Wisdom teeth

silverbear;3391969 said:
Ibuprofen is actually good stuff... the last tooth I had pulled, I was in agony because it was infected below the gum... they couldn't pull the tooth until the antibiotics cleared up the abscess, so they gave me Vicodin for the pain... it was great, LOL...

Then I went in and had the tooth pulled, and they offered me another scrip for
Vicodin, but I talked them into just going with the ibuprofen... I was afraid I liked the Vicodin a little too much... and y'know, the ibuprofen was all I really needed to deal with the post-extraction pain...

That's probably what's gonna happen to me. And like SaltwaterServer's ********, I hate the dentist too.
Bob Sacamano;3391973 said:
That's probably what's gonna happen to me. And like SaltwaterServer's ********, I hate the dentist too.

Here, a little prelude of what's to come for you.

Jon88;3391798 said:
Aren't you some kind of doctor?

Yeah, but I really, really hate dentists. It takes alot for me to go to one. On the other hand, with other doctors I usually just ask for an appointment and can be seen in shockingly short time (sometimes 2 minutes later).
Got all 4 pulled last month. One was impacted and I was put under. About 2 minutes after he put the IV in, I asked him "Am I supposed to start feeling it yet?". He said yes, and then I woke up and it was over.

I ended up getting 2 dry sockets because I was an idiot and didn't really follow directions, and it was pretty excruciating. Imagine a migraine in your jaw. That lasted about a week and 2 weeks later I was good to go. I'm still getting food stuck in the holes but it's not painful anymore, they give you this syringe to squirt water into the holes to clear them out which is kind of a pain. It's been about a month for me and the holes aren't "healed" yet. Don't know how long that's supposed to take..
Bob Sacamano;3391631 said:
Anyone ever had to have them pulled? How was it?

Had all 4 pulled at the same time since they were impacted. I did not feel a thing when they did the work since I was knocked out but afterwards face swelled up like a basketball for about 3 days. Then you deal with the big holes in your mouth where the teeth were pulled. Make sure you keep that area clean to help avoid dry socket. Best thing about it is I know longer have wisdom teeth and do not have to be concerned with it any longer. :D
Mine were kind of a nightmare.

I had I believe 3 pulled out when I was in college. A guy at my church was a Dental Student at Baylor Hospital in Downtown Dallas. Through him, I was able to get them done cheaply there because it would be students doing it. Man, these guys applied the laughing gas wrong and a professor had to come over and help them. Also, there was an accident and everybody immediately left me for a split second to look out the window.
Maikeru-sama;3392210 said:
Mine were kind of a nightmare.

I had I believe 3 pulled out when I was in college. A guy at my church was a Dental Student at Baylor Hospital in Downtown Dallas. Through him, I was able to get them done cheaply there because it would be students doing it. Man, these guys applied the laughing gas wrong and a professor had to come over and help them. Also, there was an accident and everybody immediately left me for a split second to look out the window.

Bunch of idiots. Good thing they pulled out the right teeth.
Here's a picture of the surgery. I am sure you will do fine.

TheCount;3391653 said:
I hate dentists in general, the whole process is just torture.

From Lonesome Dove:

Jake Spoon: "Damn muleskinner threw down on me in a saloon. I shot back at him with a buffalo gun and kilt a dentist."

Gus McCrae: "He was standing in the wrong place?"

Jake Spoon: "Actually, he was walking down the street, but a plank wall won't stop no 50 caliber bullet."

Gus McCrae: "But a dentist will."

Jake Spoon (laughing): "Bad luck all around."

Gus McCrae: "Well, nobody likes a dentist anyhow."
I still have mine because they are small enough that they don't get in the way. So I am not going to get them pulled. The dentist told me I still should because I could get a cavity but I have never had one. I got a second opinion from a dental expert and she said that if they aren't in the way or bothering me then I shouldn't get them pulled.
Bob Sacamano;3391631 said:
Anyone ever had to have them pulled? How was it?

i got all 4 of mine pulled while i was under they had to drill one to break it due to it being crooked (hush with the jokes) but after it the drugs wore off i was up and at 'em throwing the football around and ate steak that night, a piece of steak fell into the hole though that stung
Waited til I was 45, got all 4 out at the same time under general anesthesia. 3 of 4 were impacted.

Wife took me home aftewards, changed clothes and we went to my sons basketball game. No one could tell and I felt fine. Zero swelling. Stayed on advil but needed no meds beyond that. Yeah, squirting the food out of the holes was a pain, and it took longer for those to close than I wanted, but it was overall a piece of cake.
the kid 05;3392709 said:
i got all 4 of mine pulled while i was under they had to drill one to break it due to it being crooked (hush with the jokes) but after it the drugs wore off i was up and at 'em throwing the football around and ate steak that night, a piece of steak fell into the hole though that stung

Bob Sacamano;3391631 said:
Anyone ever had to have them pulled? How was it?

Had all four pulled in one sitting. I don't know, I was knocked out when it happen. Little sore for a few days and then it was over.
Bob Sacamano;3391631 said:
Anyone ever had to have them pulled? How was it?


Probably 1 & 1A on the list of the "Stupidest questions ever posed to a forum board" list.

No Bob...nobodies ever had their wisdom teeth pulled, and by chance if you do find someone who has, I'm sure they'll tell you it was a very pleasant experience.
I had mine taken out by the VA. I don't know if the Army still does it but I was given 90 days to get any dental work done for free. They hit me with the first dose of liquid Valium and put me out quickly. They got the first three out easily but the last one was sitting on a nerve. When they started tugging on it I could feel it so they hit me again with the liquid Valium. I came out of the operating room hugging the wall. My mother looked like this :eek: and wondered how she was going to get my big *** (I was about 220lbs back then) to the car. lol

I got home and pretty much slept the whole weekend. :laugh2:

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