I hate being on the interstate with high winds...even if there is no snow, ice or rain. Just is freaky feeling the car move around some and esp if you have to pass a Semi.
WOW! I just watch a national weather report and I feel grateful to be in Florida right now. It is in the 70s here. I understand Dallas has had some rolling blackouts today.

Here's the five day forecast for Dallas for anyone interested in knowing how the Super bowl weather will shape up.
big dog cowboy;3830196 said:
Do you ever put ice melt down before an ice storm?

It depends. If it is going to drop a lot of snow/ice and it is going to stay below freezing, I do not. Reason for that is, it melts only to refreeze into solid ice! I would rather shovel light fluffy snow than what I did today. (chisel off a thick sheet of ice)

I had to uncover a storm drain that got buried under six feet of ice. I had to bust out the pickaxe today when I got towards the bottom which was solid ice!

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