Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

Wordle: 4

I had to really stare at that one.

Framed: 6

So weird, that first frame looked so familiar to me (I must have been thinking about another movie) but the rest did not.....well until the last frame which gave it away. To be honest, I'm not sure I ever watched that one.
My first thought was Caddyshack, but I quickly realized that was way off.
08/14/2024| Framed: X ––– Wordle: 3
Framed: Missed it, I didn't see this film.
Wordle: Luck, WB analysis 245➧33 left.

3 for Framed.
Framed: 6

So weird, that first frame looked so familiar to me (I must have been thinking about another movie) but the rest did not.....well until the last frame which gave it away. To be honest, I'm not sure I ever watched that one.
Surprised the second Frame image didn't give it away. That fedora wearing silhouette is iconic. They should've used the nuke test fridge scene. :muttley:
Fiveday morning.

Decided to start with a different word today. Didn't work out well.

Somewhat recognized the Framed scenes from #2 to #4, but couldn't place them until #5.
Wordle: 4

Dang it!!! Thought I was going to get it in Jug's 3 prediction. :confused: Close though!!

Framed: Missed.

I know the name, but I'm guessing I've never seen it as not a single frame looked familiar.

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