Not even remotely true. Every year one person is "reported" killed by sharks. There are tens of thousands of miles of coastline that have no reports for villagers killed by sharks.
There are shark attacks all the time on the coasts of Texas. It NEVER makes the media. Local economies depend on it too much for there to be an panic by potential tourists should the frequency of attacks be reported in the media.
For instance, in 2001 I was living in Port Aransas doing research at UTMSI and taking classes there as well. Another student ended up dating an EMT and he personally responded to a pair of shark attacks in the Corpus area that year. I doubt you could find any word of that anywhere unless you went and dug up hospital admittance records. Nobody is going to divulge that information if they don't have to.
I've flown over the Texas beaches more than a dozen times in small aircraft ranging from a T-Crate, Cesna 170-B, Queen Air, King Air, Baron, and a Citation. On two of those flights in the 170-B going to and from San Antonio to SPI, we flew low over the beaches just to look at the people around Port A and SPI.
You would be shocked to see how many sharks there are within a few dozen meters of the last sandbar of the Texas beaches.