World Cup champ scores 8 goals in 7 games. Outstanding!

Cythim;3459522 said:
Two of the top professional soccer clubs in Mexico – Club America and San Luis F.C. – will compete in a friendly at Cowboys Stadium. Club America will be making its second appearance at Cowboys Stadium. In 2009, Club America played Chelsea FC in the World Football Challenge in front of 57,229 fans at Cowboys Stadium.

As an Astros fan for 25 years, I must say, the new logo sucks. I like the old one that said Astros and had baseballs in an atom. I also like the old navy and orange colors.
Biggems;3460452 said:
more people die every year in soccer riots than in shark attacks, yet sharks are villified for merely doing what comes natural (eating), while no one gives a second that to the evil of soccer.....

Soccer = evil
I know you're trying to be all dramatic and incite everyone, but.....

Every year, exactly one person is killed in a shark attack.
peplaw06;3460487 said:
I know you're trying to be all dramatic and incite everyone, but.....

Every year, exactly one person is killed in a shark attack.

Not even remotely true. Every year one person is "reported" killed by sharks. There are tens of thousands of miles of coastline that have no reports for villagers killed by sharks.

There are shark attacks all the time on the coasts of Texas. It NEVER makes the media. Local economies depend on it too much for there to be an panic by potential tourists should the frequency of attacks be reported in the media.

For instance, in 2001 I was living in Port Aransas doing research at UTMSI and taking classes there as well. Another student ended up dating an EMT and he personally responded to a pair of shark attacks in the Corpus area that year. I doubt you could find any word of that anywhere unless you went and dug up hospital admittance records. Nobody is going to divulge that information if they don't have to.

I've flown over the Texas beaches more than a dozen times in small aircraft ranging from a T-Crate, Cesna 170-B, Queen Air, King Air, Baron, and a Citation. On two of those flights in the 170-B going to and from San Antonio to SPI, we flew low over the beaches just to look at the people around Port A and SPI.

You would be shocked to see how many sharks there are within a few dozen meters of the last sandbar of the Texas beaches.
Biggems;3460454 said:
As an Astros fan for 25 years, I must say, the new logo sucks. I like the old one that said Astros and had baseballs in an atom. I also like the old navy and orange colors.

It isn't as great as the classic logo you mention but it is much better than the blue and gold they came out with in the late '90s.
Biggems;3460452 said:
more people die every year in soccer riots than in shark attacks, yet sharks are villified for merely doing what comes natural (eating), while no one gives a second that to the evil of soccer.....

Soccer = evil

i suppose you have some facts and figures to back that up? just interested because as i say in all the years i've been going i've yet to see any major trouble.
also i take it you're against politics? the number of people killed worldwide in political demonstrations, rallies etc every year must be pretty high
daschoo;3460577 said:
i suppose you have some facts and figures to back that up? just interested because as i say in all the years i've been going i've yet to see any major trouble.
also i take it you're against politics? the number of people killed worldwide in political demonstrations, rallies etc every year must be pretty high

22 died at one game according to this article:

Here's another by an author who has the ability to avoid getting the crap beat out of him because he knows what streets and pubs to avoid, but doesn't know that info for away games:

And here's another talking about the violence between the fans, riot police, and the racist "monkey calls" directed at a black player:
SaltwaterServr;3460581 said:
22 died at one game according to this article:

Here's another by an author who has the ability to avoid getting the crap beat out of him because he knows what streets and pubs to avoid, but doesn't know that info for away games:

And here's another talking about the violence between the fans, riot police, and the racist "monkey calls" directed at a black player:

the first one is overcrowding, how is that the fault of the spectators? like i said hooliganism and rioting is unacceptable but it is not a major problem. how many games are played worldwide during a year in comparison to the number of games that have these unnaceptable problems. you believe it happens week in week out based on a couple of scaremongering articles in the media. i'm not going to change your mind so guess we'll just leave it there and i'll continue going to games as i have for twenty years and i'll more than likely continue not to see or get caught up in any football violence.
daschoo;3460584 said:
the first one is overcrowding, how is that the fault of the spectators? like i said hooliganism and rioting is unacceptable but it is not a major problem. how many games are played worldwide during a year in comparison to the number of games that have these unnaceptable problems. you believe it happens week in week out based on a couple of scaremongering articles in the media. i'm not going to change your mind so guess we'll just leave it there and i'll continue going to games as i have for twenty years and i'll more than likely continue not to see or get caught up in any football violence.

If you get killed in a stampede at a soccer game or a riot at a soccer game, you're still dead from going to a soccer game because of the behavior of the fans.

But I see, if it is reported in the media, then its only scaremongering. Got ya.

20 worst riots in soccer. 9 of which occurred in the last 5 years:

Another stampede at the World Cup:

Here the fans threw a bomb into a locker room. Stay classy Brazil.

Another article about Croatian soccer.

Great rivalries in soccer around the world, and most of them make specific mention of the rioting and violence.
SaltwaterServr;3460559 said:
Not even remotely true. Every year one person is "reported" killed by sharks. There are tens of thousands of miles of coastline that have no reports for villagers killed by sharks.

There are shark attacks all the time on the coasts of Texas. It NEVER makes the media. Local economies depend on it too much for there to be an panic by potential tourists should the frequency of attacks be reported in the media.

For instance, in 2001 I was living in Port Aransas doing research at UTMSI and taking classes there as well. Another student ended up dating an EMT and he personally responded to a pair of shark attacks in the Corpus area that year. I doubt you could find any word of that anywhere unless you went and dug up hospital admittance records. Nobody is going to divulge that information if they don't have to.

I've flown over the Texas beaches more than a dozen times in small aircraft ranging from a T-Crate, Cesna 170-B, Queen Air, King Air, Baron, and a Citation. On two of those flights in the 170-B going to and from San Antonio to SPI, we flew low over the beaches just to look at the people around Port A and SPI.

You would be shocked to see how many sharks there are within a few dozen meters of the last sandbar of the Texas beaches.
Oh, now there's a conspiracy to reduce the number of reported deaths by shark attack? LOL.
peplaw06;3460690 said:
Oh, now there's a conspiracy to reduce the number of reported deaths by shark attack? LOL.

No, the local media just doesn't latch onto the attacks themselves. If someone dies, it always makes the news. Most of the world's beaches are isolated and how many tens of thousands of miles of say Micronesia's beaches have a reporting system in place?

Same as the injuries and drownings on the Guadalupe River in New Braunfels and Gruene.
Most football (soccer) teams have crazy fans, so what ? Its part of football and it will never change. If you dont like it, dont go to the stadium and stay at home or dont watch at all, simple as that.
MartinRamone;3461782 said:
Most football (soccer) teams have crazy fans, so what ? Its part of football and it will never change. If you dont like it, dont go to the stadium and stay at home or dont watch at all, simple as that.

Why shouldn't I be able to go to a soccer match without fearing for my life? I want to go watch a freaking SPORT. I gave up going to matches because of the violence. But it shouldn't come to that. Physically attacking folks that want to watch a game is illegal.

It's no wonder that peeps take an extreme view of soccer fans. I don't blame them for it. These thugs are just morons. There is NO defense for their behaviour. NONE.
SaltwaterServr;3461357 said:
No, the local media just doesn't latch onto the attacks themselves. If someone dies, it always makes the news. Most of the world's beaches are isolated and how many tens of thousands of miles of say Micronesia's beaches have a reporting system in place?
I don't know the answer to your question. Do you?

I would guess that there are more coasts in the world that do have media who would report on such things, or at least have a reporting system, than do not.
Arch Stanton;3461919 said:
Why shouldn't I be able to go to a soccer match without fearing for my life? I want to go watch a freaking SPORT. I gave up going to matches because of the violence. But it shouldn't come to that. Physically attacking folks that want to watch a game is illegal.

It's no wonder that peeps take an extreme view of soccer fans. I don't blame them for it. These thugs are just morons. There is NO defense for their behaviour. NONE.

You should be able, im not defending it. But right now it is like that and if the people in charge dont do anything to change it, it just wont change.
People (mainly in Europe) use sports not only to enjoy the game, they use it to support some political views, some hate towards another people, etc. Its not only with football, the reason its mainly seen here is because of the popularity of the sport. Watch some basketball game between greek, croatian, serbian teams and you will see that its not only a football problem.
Arch Stanton;3461919 said:
Why shouldn't I be able to go to a soccer match without fearing for my life? I want to go watch a freaking SPORT. I gave up going to matches because of the violence. But it shouldn't come to that. Physically attacking folks that want to watch a game is illegal.

It's no wonder that peeps take an extreme view of soccer fans. I don't blame them for it. These thugs are just morons. There is NO defense for their behaviour. NONE.

That's like judging Football fans as all trash based on a few idiots in Philly

Soccer violence at the stadium is actually pretty rare most places, the groups that do fight tend to do so mostly amongst them selves far away from the stadiums where security is pretty tight.

There are some places where it's completely out of control like Argentina but i assure you a normal game in say Europe is as safe if not safer then most sporting events in the US
Soccer is wack.

Football players could play soccer, but soccer players couldn't play football.

World cup is lucky that Adrian Peterson, Larry Fitzgerald, Darrell Revis, Andre Johnson, etc didn't start kicking a sissy ball around when they were children - or they wouldn't dominate that **** too.

Reminds me of the Chris Rock standup bit about LeBron playing hockey.
Cythim;3460560 said:
It isn't as great as the classic logo you mention but it is much better than the blue and gold they came out with in the late '90s.

well thank you for making me want to vomit....ugh
I think soccer would do great in Philly and Oakland....those fans are the rioting type......
Apollo Creed;3462091 said:
Soccer is wack.

Football players could play soccer, but soccer players couldn't play football.

World cup is lucky that Adrian Peterson, Larry Fitzgerald, Darrell Revis, Andre Johnson, etc didn't start kicking a sissy ball around when they were children - or they wouldn't dominate that **** too.

Reminds me of the Chris Rock standup bit about LeBron playing hockey.

Lol dude, football is not just about running around. You just showed how ignorant you are, none of those players would be able to be an elite football star unless they train to be one and then MAYBE they would. Its like saying that Tyson or Kimbo would have been the best in nfl, total different sports for different athletes.
Dont hate a sport just because you dont understand it and its more popular by far than yours.
MartinRamone;3462250 said:
Lol dude, football is not just about running around. You just showed how ignorant you are, none of those players would be able to be an elite football star unless they train to be one and then MAYBE they would. Its like saying that Tyson or Kimbo would have been the best in nfl, total different sports for different athletes.
Dont hate a sport just because you dont understand it and its more popular by far than yours.
Yeah, there are a lot of better reasons to hate soccer. Go with those great reasons and you never go wrong.

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