World Cup champ scores 8 goals in 7 games. Outstanding!

Hostile;3462384 said:
Yeah, there are a lot of better reasons to hate soccer. Go with those great reasons and you never go wrong.

Yep, but luckely is a huge minority that going with those "great" reasons and get to appreciate the greatest sport.
MartinRamone;3462430 said:
Yep, but luckely is a huge minority that going with those "great" reasons and get to appreciate the greatest sport.
Uh, I don't speak gibberish. Can you tell me what you are trying to say here in English. I can even do Spanish and could possibly figure out Italian or French, but gibberish is out.
peplaw06;3461927 said:
I don't know the answer to your question. Do you?

I would guess that there are more coasts in the world that do have media who would report on such things, or at least have a reporting system, than do not.

And 20 seconds on Google would prove that you're wrong. The majority of the world's populated beaches have no reporting process in place.
Hostile;3462965 said:
Uh, I don't speak gibberish. Can you tell me what you are trying to say here in English. I can even do Spanish and could possibly figure out Italian or French, but gibberish is out.

Sorry buddy, i meant that luckely the people like you who follow those "great" reasons to hate football are very few and MOST people dont follow them and get to appreciate the greatest sport ever.
Happy now ?
MartinRamone;3463963 said:
Sorry buddy, i meant that luckely the people like you who follow those "great" reasons to hate football are very few and MOST people dont follow them and get to appreciate the greatest sport ever.
Happy now ?
With everything but the hyperbole about soccer being the greatest sport ever. That's totally not needed. Lying is never good.
Hostile;3463990 said:
With everything but the hyperbole about soccer being the greatest sport ever. That's totally not needed. Lying is never good.

How am i lying ? Its the most popular sport BY FAR... there must be a reason for it.
MartinRamone;3464114 said:
How am i lying ? Its the most popular sport BY FAR... there must be a reason for it.
Most popular doesn't mean squat.
MartinRamone;3464114 said:
How am i lying ? Its the most popular sport BY FAR... there must be a reason for it.
and what did you think of the most popular guy in your highschool?
MartinRamone, as a huge soccer fan myself, I'm going to have to ask you kindly to shut the **** up.
MartinRamone;3461999 said:
You should be able, im not defending it. But right now it is like that and if the people in charge dont do anything to change it, it just wont change.
People (mainly in Europe) use sports not only to enjoy the game, they use it to support some political views, some hate towards another people, etc. Its not only with football, the reason its mainly seen here is because of the popularity of the sport. Watch some basketball game between greek, croatian, serbian teams and you will see that its not only a football problem.

But if I don't like it......
Ren;3462003 said:
That's like judging Football fans as all trash based on a few idiots in Philly

Soccer violence at the stadium is actually pretty rare most places, the groups that do fight tend to do so mostly amongst them selves far away from the stadiums where security is pretty tight.

There are some places where it's completely out of control like Argentina but i assure you a normal game in say Europe is as safe if not safer then most sporting events in the US

I judge fans from my experience. How'd you feel walking onto a football terrace then bricks start flying over your head? How would you feel if your squashed against other fans because of a big fight just along from where you're standing. I've walked out of games at half time because of such incidents.

I gave up going to matches many years ago because many instances of so called fans looking for trouble either inside or outside the stadium. I couldn't be bothered with having to avoid trouble. I could care less if the perception of soccer violence is that it's rare. I still see there are TV programs that report on various "firms" that arrange football fights. Films are still made that glamourise soccer violence. It's a real shame as I really enjoy watching a game of football, but it isn't worth the effort to go to a game.

Quick story....a friend visited me. He's a retired Rancher from Texas. I took him to a big Rugby final at Twickenham. We had a great day. Hardly a policeman in sight. Loads of Guinness drunk. Fantastic atmosphere amongst the fans that were there for the game and the crack.

The following Saturday we visited London and he wanted to visit a tourist attraction in Baker Street. As we came out of the Tube Station we were confronted by Policemen on horseback, Policemen with dogs and a hundred or so other Policemen with various police vehicles / meat wagons. The'd surrounded the pub across the road from the station which was full of Chelsea fans on their way to the FA Cup final. I'd say almost as many police as fans. The atmosphere wasn't too pleasant. Needless to say we hotfooted our way across to another part of the city to do something else.

I didn't see any trouble then, but I'd guess it's still simmering below the surface.

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